time off request forms

Rent can be a lifesaver since renters need not to purchase a property in the full or expensive amount. On the other hand, landlords can benefit by earning from the payments given by renters. It becomes expected that rentals involve a relationship observed between the landlords and tenants. Both parties will have to come up with a rental agreement so tenants will comply according to the rules given by the landlord and every tenant will receive a satisfying service from the rental. Landlord-tenant forms will help clear things out about the rental, tenancy, payment, and related details.

FREE 30+ Landlord and Tenant Forms in PDF | Ms Word | XLS

1. Landlord Verification Form

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Size: 50 KB


2. Landlord Permission Form

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Size: 21 KB


3. Landlord Statement Form

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Size: 78 KB


4. Landlord Declaration Form

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Size: 94 KB


5. Landlord Verification Form in PDF

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Size: 38 KB


6. Tenancy Application Form

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Size: 462 KB


7. Change of Landlord Form

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Size: 10 KB


8. Landlord Information Form

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Size: 193 KB


9. Landlord Authorization Form

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Size: 564 KB


10. Landlord Application Form in PDF

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Size: 180 KB


11. Landlord Notice Form

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Size: 166 KB


12. Landlord and Tenant Complaint Form

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Size: 670 KB


13. Landlord and Tenant Form

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Size: 73 KB


14. Notice to Landlord Form in PDF

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Size: 569 KB


15. Online Landlord Form

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Size: 59 KB


16. Landlord and Tenant Complaint Form in PDF

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Size: 191 KB


17. Landlord Approval Form

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Size: 72 KB


18. Formal Landlord Approval Form

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Size: 110 KB


19. Landlord Registration Form

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Size: 96 KB


20. Sample Landlord Registration Form

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Size: 158 KB


21. Sample Tenant Form

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Size: 187 KB


22. Landlord Tenant Form

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Size: 27 KB


23. Landlord Authorization Form in PDF

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Size: 30 KB


24. Tenant Declaration Form

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Size: 154 KB


25. Landlord Tenant Registration Form

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Size: 84 KB


26.  Landlord Application Form Sample

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Size: 127 KB


27. Landlord Reference Form

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  • Ms Word

Size: 8 KB


28. Formal Tenant Application Form in PDF

File Format
  • Ms Word

Size: 127 KB


29. Landlord Affidavit Form Sample

File Format
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Size: 32 KB


30. Tenant Application Form

File Format
  • Ms Word

Size: 16 KB


31. Tenant Landlord Form Template

File Format
  • Ms Word

Size: 13 KB


32. Tenant Income Form

File Format
  • XLS

Size: 32 KB


What Are Landlord and Tenant Forms?

As a start, a landlord is someone who owns a property or land for rent while anyone expected to rent and occupy the said property will be the tenant. A landlord and tenant form will be the official document used for coming up with the agreement on the rental rules, conditions, and instructions. There can be other functions throughout the form, too, as the title itself is broad. The documents can get specified according to a rental application form, complaint, and the like. Without such sheets, it will be challenging to identify tenants, recognize the rules, and other information that will get inputted there.

Both landlords and tenants get to receive their copies of the form for clarification that no disagreement takes place once such documents get signed by such parties. If ever someone makes a mistake in the process or fails to pay for a rental, then what consequences to face shall no longer be a stranger on both sides. The reason is due to how those consequences or conditions will already get covered by the sheet ahead. If everything stated on documents is fully detailed and understandable, then that is a sign that it got made expertly.

What Benefits Fall under Landlord and Tenant Forms?

Landlord-tenant documents got recommended for a variety of reasons, and there are underlying perks from those too. It is already known for the sheet to provide the tenancy agreement template and other functions. Recognizing the other standard benefits will be valuable in case some points have not been verified yet. The advantageous examples consist of the following:

  • Agreement of Contract

    Expect the agreement made from landlords and tenants to work like a contract where anything prohibited and allowed must get strictly followed. If there is a part which a tenant disagrees with, then that person can refuse to sign the form. Discussing the concern to the landlord can help in case there is any way to adjust some parts until both sides are okay with it. The point here is that everyone must read the full details and ask questions if something seems vague. That way, no one will question anymore about what happens during the actual rental period.

  • Proof of Documentation

    Everything inputted at the sheets will get used for documentation purposes. Some people rent by negotiating with a landlord through talking, but not having any document to back that decision is a wrong move. Maybe there are changes given to the rental due and other aspects at some point, and one cannot easily get away from it without an official form. Expect the sheet to work as a useful reference when asked for proof about when the rental got approved and other details.

  • Clear Details

    Landlord-tenant documents compose a lot of information, and that is for a good cause. For example, it is not right for a lease agreement to only contain the info on how much the total lease is. People also want to know about the monthly costs, tax rates, interest, and so forth. Incomplete information will only cause more questions for the parties. Getting the answers ahead before signing through the form is a must to remain sure of how it goes.

  • Compatible with Hard and Soft Copies

    In making the form, it is not all the time that it must get printed. Providing a soft copy in sending an email is already accepted as long as there are backup copies for such files in case the forms get deleted or lost. Maybe a tenant has not been around for a couple of days, and sending a printed notice form will be hard to manage. Thus, contacting such a tenant through a soft copy via email is acceptable.

Oakland Tenants’ Refusal for Paying the Landlord

Maintaining a positive relationship between tenants and landlords is a big deal for a smooth process in managing payments and rental services. Otherwise, issues might rise like what happened in Fruitvale apartment, Oakland, California. Francisco Perez and other tenants stopped paying their rent to the landlord since November 1, 2019. The strike occurred due to how the apartment requires heavy maintenance, which tenants will have to adjust and do the repair themselves. Moreover, the rent said to have increased continuously. Dissatisfaction occurred to the tenants, which cause the cease of paying. The tenants now planned to take over the said apartment by negotiating with its landlord. The plan already involved the Oakland Community Land Trust, which might work as of February 2020.

About landlord-tenant sheets, it helps in coming up with official documents to discuss things like what happened to the Oakland tenants. Sending a complaint form through the sheet could have made a difference while the landlord gets expected to read and plan ways to provide effective property management. Handling maintenance for the apartment is the expected solution. If only both parties settled in formally making an agreement form and meeting to discuss such matters, then a vast difference could have gotten implemented. Leading to legal cases would have gotten prevented through forms and communication, so preparing for the worst circumstances by stating those in the sheets will be useful.

What Are Commonly Mentioned through Landlord and Tenant Forms?

Most landlord and tenant forms have similarities in their content. Ensuring that the significant parts will be present for the form is essential, or the sheet might not serve its purpose. The common factors found from these documents are:

  • Name and Background Info of Parties

    While it is expected for the forms to discuss heavily on the agreement details, identifying the people in the rental is a must first. Recognizing the tenant’s name, work background, address, contact information, and the like would help introduce who will be paying the coming rent. The landlord’s info will get presented here so all sides will know about each other. Gaining identity is essential in case there is a need to report specific individuals that no longer participate in the agreement.

  • Rental or Lease Schedule

    Recognizing the schedule for the payments and deadlines will matter. Maybe a tenant forgets about the payment period that he or she might miss in contributing to the landlord. Keeping track of time is a must because rates can change once late, and landlords with numerous tenants would have to be responsible enough in tracking each person. Some might get forgotten along the way without organizing this full information.

  • Payment Amount

    Being concerned about the budget is natural because rentals still involve payments. The sheet can mention the details for the security deposit, monthly rate, and the like. Precision is worth observing since the wrong data for every amount might cause a problem. Numerical data is nothing to underestimate anyway because complaints get received if there were inconsistencies and miscalculations throughout the way.

  • Terms and Conditions

    Anyone who uses the form should at least be informed about every term or condition regarding the rental. Implementing some rules is for the sake of avoiding conflict in the end. As the interested tenant will send an application, a verification form even mentions what rules must get observed. Lacking this part can only bring confusion, especially with unclear instructions given. Most importantly, fair terms must get observed wherein not only one party will receive the benefit while the other one suffers.

How to Create Acceptable Landlord and Tenant Forms

Making landlord-tenant documents is an easy task, and it will be even better to come up with ways where professional standards become present. An acceptable form is much better to depend on, so individuals will take it seriously. Therefore, it will get considered a legal document. The necessary steps to observe are:

Step 1. Verify the Form’s Purpose

Landlord or tenant sheets can mean different things, depending on their purpose. The document may tackle on rental history verification, landlord reference, tenant application, and more. At least individuals who view the sheet can get the message right away regarding its function. It can become confusing sometimes regarding what documents refer to, which is why the need to specify is essential.

Step 2. Make Sure to Identify Who Are Involved

It got mentioned that who’s who will get recognized through their background. A way to identify the tenants and landlords is by ensuring to ask the right questions. For example, the sheet must ask for the name, address, and related background info. The problem with inaccurate details to gather is when someone’s background gets mistaken for another person. A review must get done in case things are still unsure.

Step 3. Simplify Details with Tables and Good Format

Making details complicated among forms is a no-no. There are plenty of ideas to keep things well-arranged and smooth anyway, like adding tables. Having documents with long sentences or paragraphs need not happen by dividing information through tabular format. Formatting can help in giving a more effortless experience too if sizes got adjusted, and some words got simplified for better understanding. At least people depending on the form will avoid an unpleasant experience by sticking to more accessible ways.

Step 4. Check the Spelling, Grammar, and Typical Errors

Checking for possible errors through evaluations is a must. There could be incorrect spelling that will pose a different understanding for some people. Grammar is naturally a concern before some words get perceived in a different context. Evaluating is also called the editing process because forms get polished until a perfect result gets implemented after.

Step 5. Maintain a Decent Design

Appearance among documents still leaves an impression so a pleasant look must at least get observed. Enhancing creativity of sheets is not merely what forms are about because designing involves fixing the format or perhaps keeping things professional. Many examples of templates exist anyway, and there are options worth following too. For a few alterations, then editing the template is all it takes for managing that.


While agreements help promote a friendly relationship for the tenants and landlords, the responsibility of keeping up with the terms still depends on how people handle themselves. Some might turn irresponsible by not respecting the conditions anymore, so landlords should work in knowing every applicant for the rental. It will be bad news to accept those that will fail to commit the terms in the long run. A tenant form can help in knowing the tenants through profiling. Moreover, it can set the rules immediately about what to observe. With a professional template prepared, the outcome will surely be worth it.

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