Office requisition forms are documents which are intended to be used by companies to inform, record, and process a formal request within the company. The form will state the details of the request as well as the general information of the requestor. Without an office requisition form, a company will not be able to have detailed descriptions such as the exact quantity and item type which are necessary for catering to the requests.
What Is an Office Requisition Form Template?
An office requisition form template is a document which already has a layout and accompanying content suggestions to be considered by the document-preparer of the company or the user of the requisition form. The template allows the user to have ideas on what the layout and arrangement of the contents should be and what pieces of data and information must be included in the form.
Office Requisition Form Sample
Types of Office Requisition Form Templates
Below are some of the common types of office requisition forms which can be used by companies and organizations:
Diagnostics Office Panel Expand Requisition Form – This form is composed of two pages which collects the details of the involved diagnostics patient and the item to be requested by the authorized staff for the patient. The first page of this type of requisition form documents the patient’s information, the description or the details of the ordering entity and its report distribution, the ordering checklist, the test selection, and the authorization of the laboratory committee. In the second page of the form, the name of the patient and the chosen payment option of the authorized office ordering entity will be stated along with the insurance information and a general authorization statement to be signed by the patient. Furthermore, the form is also accompanied by an informed consent form for patients who are still minors and will be participating in the diagnostics procedure.
Diagnostics Office Panel Expand Requisition Form
Intraoffice Requisition Form – The business administration office of a company will be the one who will be keeping records of the original and approved intraoffice requisition forms. Basically, the form will state the details of the vendor whom the company has transacted with to acquire the requested items as well as the shipping preferences of the requestor, and the descriptions of the items. One benefit of using this type of form is that it can be used for documenting the transactions made by the company from three different vendors. This allows comparisons to be done with ease especially in terms of determining which vendor offers lesser price for the same cost and quality of the requested item.
Intraoffice Requisition Form
Office Expenditure Requisition Form – The purpose of this form is to document the specific details and information about the products or items to be purchased and catered by the company for its requesting office. One of the most important parts of this form is the justification section which will serve as the area where the requesting office personnel can state his reasons why he needs the items as well as where the items are to be used. The justification of the personnel should be eligible or must meet the requirements of the company in lieu of requesting for funds and items. Moreover, the form has four sections wherein the first section is allotted for the requestor’s details and justification, the second section is for the description of the requested products or services, while the third section is for the vendor information, and the last section is where the approval of the company will be indicated.
Office Expenditure Requisition Form
Office Position Requisition Form – Not only goods or items can be requested using an office requisition form but also in requesting for a new job position for the company. The type of requisition form to use for this purpose is known as the office position requisition form. Eight sections of the form will have to be completed by the requesting party while the last section will need to be filled out by the appropriate departments of the company such as the HR, the cabinet members, and the requisition approver.
Office Position Requisition Form
How to Create an Office Supply Requisition Form
An office supply requisition form is another type or variety of requisition form which is used by companies to file requests. To create this type of form, the steps below must be followed:
Step 1: Decide on the type of file format to utilize and open its corresponding software application program.
There are three main formats to choose from. If the preferred final file format is in PDF or DOC, then the application program which should be used must be a word-processing software application program while an XLS or excel sheet formatted form can be made using a spreadsheet program.
Step 2: Create the header of the form.
The header of the form will be where the name of the company be stated along with the company’s address, contact number, and an area for the reference number of the form.
Step 3: Make an area for the requestor’s details.
The requestor’s name, the date of the requisition, the name of the office or department, and the date when the items are to be used will be the details to collect in this part of the form.
Step 4: Add rows and columns for the description of the request.
There should be four columns and a minimum of five number of rows to document the item number, description, quantity, and price.
Step 5: Place a signature block and save the form.
The signature block is intended for the signature of the requisition approval committee and it must have an area for the date when the form was signed. Furthermore, upon saving the form, its filename should be accurately based on its type to easily locate the form in the device where it will be used or filled out by the company and its members.
Office Supply Requisition Form
Reviewing the form should also be done prior to printing it out to be used physically. And lastly, the form should be updated regularly or whenever there are changes in the company’s requisition procedures and requirements.