motorcycle bill of sale forms

A motorcycle bill of sale form is a type of document which is to be used by motorcycle dealers and sellers to record the sale and purchase of a motorcycle to a buyer. In the form, the details of the motorcycle buyer and the seller, as well as the descriptions of the motorcycle which is the subject of the sale will be stated. Additionally, the form will also be used for proving that the buyer is the new holder and owner of the motorcycle.

How to Create a Basic Motorcycle Bill of Sale Form

Follow the steps below to begin creating a motorcycle bill of sale form:

Step 1: State the title of the form.

The title should be placed as the first element of the form in the top-center portion. Below the title can be the document reference number which will be used by the agency who will record the bill of sale.

Step 2: Define the intent or purpose of the form.

The intent should be in a statement which will include the purchase price of the motorcycle and the name of the buyer.

Step 3: Describe the motorcycle.

In this part of the form, every detail which will describe the motorcycle should be stated such as the motorcycle’s license number, vehicle identification number or VIN registration number, make and model year, and the body type of the motorcycle.

Step 4: Identify the seller.

The name of the seller and his address should be disclosed in the form as well. Moreover, the statement which indicates the seller’s acknowledgment for the motorcycle’s odometer reading should also be included and must state the actual odometer measurement.

Step 5: Add a notarization and signature block.

This section should have an acknowledgment statement to be signed by the involved parties and a notary public.

And lastly, the form should be saved after creating it. However, if it is a template intended to be created, then the areas which indicate specific data of the motorcycle, the seller and buyer, and the sale should be replaced with underlines or placeholders to allow the future user in filling out the form with his own information.

Motorcycle Bill of Sale Form Sample

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Size: 95 KB


DMV Motorcycle Bill of Sale Form

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Size: 575 KB


Motorcycle Bill of Sale Form FAQs

Can a motorcycle bill of sale form be used to register a motorcycle’s new ownership?

A motorcycle bill of sale form can be used for registering the new ownership, however, it will not be the only document to submit to prove that the ownership of the motorcycle has been transferred to the buyer. Specifically, the seller must register the motorcycle with the buyer, and they must provide a signed ownership transfer document as well as other legal forms as required by the State.

Does a motorcycle bill of sale form need to be notarized?

The requirement of whether or not to notarize a bill of sale form depends on the laws regulated by the State. Nevertheless, notarizing a bill of sale can be done for validating and to prove that the form had been reviewed and assessed by the State’s licensed notary public.

Motorcycle Bill of Sale and Seller’s Certificate Form

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Size: 640 KB


Should a motorcycle bill of sale form have an odometer reading?

Yes. The purpose of the odometer reading is to provide additional information to the buyer about the general value and the usage of the motorcycle.

Where to get a motorcycle bill of sale form?

A motorcycle bill of sale form can be obtained from the agency office of the State that deals with matters and keep records of vehicle ownership and sale agreements such as the Department of Motor Vehicles. Another way to get a motorcycle bill of sale form is to look up the form online and search for templates which can be downloaded and be used easily.

Is a motorcycle bill of sale form legally binding?

Yes. A motorcycle bill of sale form is a legally binding document just like other types of bill of sale forms. This is why it is essential that the involved parties will not take the agreement or the terms in the form lightly since they will be legally obligated to carry out every role and responsibility defined in the form.

Motorcycle Bill of Sale Deed Form

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Size: 122 KB


Motorcycle Bill of Sale Form in DOC

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Size: 4 KB


Motorcycle Bill of Sale Form Tips

Either the user of the form is the buyer or the seller of the motorcycle, he must take note of the tips below:

  • Ensure accuracy: For a seller, he must ensure that the contact information of the buyer is accurate and that the buyer is not claiming another person’s identity. For the buyer, he must inspect the motorcycle to identify whether or not the claims of the seller regarding the motorcycle’s condition and descriptions are true. In addition, both parties should also review the contents of the bill of sale to make sure that each part of the form is exactly based on the negotiated and agreed terms.
  • Seek the guidance of a legal attorney: A legal attorney will be able to provide further information and details which should be incorporated into the bill of sale. Moreover, the attorney will also be able to guide both parties of what they must submit along with the bill of sale form to the State in order to efficiently record and update the ownership of the sold motorcycle.
  • Edit the template: If a template is chosen and used rather than the State-provided bill of sale form, then it is important that the user of the template will customize the contents of the template to fit the requirements of the State in lieu of making and using legal forms. The template should then be saved in a format which allows future edits to be done after it is customized.

Motorcycle Bill of Sale Notice Form

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Size: 24 KB


Motorcycle Even-Trade Bill of Sale Form

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Size: 439 KB


To conclude, the motorcycle bill of sale form is important and must be created or be used with the adept knowledge of the rules and regulations of the State where the sale will be conducted. And after the completion of the form, a duplicate copy must be made which should be distributed and must be kept by the parties of the sale or the buyer and the seller.

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