name change forms

A name change formĀ is a document which should be used by an individual who will be changing his name or identification to keep the records of an organization and company accurate. Along with the completed name change form, the requestor of the name change or the user of the form should be able to submit the requirements to prove that his name was changed legally and that his claims are true.

Types of Name Change Forms

Below are some of the common types of name change forms that organizations, groups, and companies can use:

Attorney Name Change Request Form – This form is only suitable to be used by licensed attorneys who have registered in the State’s bar membership records. In the form, the attorney will need to disclose his State bar identification number, his former name which had been listed in the records, the name that he prefers to use afterward, the reason for the name change, and his signature. After disclosing the necessary data, the attorney must return the form to the membership department who will be updating his record information.

Attorney Name Change Request Form

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  • PDF

Size: 76 KB


Automated Name Change Form – One benefit of using this form is that it is easy to fill out, print, and reset the entries since it is automated. Moreover, the form has three sections which need to be completed by the user or the requestor. The first section is for documenting the user’s identification and registration information. On the other hand, the second section collects the name change information of the user while the last section is for the mailing instructions for sending the completed and signed form.

Automated Name Change Form

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  • PDF

Size: 233 KB


Club Name Change Request Form – Clubs can prepare this form type for their members or affiliated groups in order to document and begin the process of changing a group’s name and information for accurate documentation. Specifically, a club name change request form contains three sections to be filled out along with an additional sheet which will list and define the rules and limitations to be observed by the affiliated groups when changing their information. Furthermore, the first section is where the group’s representative can state the previous name of the group, its 6-digit group number and district, and the new name of the group. In addition, the succeeding sections present the requirements to be fulfilled by the group upon submitting the name change request form, and the signature of its president.

Club Name Change Request Form

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  • PDF

Size: 86 KB


Financial Aid Name Change Form – Financial aid providers, banks, insurance providers, and investment companies are the ones who will be needing this type of name change form. The information to disclose and document in this form type would be the account details of the user along with his former and new names, the signature of the user to certify and affirm his new name, and the contact information of the user.

Financial Aid Name Change Form

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  • PDF

Size: 449 KB


Legal Name Change Correction Request Form – There are circumstances when a name needs to be corrected, specifically due to misspelled words. For this, a legal name change correction request form will have to be used by the individual who wants to mandate corrections and changes in his name as recorded in the data of the organization. The name and identification number of the requestor will be indicated in the first section of the form along with the new corrected name and the status of the requestor in the institution or organization. The required documentation or paperwork to be submitted by the requestor for a name change will be stated in the second section while requirements for name corrections are enlisted in the third section of the form. Then, the requestor must affix his signature on the allotted area with the date when he signed the form, and submit the form to the office to process the request.

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Size: 186 KB


Name Change Form FAQs

When should a name change form be used?

The most common event where a name change form is used is after a marital union happens to a member of the organization where the member’s name will need to be changed due to the marriage. On the other hand, divorce and adoptions are also some of the events wherein the name change form will be used after.

Name Change Form Sample

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Size: 52 KB


License Name Change Form

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Size: 114 KB


What documents are to be submitted along with the name change form?

The required documents depend on the organization whom the requestor will submit the name change form to. Nevertheless, the basic documents which are often required include the requestor’s social security card, marriage certificate form, and driver’s license.

Marriage Name Change Petition Form

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Size: 72 KB


Name and Address Change Form

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  • PDF

Size: 134 KB


Name and Identification Change Form

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  • PDF

Size: 34 KB


Name and Social Security Number Change Form

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  • PDF

Size: 134 KB


Name Change Form Tips

Take note of the tips below when using and creating a name change form:

Tip #1: Use a template.

A template will ease the process of creating the form as compared to preparing drafts and finalizing what arrangements and layout preferences will be incorporated into the form. In addition, using templates also provide ideas to the document-preparer and user of what other data or information should be collected in the form, and what will be omitted or be removed from the template due to its unsuitability.

Name Change Affidavit Form

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  • PDF

Size: 672 KB


Name Change and Record Update Form

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Size: 283 KB


Tip #2: Prepare the requirements.

For users of the form, the requirements should be prepared before starting to fill out the form’s entry fields. The reason for this is to avoid delaying the process of the request due to the need to obtain the documents to prove the validity and accuracy of the changes.

Name Change Request Form

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  • PDF

Size: 46 KB


Official Name Change Form

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  • PDF

Size: 103 KB


Tip #3: Review and recheck.

After filling out the name change form, the user or requestor must review and recheck the contents and data of the form to ensure that every entry field is filled out with the right answer or information.

Organization Name and Address Change Form

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  • PDF

Size: 31 KB


Publisher Name Change Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 154 KB


University Student Name Change Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 49 KB


Company Name Change Form

File Format
  • MS Word

Size: 64 KB


And lastly, the completed name change form should be kept by the organization who will process the name change request along with the other information forms and request documents of the user, member, or requestor. Moreover, the name change form should be treated with privacy and confidentiality, and must not be given or be presented to an unauthorized third-party or group without the consent of the name change requestor.

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