legal consent form

Consent forms vary depending on the situation and depending on what these are pertained to. These are few of which consent is required:

Furthermore, consent forms are often used to indicate the limited rights, terms, and conditions that are given to a specific person or group who needs the authorization from someone.

Waiver and Consent Form Template

waiver and consent form template


You may refer to the different forms provided in this article for some examples.

Consent to participation

  • For research proposals
  • For medical treatments
  • For joining an event or some activities (even for minors)

Consent for the general release of information

Physical Exam Consent Form Template

employee physical exam consent template


Consent Form and Waiver of Liability

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The Essential Information of Consent Forms

Consent forms are composed of the essential information such as the following below:

  • The personal information of the person giving consent or authorization (referred to the participant)
    • The complete name and contact information of the participant
    • The complete name and contact information of the parent (for minors)
    • The exact and complete residential address
    • The date of birth
    • The emergency contact person information (name, address, contact number, relationship to the participant)
  • The information of whom the consent or authorization is addressed to
    • The title of the event or the study held by an organization
    • The venue or place where the event/study should be held
    • The start and end date of the said event or study
    • The name and contact information of the representative of the said event
    • The name and contact information of the organization
    • The complete address of the organization
  • The certification or agreement information
    • The specific details and statements with regards to the agreement
    • The list of all the specific rights, conditions, special considerations, and/or restrictions set by the participant (if there are any)
    • The date of when the consent is executed or submitted
    • The signature of the participant, together with the date signed

These consent forms are made legal due to the fact that this form is subscribed, sworn, and sometimes notarized by the common law. This is in order to avoid any dispute with regards to the agreements. In addition to this, these forms are incorporated with some explanations in order for the participants, and the parents of minors, to fully understand the purpose/s or the reason/s why consent is needed.

Where Consent Forms Are Obtained

Consent forms could be made personally. Yet, these are often obtained from the organization who wishes to conduct an event, a research study, or an activity. An example for this is when there is a competition held at a specific venue. In order for them to release any and all claims or liabilities arising out of the participation, the organization would provide some participant consent forms and parental consents for those minor participants.

This is to ensure that everyone, even the parents of minors are well informed and are fully aware that the event (or the competition) is voluntary and that participants may or may not, and are not forced to join, and that the activities included in the said event involves a certain degree of risk and are potentially dangerous or harmful to the participants, as well as to some of the properties. Upon affixing the signature of the parents or the participants, it is understood that they abide by the applicable rules and standards of conduct required by the organization. You can also like business consent forms.

Legal Informed Consent Form

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This consent is referred to the voluntary participation of the person, and that he or she has been fully informed and comprehends all the information regarding to the particular event or study in which consent is needed or required.

Thus, this kind of consent could be considered similarly as to the other types of consent. For the completion of the informed consent, some personal information and documents are necessary to be submitted for an identification verification, a background check, and for other security purposes.

Sample Written Consent Form

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A written consent is with regards to the submission of a filled out consent form concerning the affirmation of the participant to join or participate in the said study or event. This consent form is utilized to state all the conditions that the participant is giving consent for, and that all specifications or restrictions may be included in this written consent. You can also like financial consent forms.

Oral Consent Form Sample

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For this type of consent, the indication of which the participant gives his or her consent is by answering a couple of questions orally instead of utilizing a written consent. For the researchers, they would be recording the individual’s answers on a tape recorder for some references. You may also like interview consent forms.

And when all the needed information are gathered from the active participants, they would often transfer these into writing for documentation purposes. With this consent, the researchers can still guarantee the confidentiality of the participants’ information. Moreover, the participation to this event or study is still voluntary and that there are no compensations made upon the participation of the individual.

Implied Informed Consent Form

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This type of consent is also similar to informed consent wherein the participants are fully aware of what the event or the research study is all about. Yet, participants may join without providing any personal information and obtain their anonymity for the entire activity.

They also are given the chance to back out any time and withdraw from the research study being conducted. This implied consent is determined upon the participation of the applicants. An example for this is their participation in answering a survey wherein they are not forced to answer questions that they do not want to answer. You may also like parental consent forms.

Explicit Consent Form Sample

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This type of consent is often obtained by applicants or participants answering few specified questions provided for each of them. These questions are with regards to their willingness to participate in the said event/study. You may also like check consent forms.

By referring to the form sample above, there is a list of statements that specifies the discussion for each question addressed to the participant, and that the involvement of both in a comprehensive conversation is also certified.

Sample for Active Consent Form

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This type of consent is with regards to the willingness of the participant to join in the event or the study, as indicated in the form. This consent is often done when each individual participant agrees to the specified statements and voluntarily include themselves in. This also allows the participants or the parent/s of the minors to confirm that they (or their child) would like to participate in the said study. You can also like health consent forms.

Passive Consent Form Sample

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This passive consent form is utilized when the participants are informed of what the study is all about, and that they are considered to agree with this. Yet, in cases wherein they do not wish to participate, they are to submit a consent form indicating that they are not interested in taking part in the study.

The form sample provided for you above is an example of a passive consent. These kinds of forms are often utilized in schools that could benefit the students in the future. These consents are also sent out to the parents of each student in order for them to be informed with regards to the survey consent.

Activity Consent Form and Parent’s Approval

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Minor Candidate Consent Form

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Parent or Legal Guardian Consent Form

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Child Guardian Consent Form

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This kind of form is often utilized when a legal parent appoints someone to act as the legal guardian of the child for a period of time. The beginning and ending date should be specified in order to have a basis of how many days will the guardian be permitted to perform his or her tasks and responsibilities to the child. The form is also used as the parent’s authorization for the guardian to conduct few specified rights.

Moreover, for the child’s safety, the legal parent can also authorize the medical health personnel to perform various kinds of medical diagnosis, care, or treatment in such cases wherein the child is required to undergo these, but only when necessary or as needed. This authorization is done with the use of medical authorization form which is often utilized in such events where the parent/s is/are absent, incapable, and/or out of reach due to some circumstances. Additional information such as the health insurances and plans should be included or attached in the authorization form.

For forms such as these, it is important that the signatures of the legal parent and of the participant/s are affixed in the form together with the date signed. This is for the reason that these will serve as one of the most influential evidence that such consent and authorization is given. Hence, few copies are obtained by the people involved in this authorization or consent form. You can also like privacy consent forms.

Consent for Indirect Collection Form

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This kind of consent form is often utilized when an applicant is giving his or her consent to the organization to collect his or her personal information and documents from the other organization. This is by means of authorizing someone (preferably the authorized representative) on behalf of the applicant. The name, contact, and the relationship of the authorized representative to the applicant should be provided.

In addition, the date of when the consent is submitted should also be indicated in the form. As for the organization where these confidential files are collected from, this consent for indirect collection serves as their consent to release only the needed or stated information of the applicant.

In summary, provided for you in this article are the types and few samples of consent forms that you are most likely to encounter at some point. Take time to browse over and examine each of these in order to be guided on what type of consent should you use when you are asked for your permission or authorization. Understand how and when each of these are used by means of comparing the differences among these provided sample forms. You may also like research consent forms.

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