In every country and in every company, there are different compensation and benefits packages that an employee is privileged to acquire once he signs an employment contract. The varieties of benefits differ on the type of employment or job position the employee has, as well as his marital status and his needs towards his health condition. One of the common employment privileges that only a few employees can obtain are allowances that the company will provide, specifically a maternity allowance for female employees who are in their pregnancy phase.
Social Security Maternity Allowance Claim Form
What Are Maternity Allowance Forms?
Maternity allowance forms are documents which are to be used by a female employee who is pregnant and has met the requirements of the State with regards to attaining a maternity benefit. These types of documents are specifically for gathering the personal information of the female or the pregnant worker. However, not only are those who are employed under a company can obtain a maternity allowance but also those who are self-employed or are running their own companies. The allowance that the self-employed pregnant women can acquire will come from the State itself or the country who offers the same employed benefit to her.
Types of Maternity Allowance Forms
When it comes to choosing what type of maternity allowance form to use, the employee must determine what her required process and main intentions are since there are only two different types under this form category. The first type is a maternity allowance application form. This form is suitable to be used by the pregnant employee for her to be able to apply for the maternity allowance benefit. The form will collect her basic details and employment information which will be used for distinguishing her eligibility for the allowance application.
The second type of maternity allowance form is a maternity allowance claim form. This is for those who have already applied for the allowance benefit and have been granted by the State or the company with an approval for her application. In the form, the pregnant employee will have to indicate the dates of her expected labor as well as her earnings information and other relevant details to determine when the allowance will be given to her and how much she will be receiving.
Maternity Allowance Application Form
How to Complete a Maternity Allowance Application Form
Completing a maternity allowance application form is easy especially if there are instructions and labels incorporated in the document itself. Nonetheless, the steps below will guide any employee and employer who plans to complete a maternity allowance application form:
Step 1: Look for the sections which should be filled out by the employee and the employer. In a maternity allowance application form, the employee is not the only party who will be needing to complete the form but also her employer or the company that she is associated with. By scanning the document, the employee will be informed about which sections are allotted for her information and which should be left blank for her employer to fill in.
Step 2: Complete the applicant information section. The applicant information or the applicant’s general information section is where the pregnant employee’s data will be collected. This is also the first section of the form. In this section, the employee must state her full legal name, date of birth, social security number, marital status, residential address along with the names of her court-appointed legal guardian.
Step 3: Enlist the names of the children. If the employee already has a child or children in her family, then she must enlist her children’s names with their individual dates of births. Other variations of the application form also require the employee to state the birth arrangements of her children ranging from the youngest birth up to the oldest child.
Step 4: Fill in the period of insurance information section. Even if a woman or an employee have stayed within a specific span of time in a particular country, she still needs to meet the country’s or the State’s eligibility requirement especially those which focus on her residency. This is in the period of insurance information section of the form, the employee must indicate the number of years of her residency in the State and the countries wherein she stayed for a longer period during her pregnancy. Additionally, if the employee had a former employer outside in other locations or State, then she must also disclose the contact information of her employer in this section of the form.
Step 5: Disclose the employment details. The employee’s employment information is an essential factor that the State and the company will consider for determining her allowance coverage. For this, the employee should disclose every bit of information about her previous employers including their company names, addresses, and office phone numbers. The worker’s compensation that the employee received from each employer is also required to be disclosed as part of her employment details.
Once completed, the employee should submit the form to her company and let the management complete the rest of the empty sections. Some of the information to be filled out by the management are the details of the employee’s job, her wage information, the type of employment contract that she signed prior to getting hired in the company, and even the account information to be used for sending the allowance amount.
Maternity Allowance Claim Form
Significant Sections in a Maternity Allowance Claim Form
Some companies and organizations prefer to use their own documentation for their employees which is why the following sections are enlisted to ensure that companies will be able to cater all the relevant information of their pregnant employees who are eligible for obtaining a maternity pay and allowance:
Work information – Aside from the basic information of the employee, her work information must also be catered in the form. This includes the details of her involvement in the company, he acquired salary amount, as well as an indication of whether she was employed by the company when she was confirmed pregnant by her physician.
Test period – When a woman is pregnant, she will have to undergo a series of exams and tests that she needs to fulfill to ensure that her pregnancy is safe and that her baby will be delivered on time. The information to be stated in the test period section of the form will focus on the dates of the tests that the employee has taken and will be taking for her pregnancy.
Benefit information – This section of the form centers on acknowledging the other benefits that the employee is entitled and is currently receiving in addition to the maternity allowance. Benefits ranging from child support up to the State’s pension should be disclosed in this section.
Account information – This s where the employee will indicate the account that she will be used to obtain the allowance and if she is acquiring the allowance directly to her account or from the account of the company through her monthly compensation.
Declaration statement – If there are other pieces of information which are not catered in the fields of the allowance claim form, the employee will be able to enlist those in this section.
Documents to Enclose into a Maternity Allowance Form
To apply and claim a maternity allowance benefit, an employee is required to fulfill not only the fields of the maternity allowance forms but also the required documents to serve as a proof for the employee’s claim. Below are some of the known documents that pregnant employees will have to submit along with their completed maternity allowance forms:
- Identification cards and family record books – Some companies and States require their pregnant employees or applying employees to submit a duplicate of their legal identification cards while some require the submission of the identification cards of the employee’s guardian, specifically her mother. Nonetheless, both of these cards are necessary for proving the employee’s claims about herself. Also, the information about her mother or her guardian is useful especially for verifying their family records and backgrounds.
- Birth certificate – A birth certificate form is important to be provided by the applying employee especially if she has children. The birth certificate is another instrument which will prove her eligibility for the allowance privilege.
- Medical certificate – Another type of certificate that the applying employee must submit is a medical certificate form which is provided by her physician who administered the tests and examinations to her. The medical certificate form must clearly confirm her pregnancy along with the length of days or months before she will be going into labor.
Although there are a lot of documentation and different procedures to be completed by the applying employee, obtaining the maternity allowance is a preferable option rather than relying merely on the salary that a company provides. Nevertheless, the company who is processing the request of their employees as well as using the information of their employees should always ensure that the data and records are kept private, and will only be provided to the authorized personnel who have relevant roles in completing the procedure.