The owner of a property may sometimes interested in renting it out to a person. However, this involves certain legal formalities which have to be taken care of to avoid any hassles in the future. The landlord and the tenant are in fact expected to sign an agreement that binds them to certain clauses. It is for this purpose that the landlord agreement form is used. The details of the two parties and the clauses guiding the transaction are included in this form. You may also see Land Contract Forms.

Landlord Tenant Agreement Form

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Size: 673 KB


As the name indicates, this form is used by a landlord to sign an agreement with his tenant to whom he may be renting out his property. The personal details of the landlord and the tenant along with the rental clauses should be included in the form.

Landlord Lease Agreement Form

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Size: 427 KB


When the owner of a property rent in out to a person on the lease, both the parties use this landlord lease form to spell out the lease clauses. They are also required to fill in their personal details in the form.

Landlord Agent Agreement Form

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Size: 86 KB


This form is used by a property owner when he hires an agent to take care of the rentals of his properties. This form allows the two parties to list down the various clauses that would guide their work dealings.

Landlord Tenancy Agreement Form

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Size: 1 MB


A landlord uses this form to sign a legal agreement with his tenant before renting out a property to him. The form should contain the personal details of the landlord and the tenant along with the tenancy clauses.

Landlord Rental Agreement Form

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Size: 104 KB


Whenever a landlord rents out his property to another party, he should enter a legal agreement with the tenants. It is for this purpose that the landlord rental agreement form is used.

Landlord Tenant Pet Agreement Form

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Size: 50 KB


When a landlord or tenant wants to make sure whether a pet should or should not be allowed on the rental property, they make use of this form to get into a legal agreement.

Landlord Interim Billing Agreement Form

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Size: 111 KB


Government agencies like the power and water departments etc. use this landlord application form to make an agreement with property owners. This ensures that the landlord would be responsible for the payments of the utility bills of his properties.

Roomer Landlord Agreement

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Size: 15 KB


The owner of a hostel or mansion may use this form to sign a legal agreement with a tenant to whom he may be renting out a room on his property. The form lists down various rules and clauses that both the parties should adhere to.

Target Audience for Landlord Agreement Form

The landlord agreement forms come in handy to spell out the legal clauses when a person rents out his property to a tenant. Hence, the target audience for these forms is

  • Property owners
  • Tenants
  • Property Agents
  • Real Estate Agents

What are the Benefits of Using Landlord Agreement Forms?

  • The form can be used to clearly spell out all the clauses that guide the whole transaction. This, in turn, will ensure that both the parties are well aware of their responsibilities and would adhere to it
  • The commercial factors of the tenancy can be explicitly indicated in the form and can help in avoiding any confusion
  • The form is considered to be a valid proof in the court of law and can prove to be helpful in case of a legal hassle. You may also see Construction Agreement Forms.

What are The Important Things to be included in Landlord Agreement Forms?

  • Name and contact details of the agency
  • Separate segments for recording the personal details of the landlord and the tenant
  • A segment where all the clauses of the tenancy should be clearly indicated. Listing these as bullet points would make it easy to read

Since landlord agreement forms are legal documents, these should be designed with a lot of care. If you are not sure about this, just download one landlord agreement form from our collection. These are available in both MS Word and PDF format. Easy to customize, these forms will save you a lot of time and effort. You can also see Lease Agreement Forms.

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