When making requisitions, you are basically making a formal request for just about anything. For example, a custom requisition form allows anyone to make custom orders for any product, provided that their request is granted.
There are so many requisition form uses that anyone can take advantage of. The important thing to take note of is that you know what to put in and make sure that whatever you’re requesting from any person or company is reasonable.
Physics Lab Report Template

Laboratory Test Requisition
Private Pay Laboratory
Neurology Test
What is a Lab Requisition Form?
Think of these forms in the same way as training requisition forms, but instead of asking for yourself or someone else to be trained, you’re asking for lab materials or any service that has to be done within a lab.
Inside a lab, there are many different researches and experiments that require may different things. You might need to test someone out for a possible disease or you might need a couple of resources to further your research.
With these forms, you’ll be able to state what you need and let your superiors know the reason as to why you need to have it or have it done.
How to Fill out a Lab Requisition Form
If you have to fill out any kind of lab requisition form, then you will have to include the following information:
- Name of the doctor or physician making the request, along with their contact information
- The name of the patient and other personal information such as their date of birth and address
- The type of test to be done on the patient such as a urine test or drug resistance tests
- The type of conditions the patient has, assuming that there are any
Outpatient Laboratory Requisition
Lab Requisition Sample
Autoantibody Test Requisition
Lab Requisition Form Guidelines
Here’s what you have to follow for when you need to use a lab requisition form:
- Make sure to put in all the required information of the patient. You will want to include important details, such as the patient’s name, age along with other information such as their gender or ethnicity. This is to ensure that their details are properly recorded, especially if the situation is sensitive.
- Information about the doctor or physician making the requisition. If any doctor plans on using any patient’s specimen for research purposes or if there are plans on testing on any of them, they will have to hand in their information and contact details, along with the medical institution they are working for.
- State the kind of specimen asked from the patient, along with the date and time it was acquired. This is to record the details of what kind of specimen it is and when it was asked. This information is also used to determine the storage of the specimen, especially if it its hazardous.
- Make sure to properly request the appropriate type of test. This is to let your superiors know if you are authorized to do so or not.
In a way, these are like employment requisition forms, but instead of asking for your boss to open up a position, you’re asking him to allow you to do a couple of tests on a subject or a specimen for further information. So if you need to know more about these kind of forms, then there are many sample requisition forms here for you to view.