An individual may run a company as the owner or the boss; however, without a manager, a company can be risky to handle and will fall into a slope in the industry. The importance of having a manager for every department or for the human resource department of the company is that a manager is the one who’s obligated and is responsible for opening and solidifying a relationship between the management and the company’s employees. Employee retention difficulties as well as promoting employee engagement activities are two of the common concerns that will arise in a company if a manager is not hired. With this, specific documents are used for screening and determining a job candidate’s abilities and skills in catering the company’s needs. Two forms that are significantly used for managers include manager job application forms and review forms.
Fast-food Restaurant Employment Application Form
What Is a Manager Job Application and Review Form?
Manager job applications and review forms are documents that are used by companies to finalize and hire personnel for their managerial positions. With this, the application form must be provided to the applicants who aim to apply for a managerial position during the job application period of the company. The completed form will then undergo a review phase wherein the hiring staff will be able to determine if the entries of the applicant are suitable for the position that he is aiming for. In order to accompany the interviewer through the applicant screening process, a review form filled out by the hiring staff’s comments and feedback about the applicant is attached or enclosed with the applicant’s form, resume, as well as his cover letter.
Fixed Term Contract Annual Review Form
On the other hand, a manager review form is also used whenever there is a need for the company to conduct manager evaluation and assessment procedures to improve their business. This allows the company to document their assessments and distinguish if the manager or the employee has been showing any progress or significant changes that affects the department that he is tasked to handle.
Office Manager Job Application Form
Examples of Manager Job Application and Review Forms
There are three common types of management levels that are observed in corporate companies namely the low-level, middle-level, and the top-level management. The low-level management managers are responsible for supervising the employees of the company. The middle-level management managers are expected as the individuals who mandate the policies and assure that organizational plans are conducted properly. Lastly, top-level management managers control and suggest the plans that are appropriate to address the concerns of the company. This is why it is essential to know what varieties of documents must be used for each managerial position. Below are the examples of manager job applications and review forms that companies can prepare for their management:
- Office Manager Job Application Form – This application form allows the applicant to disclose not only his general information but also the training courses and licenses that he acquired related to managing offices and companies. The form also contains areas that will cater the applicant’s hobbies, interests, and qualities that are suitable for being an office manager. Since it is significant that the company will protect their applicants and affiliates, this application form has a section at the end of the document allotted for indicating the state’s data protection act and a statement of how the company will use the information of the applicant for their job application procedure.
- Senior Manager Employment Application Form – Just like any other application form, this must be submitted along with the applicant’s resume or curriculum vitae document. This form contains nine sections that will aid the employer to choose their preferred candidate to be their company’s senior manager. The first section of the form is for determining the type of job that the candidate is applying which will be followed by the second section allotted for the candidate’s personal information such as his passport and work permit identification numbers. The third section centers on the candidate’s contact numbers, addresses, preferred language to use, and the names of authorized representatives or correspondents who will be contacted in events of emergencies. The succeeding sections are for the qualifications, work experience, disciplinary and criminal records of the candidate. Lastly, the candidate must provide a set of contacts for his references and must affix his signature on the declaration statement which certifies that he provided facts and true information on the application form.
- General Manager Performance Review Form – Most companies conduct employee review procedures on a regular or monthly basis in order for them to know the concerns and address resolutions for a more effective business. Nonetheless, the company must use specific review forms for each of the job titles that their employees have such as manager performance review forms for employees in the managerial positions. This type of form will primarily have the name of the company’s general manager along with the number of years he worked in the company, the number of years that he is working under his job title, and the review period or assessment dates that he will be taking. The form has a table that will allow the reviewer to state his ratings about the manager’s ability to perform his tasks and duties, lead his team, as well as mandate the policies in the company. The total points that the manager acquired from the reviewer will be gathered and analyzed to determine what steps would be better to improve and help the manager in his position. In addition to this, the manager can write down his comments about the results or outcome of the review procedure which will serve as his feedback to the company and suggestions of what he can do to address the weaknesses stated on the form.
- Senior Management Performance Review Form – This form is applicable for managers who are at the senior level of a company. An additional section is incorporated in this form which is allotted for the manager’s self-assessment regarding the work plan that was presented to him to aid his improvement process. The achievements of the manager are also enlisted in this form which should only be done by the reviewer along with other assessments relating to the manager’s potential and core managerial responsibilities.
Probationary Review Form Sample
How to Create a Manager Job Application Form
Creating a manager job application form should be done with the aid of the job requisition that the top management approved or agreed on. This is due to the significance of the requisition in providing suggestions of what information must be obtained for selecting the right candidate to be a company manager. Nonetheless, below are the steps that an individual can follow for him to make the application form:
Step 1: Create a heading. This section must primarily have the name of the company along with their contact information and address which will then be followed by the title of the document: “Manager Job Application Form.” An area where the applicant can write the current date is also necessary for the application process since this allows the company to acknowledge the waiting time of the applicant.
Step 2: Add an area for the applicant’s basic details. This refers to the general information of the applicant which includes his full legal name, contact numbers, social security number as well as his date of birth and residential address. In the event that there are more than one managerial positions available in the company to be filled in with new employees, the form must have an area in this section that will have the applicant disclose what job title he is willing to apply in order to categorize the applicant with the others in the same job title.
Step 3: Allocate a table for the applicant’s qualifications. This table must be able to cater the educational and work history of the applicant along with the list of awards that he obtained from his college. To avoid limiting the applicant from naming his qualifications, the table must have a set of instructions that will highlight the types of qualifications to be included by the applicant. Additionally, the applicant must also be able to enlist the awards and certificate forms that he acquired from his former employers.
Probation Period Review Form
Step 4: Have an applicant questionnaire. This includes questions relating to the applicant’s disciplinary and criminal records. Basically, questions that can be answered with a simple yes and no can be indicated to allow the applicant in completing the form immediately without any delay. However, for questions that are for determining the applicant’s status, an area can be allotted to have the type of misconduct and sanctions that the applicant was able to get involved in.
Step 5: Include a reference section. The applicant must be able to state the names, contact numbers, and other details of his chosen individuals as his character references.
Step 6: Indicate a statement of declaration. Some companies also include a confidentiality agreement with the declaration to ensure the applicant that his information and details are safe within the company, as well as will not be used outside without his granted permission. A signature block must be indicated at the bottom of the statement and agreement for the applicant’s signature upon finishing the form.
Restaurant General Manager Application Form
Tips for Writing and Completing an Effective Manager Review Form
Completing a manager review form can be easily done if the reviewer is an individual who knows the subject well. Nonetheless, to assure that the review form will meet its purpose and objectives, the tips below must be followed by the reviewer and by any company who wants to conduct a manager review procedure:
- Know your purpose – Review forms can be used with varying intentions and reasons wherein the most common include salary compensation and employee improvement. However, in order to assure that using the document will meet its objective, then it is significant to focus on one purpose.
- Determine the goals and expectations – Acknowledging the goals of the company in hiring a manager and knowing what the hired manager expected for his job will allow the reviewer in providing a better feedback of whether each expectation or goal has been met.
- Gather the previous feedback – This refers to all the documented feedback forms, assessment records, and evaluation output of the manager from the year that he was hired. With the documents, the reviewer will be able to distinguish updates, changes, and improvements that the manager portrayed in his job position.
Senior Manager Employment Application Form
- Address concerns and issues with professionalism – When enumerating the weaknesses and the areas that need to be improved by the manager, it must be written in a professional manner yet concise and direct. This will promote an ease of understanding between the manager and the reviewer, as well as maintain an unbiased relationship with the company.
- Connect with the employee – A review will not be effective if the reviewer does not know the employee and is not knowledgeable about the progress as well as the background of the employee. With this, it is important that the reviewer should be the person who works with the employee such as his supervisor or anyone who has a higher position than him. If the reviewer is new to the manager or the employee, then the documents must be presented to the reviewer for him to have a guide of what he will be giving and suggesting in the review form.
Restaurant General Manager Performance Review Form
Why Use a Manager Job Application and Review Form?
There are tons of reasons why manager job applications and review forms must be used by any company and employer. Significantly, both documents allow the company to lay out the duties and the responsibilities of the manager or managerial position candidate. Nonetheless, when it comes to the application form, the company will only be able to know what the candidate can offer to the business and to his future team in the workplace compared to the review form that will determine if the previously promised abilities and skills were indeed performed by the candidate when he already signed an employment contract.
Senior Management Performance Review Form
With the application form, the company can also acquire more details about the candidate that are not provided in his curriculum vitae and resume cover letter. On the other hand, the review form will gather the feedback of both the company and the manager regarding his performance and the action plan that he must observe or do to improve himself as well as meet the company’s expectations.
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