In any competitive industry, applicants are not only striving to get high-ranking companies to hire them but the corporations themselves are also trying to recruit reliable and talented workers for their respective teams. Companies are applying strategies in their recruitment process to select qualified candidates among a crowd of job applicants. That is why using job application forms are excellent screening tools in gathering accurate details from applicants. If you are part of the recruitment team, you need to create job application forms effectively. Read further in this article to know more about these formal documents.
What are Job Application Forms?
Job applications are the official forms employers give their job applicants to fill out. These formal forms are either filled out by paper or online. Employers often use this form than job application letters and resumes. It provides applicants with a consistent set of questions to answer regarding the position they are applying to. A simple job application form usually requires applicants to fill out their personal information and employment history.
Purpose of Job Application Forms
Job application forms are also known as employment application forms. Companies often use this type of document to ensure that they have collected accurate data from their applicants. Application forms are different from resumes. The former are more tailored to a company’s requirements while resumes can be sent to multiple employers or hiring managers. By using application forms, employers will have a uniform and more professional data collection.
FREE 10+ Sample New Job Application Forms in PDF | MS Word | Excel
To have a glimpse of these professional documents, we listed a few sample job application forms that you can freely and conveniently download. These samples are available for editing in file formats like PDF and DOC. Take a look at these templates and use them as references.
1. Application Form for New Employment
2. Standard Job Application Form
3. Generic New Job Application Form
4. Sample Employment Application Form
5. New Employment Application Form
6. Short Employment Application Form
7. Sample Job Application Form
8. Printable New Job Application Form
9. Simple Employment/Job Application Form
10. Job Application Form Template
11. New Job Employment Application Forms
Types of New Job Applications
There are various types of job application forms that applicants use. Listed below are some of the widely used application forms.
1. Printed Job Application Forms: This type of application form is suitable for a walk-in or a scheduled applicant. The document is also known as a paper job application. Even though applicants provide their potential employers with a resume and a cover letter, they will still give these applicants the job forms per policy. Just like an employee registration, this form will hold the applicant’s personal information for easy tracking and selecting of the qualified candidates.
2. Online Job Application Forms: An online application is not unusual in today’s industry. Employers can freely post their job application forms on different websites—on their official company site or on job boards. Using online application forms are also convenient for both the company and the applicant. It still has the same format and content that a printable application form has.
3. Email Job Application Forms: Just like an online application form, sending job applications via email is never foreign. The difference with these documents is that the company’s HR department will directly receive an applicant’s email job application form than when using online job board websites.
How to Create a Job Application Form
1. Be Familiar with Your Business
For you to create job application forms effectively, you need to be familiar with your business first. You must know what qualifications and specifications do your company need for a potential employee. What positions are open? Does your company accept applicants with relevant experience or not? Know your business and it will guide you on the things you need for an application form.
2. Decide on a Format
There are different formats in creating application forms. Some use tables, and others use a fill-in-the-blank format. It is up to you on how you want your forms to look. Just bear in mind that it has to be in an organized manner for your applicants’ convenience. You can always use sample job application forms downloadable online. These documents are perfect references on how your forms should look. You can freely use the provided templates in this article.
3. Think of the Essential Details You Need
You must decide on the questions you need your applicants to answer. Think of a professional resume when creating your application formats—it is like an employee profile. Your job applications must have the applicant’s personal information, educational background, employment history, the date they filled out the form, and the position they are applying for. These details are the typical things a job application has. Some companies add the job candidate’s qualifications and character references. This way, you can quickly identify who are the top qualifying applicants for the work position.
4. Include an Information Verification
To certify that the applicants filled out accurate information, add a verification section after all the filled out boxes. Signing this section will attest that the applicants presented precise information about themselves. If you are posting your job applications online, you may provide your job applicants a checkbox to confirm that they have given complete and accurate information.
5. Print or Post
After finalizing your job application forms, you may start printing them. You can also use an online application form for both parties’ convenience. Companies using online job application forms are increasing nowadays. But you can always set aside a printed copy of your application forms in your office in case you have walk-in applicants for the day. Make sure you have proofread your application forms before printing or posting to avoid any misinformation.
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