lease addendum forms

A lease addendum form is a document to be used if there are regulations and new policies to be informed to the tenants and residents of a rental property. The form must have a signature block for the signatures of the tenant and the landlord or the property owner.

Lease Addendum Form Sample

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Size: 61 KB


Lease Pet Addendum Form

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Size: 50 KB


Seasonal Rental Lease Addendum Form

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Size: 27 KB


Violence Policy Lease Addendum Form

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Size: 90 KB


Varieties of Lease Addendum Forms

Crime-Free Lease Addendum Form – Keeping the premises of a leased property safe and secure is the main reason for providing a crime-free lease addendum form to the tenants. This document informs a tenant about the rules and regulations which will be mandated by the landlord in lieu of the crime-free lease act of the State. In addition, the form also indicates the possible termination or eviction if any sort of criminal activity will be observed or be reported to the landlord by other tenants in the property. Moreover, to document that the tenant and the landlord have agreed on the addendum, both parties must affix their signatures with the date of when the addendum was finalized and signed.

Crime-Free Lease Addendum Form

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Size: 142 KB


Good Neighbor Lease Addendum Form – This form variety is identical to the aforementioned crime-free lease addendum form, however, the difference is that every adult tenant in the property will need to sign the form. Each tenant must state his name and signature in the allotted area of the form. After the signatures are collected, the form will be submitted to the property owner who will then indicate the location or address of the property along with his signature to document that the rules in the lease addendum had been informed, agreed, and have been acknowledged by all the involved parties.

Good Neighbor Lease Addendum Form

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Size: 204 KB


Housing Program Lease Addendum Form – If a tenant is a grantee or a recipient of a housing program, then the property owner must create a housing program lease addendum form which should be signed by him and the tenant renting in the property. This form has similar elements to that of a legal agreement. The first data to be stated in the form are the names of the tenant and the property owner which is followed by a section for the definitions of the terms and phrases used in the addendum. In addition, other prohibited lease provisions which had not been included in the lease agreement must also be stated in the form along with the details of tenancy terminations, inspection access, lead-paint notice, income disclosure, and rent increases to be known by the tenant.

Housing Program Lease Addendum Form

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Size: 148 KB


Landlord-Tenant Lease Addendum Form – Cities who have added new laws to regulate lease and rental businesses must distribute landlord-tenant lease addendum forms. This document is not only for informing the tenants of a leased property but also the landlord and the property owner about the new rules. The date when the lease was executed, the name of the landlord or owner, the names of the tenants, the address of the property, and the date when the addendum shall be executed will be stated in the first section of the form. The second section, on the other hand, defines the notices and code of ordinances of the city while the third section enlists the terms and conditions of the crime free agreement. The last section contains lines for the signatures of the landlord or owner and the tenants of the property.

Landlord-Tenant Lease Addendum Form

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Size: 383 KB


Lease Extension Addendum Form – Tenants and landlords who have agreed to extend the lease period and move the termination date must use this form variety. Specifically, the form will document the additional number of months before the lease will be closed and be terminated along with the date when the new rental payment will begin to bee collected by the landlord.

Lease Extension Addendum Form

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Size: 320 KB


Military Clause Lease Addendum Form – Landlords who have tenants who are members of the military must enclose this form with the lease agreement. The purpose of a military clause lease addendum form is to inform any active military tenant about the rules and regulations to be observed when he will be deported to a location away from the leased property. Basically, this addendum focuses on the responsibility of the tenant to notify the landlord thirty days before the desired termination date. The written notice should be sent to the landlord, and the tenant must pay his rental dues before he vacates the property.

Military Clause Lease Addendum Form

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Size: 68 KB


Mold Lease Addendum Form – This form variety centers on informing property tenants about the need to keep the premises clean and mold-free. In the form, the definition and explanations about what molds are, the agreement of the tenants in lieu of climate controlling in their rented properties, and their obligations in sending an official report to the landlord are stated. The penalty for violating the terms in the addendum is also included in the form along with a hold harmless agreement.

Mold Lease Addendum Form

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Size: 61 KB


No Smoking Lease Addendum Form – Nowadays, most States and countries require rental properties to have designated smoking areas in order to avoid having to deal with smokers loitering in the areas of the property where other tenants will be harmed or may inhale secondhand smoke. Another reason for having smoking areas is also to prevent triggering the alarm systems in the property. Furthermore, a no smoking lease addendum form should be distributed to tenants of a property where there are designated smoking areas. Aside from informing the tenants about the location of the smoking area, the tenants will also be able to know about their responsibilities in informing their guests and visitors as well as their ability to sue other tenants who have violated the rule.

No Smoking Lease Addendum Form

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Size: 49 KB


The aforementioned lease addendum forms are just some of the most common documents that property owners, landlords, and authorities to mandate rules and deliver information to the residents and tenants of the property. Moreover, addendum forms must be duplicated after all parties have signed the form. The purpose of photocopying or duplicating the addendum form is to allow each party to have their own lease addendum copy as a resource or a reference to report violations and to acknowledge penalties to be dealt with.

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