residential agreement

Not all the families or individuals can afford to stay on rent for a long time by signing a long-term standard residential lease agreement. Tenants may prefer to rent a property every month, and there may be a lot of reasons behind that. This rental process is highly used among students and working individuals and also some families that help them in renting a place for a month. This process is carried out by a lease agreement known as a month-to-month lease agreement.

What is a Month-to-Month Residential Lease Agreement?

A rental agreement that is based on the idea of a month-to-month tenancy is known as a month-to-month residential lease agreement. It can be considered similar to a standard lease agreement, but the only difference is that it allows a tenant to rent a property every month that does not follow any particular end date.

Sometimes, it can be said that it is helpful in situations where tenants or the landlord cannot commit to long-term lease agreements, for instance, they might keep on moving from one place to another and cannot afford to stay in rent with a long-term residential lease agreement. But if this kind of structure provides such extra flexibility, it also means that the rental payment may be slightly higher than the usual standard agreement.

Important Terms to Include in a Month-to-Month Lease Agreement

A standard month-to-month lease agreement must consist of the following sections, and that must be explained in detail.

Landlord, Tenant and Property Address

  • Basic details of the landlord and the tenant must be provided, and the correct address of the property that is involved in the agreement must also be given.

Lease Terms

  • The terms and conditions that have to be agreed upon by the parties that are involved in the agreement must be laid down and explained properly.

Lease Payments

  • All the information related to the payments like the rent, security deposits, and other added deposits must be mentioned in this section.

Utilities and Service

  • This section must lay out the utilities and the services that will be provided by the property and the landlord after the agreement has been made.

Information Regarding Pets

  • Whether the tenant has a pet or not, and if yes, then what are the rules and regulations that have to be followed by the tenant.

Governing Law

  • The state laws, along with several governing laws under which the agreement has been made, have to be provided in the form for the convenience of the reader.

Noise, Parking

  • The agreement can also contain information regarding the noise and to maintain a disciplined decorum in the premises. You can also mention about the parking facility that will be provided in the property.

Additional Terms and Conditions

  • In case there are any additional terms and conditions, make sure to include them as well to make it clear to the readers and determine every aspect of the agreement.


  • The agreement can only be executed after all the parties that are involved in the agreement put their signatures along with the date after going thoroughly through the whole agreement and comply with all the terms and conditions.

3+ Month-to-Month Residential Lease Agreement in PDF | DOC

1. Month-to-Month Residential Lease Agreement

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  • PDF

Size: 54.6 KB


In case you did not have a chance to build a month-to-month residential lease agreement form before, we’re listing down some of the most important details that you may need to ask and disclose in your agreement. This type of agreement can be used while renting a property monthly that will keep on getting renewed once every month.

It can serve as a reference purpose for you in case you are planning to apply for a month-to-month rent and going to need to make a month-to-month residential lease agreement to execute that. The template will provide all the important information starting from the details about the property, contact details of the landlord and tenant, terms and the conditions, financial information like the rent and security deposits and other clauses that have to be agreed by the parties involved and provide the signatures.

2. Monthly Residential Lease Agreement

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  • PDF

Size: 350.2 KB


A basic month-to-month lease rental agreement form outlines the terms of the lease, such as the rental amount and security deposit and it should also include the landlord and the responsibilities of the tenant. There is specific content presented in month-to-month rental agreements that may vary by state and the other standard residential lease agreement. Some of these important content is presented in this template that you go through after download.

3. Month to Month Residential Lease Agreement Example

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Size: 180.7 KB


The given template can serve as a perfect example for you in case you are planning to prepare a month-to-month tenant lease agreement. A periodic tenancy in which the tenant rents from the property owner one month at a time is referred to as a month-to-month tenancy. This template delivers a perfect month-to-month rental agreement that lays out the required details in a well-ordered manner.

4. Residential Property Lease Agreement Form

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  • DOC

Size: 10.4 KB


The given template deals with a professionally prepared blank residential lease agreement form laying out all the required information in a simple yet standard manner. You can make use of it instantly after download it as it is completely editable and customizable. It also consists of a table that will provide the rent, security deposits, and other payments that have to be paid. It is a lengthy form that will make you understand every term that is required in a month-to-month rental agreement.

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