military letter of recommendation forms

Military letter of recommendation forms are documents which must be filled out by individuals who are requested to be recommenders of military applicants. The form will allow the recommender to state his thoughts and observations about the applicant’s skills, abilities, and eligibility for a spot in the military.

Types of Military Letter of Recommendation Forms

There can be different types of military letter of recommendation forms that organization or company recommenders and military institutions can use. Below are some of the most common types of military letter of recommendation forms which are specifically intended for different purposes:

Military Academy Nomination Letter of Recommendation Form – This is the type of letter of recommendation form which must be created to be sent to a recommender. The purpose of the letter is to inform the recommender about the nomination for an awarding event that a military academy will be conducting. In the letter, the recommender will be able to know about the importance of his recommendation letter as well as the relevant contents that he must disclose in the letter that he will be sending. Moreover, the method and rules to be followed in order to send or submit the letter will also be stated in the form such as the submission deadline and the email address of the academy.

Military Academy Nomination Letter of Recommendation Form

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Size: 175 KB


Military Letter of Recommendation FAQs Form – The objective of a military letter of recommendation FAQs form is simply to present the frequently asked questions and its corresponding answers to the reader or the user of the form. Questions regarding the eligibility of the recipient and the sender of the recommendation letter are included as well as the procedures to be followed to get the letter. In addition, the form also contains an example of a military letter of recommendation that the user can consider using as a guide as he makes one. The example is based on the criteria and the preference of the military institution or organization who will be the recipient of the letter.

Military Letter of Recommendation FAQs Form

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Military Letter of Recommendation Instructions Form – This is another type of military letter of recommendation form that the recommender can use as his guide just like the aforementioned FAQs form. However, the difference between the two is its range of information wherein the instructions form have more details since it contains every piece of information to be known by the recommender. The types of information to be disclosed by recommender will be indicated in the form as well as the timing preference in sending the form, the required contents of the letter, and some tips that the recommender must take note.

Military Letter of Recommendation Instructions Form

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Size: 322 KB


Essential Contents of Military Letter of Recommendation Form

A military letter of recommendation form which is intended to inform an organization about the performance of an individual and his eligibility for the position or role that he is applying for must have the following contents:

  • Introduction statement: This statement in the letter should both provide the general information of the subject and the recommender. Specifically, the recommender must disclose his name and his eligibility to recommend the subject or the individual identified in the letter. In addition, the individual’s interest in the application and in the program that he is applying for should also be indicated in the statement.
  • Descriptions of the subject’s tasks and responsibilities: Recommenders are the ones who have worked with the subject for a specific number of months or years. This is why the recommender must state the tasks and the responsibilities that the subject was required to meet during the period of their partnership. Moreover, the recommender must also indicate the awards and recognition that the subject acquired in lieu of effectively and efficiently completing the tasks given to him.
  • Evaluation and justification: In this part of the form, the recommender should indicate what he had evaluated based on his partnership and observation of the subject. The evaluation must also be accompanied by the recommender’s reasons and justifications as to why he will strongly support and recommend the subject.
  • Closing remarks: This is the last part of the body of the letter which is then followed by the signature block for the recommender’s name and signature. Furthermore, this part or statement should conclude the recommender’s intent in sending the letter along with his the disclosure of his contact information in the event that the organization would want to reach out to him to inquire, validate, and verify his claims or data in the letter.

Military Letter of Recommendation Sample Template

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Size: 12 KB


Military Letter of Recommendation Form Tips

The tips below will aid document-preparers and users of military letter of recommendation forms to know what must be done in order to effectively make, fill out, and submit the form to its recipient or to a military institution:

Retain an electronic copy of the letter

The copy of the letter of recommendation can be used as a template or a guide for future needs wherein a letter will have to be created again. However, the template’s contents must be updated or be changed whenever making a letter to ensure that the contents suit the purpose of the recommendation.

Go beyond the curriculum vitae of the student or the applicant

The statements and disclosures in the recommendation letter should not be limited to the items which are included in the applicant’s curriculum vitae or resume. Most importantly, claims to be stated in the letter should also have accompanying proof or justifications.

Add a professional letterhead

The letterhead must have the name of the institution or the organization whom the recommender is working and assigned in. It must have a simple and professional design and must be placed at the header of the form.

Fillable Military Letter of Recommendation Form in DOC

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Size: 3 KB


General Military Letter of Recommendation Sample

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Size: 3 KB


And lastly, a military letter of recommendation letter form should be reviewed after it is created. This is to ensure that the necessary information and the requirements will be met. Furthermore, the document should also be enclosed in an envelope if it is to be sent physically by the applicant or student to the recipient of the letter.

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