A legal name change form is a document that is used by an individual who wants to change his/her full name or just a part of his/her name. Name changes are commonly evident after an individual’s marriage, divorce, and legal adoption. Other reasons why a name change is requested by an individual can be due to a personal preference for a name, to reflect one’s new gender, to meet religious requirements, and to imply a political or societal statement.
- Change Form Examples
- Change Form Templates
However, regardless of what an individual’s reason will be, he/she must assure that he/she can provide sufficient proof that he/she owns the name that he/she is carrying by supplying legal forms such as birth and marriage certifications.
Legal Name Change Form Sample
Legal Name Change Application Form
What’s Found in a Legal Name Change Form?
Legal name change forms must have the seal of a notary public or attorney in order to have the document be legalized and validated. Below are the other contents that should be stated and disclosed in a legal name change form:
- State and Court Information – The first part of any sample legal form that will be sent to the court should be the state or the country where the request is to be processed by the requestor. The court address and the assigned number for the form are also necessary to be included in this section.
- Requestor Information – This is where the requestor or the petitioner will be able to indicate if he/she is a minor or not along with his/her current name, residential address, and contact information. The requestor must ensure that his/her contact details are up to date in order to allow the court in reaching out to him/her whenever the judge’s decision will be finalized for his/her name change request.
- Birth Record Information – The name that is stated in the requestor’s birth record, his/her date and place of birth, his/her mother and father’s names and his/her work and marital status are the contents to be disclosed in this section. These details are enlisted to aid the authority in executing a verification using the data that the requestor has supplied in the form. You may also see social security name change forms.
- Mailing Address – This address will be the location where the documents that are related to name change process will be sent. Disclosing two addresses is more efficient than a single address to make sure that the documents will be received by the requestor if he/she is residing at his/her other residence. You may also see employee status change forms.
- Reason for a Name Change – The requestor must fully define his/her reasons why a name change is significant for him/her.
- Sworn Affidavit – In a legal name change form, the requestor is not the only party who will be signing an affidavit but also a notary public or his/her attorney. The importance of a sworn affidavit is to indicate that the claims of the requestor were valid and factual.
Legal Name Change Petition Form
Investor Legal Name Change Form
Company Legal Name Change Form
With the aforementioned information about legal name change forms, any individual will be able to process their request with ample knowledge about what they must provide and why they the form is an essential piece of document. You may also see sample employee name change forms.
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