
Do you have a former coworker who wanted to visit Google’s main office? Does he or she want to work among Google’s employees and be part of their ever-growing creative crew? However, even if your former coworker has the intellect of a reader and the academic scores of a genius, he or she won’t get farther than answering Google’s entrance exam. Employers require employee information from their workers aside from their high productivity rates, so applicants must present more information about themselves too.

Many have tried entering companies that they dream of working in, but only the ones who have recommendation letters seem to get better leverage. What the applicant can do is also utilize a job recommendation letter. He or she must ask you—a manager, a supervisor, or a team leader—to write it. Along with their job application letter, a recommendation letter will double their chances of getting the job.

What Is a Job Letter of Recommendation?

A job recommendation letter is a formal business letter that is written by a former coworker who has a higher status than the applicant, possibly a team leader, a supervisor, a manager, or a CEO. The job recommendation letter is a legal manner of endorsing your coworker’s or employee’s statistics, skills, and personalities to the company or employer that he or she wants to apply in.

According to Forbes, this letter is one of the best ways to ensure an applicant’s chances of getting a job position since employers want to have a second option or opinion when assessing an employee’s qualifications for the job they are applying for during the employment application process.

5+ Job Letter of Recommendation Samples

Here are six samples of job recommendation letters that will surely land your endorsee the position he or she has dreamed of. The selected six job letter of recommendation samples are professionally crafted that each of the letter’s contents has been thoroughly researched and highly evaluated by other professional writers and grammarians.

Well-crafted sentences are needed for the message of the recommendation letters to be effective in its purpose of getting the applicant accepted by the company or employer.

Sample Reference Letter

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Size: 80.7KB


Sample Recommendation Letter

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Size: 18.7KB


Letter of Recommendation

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Size: 70.3KB


Sample Letter of Recommendation

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Size: 78KB


Recommendation Letter

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Size: 512.5KB


Employment Reference Letter

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Size: 9.7KB


Types of Letter of Recommendation

There is never a singular manner of endorsing a person to an opportunity that he or she desires to achieve. Job recommendation letters do not follow a single structure. As with any other business recommendation letters, have parts that need to be prioritized.
Some may opt to focus on an applicant’s personality, while some may focus on the skills and abilities. Whatever the case, following a singular format does not make a good recommendation. Instead, it may come off as robotic, lacking integrity and sincerity. Recommendation letters constrained to one structure may hinder the chances of endorsing an applicant’s other strengths, even if he is qualified. Here are three types of letters of recommendation.

1. Academic Recommendation Letters

An academic-aiming kind of recommendation letter. This is mostly used by high school graduates who want to enter a prestigious college or university. In these situations, recommendation letters can be very helpful since most colleges also require additional information when assessing students that they think they want to accept in their institution.

This letter focuses on companies and businesses rather than on schools and colleges. This is similar to the academic recommendation letter where people in management positions such as team leaders, supervisors, managers, or CEOs write. The letter of recommendation then endorses the applicant’s skills and abilities acquired during his or her time in the company.

3. Character Reference Letters

A type of recommendation letter that deviates from the previously-mentioned types. The other two focus on the applicant’s skills and growth during his or her stay in the company or organization he has worked in. Writing this letter also allows focus on the applicant’s personality and attitude toward his coworkers, environment, and workload.  A character reference is useful when applying for jobs that highly needs people with charisma, a pleasing personality to be exact.

How to Create a Job Recommendation Letter

You can create a job recommendation letter of your own volition, using your methods and structure. However, if you wish to create a professionally effective recommendation letter since you have no idea how one is presented, here are a few tips that will help guide in the creation process of such a document.

Step 1: Choosing an Online Reference

Type in job recommendation letters on Google’s search engine. Look through hundreds and thousands of references on the Web. If you want to assess whether the site is a credible source, you use to confirm if a website is a reliable source.

Step 2: Use a Polite Tone in the Document

Even if you are the CEO of a company where the applicant used to work, you have to maintain a professional tone. Professionalism and politeness help another company’s hiring panel see the applicant as a person developed in a company that fosters values and quality. Being courteous will, in turn, help your company be seen in a proper manner, not just the applicant.

Step 3: The Qualifications of the Endorsee

In one paragraph, state the applicant’s qualifications?—personalities, skills, abilities, traits, achievements, etc. Use a tone that does not make the applicant overqualified for the job but make it seem that his skills and personalities hit the necessary qualifications that employers need to be accepted for the job position.

Step 4: Your Qualifications as the One Who Recommends

Cite all of your credentials in a single paragraph. Let us use only one section so as not to appear as already bragging. Be polite when citing your credibility even when you already feel like bragging your achievements. Briefly state your relationship with the applicant too.

Step 5: Evaluate the Output

For the finishing touch, you must, at all costs, have the final output be evaluated. Hire a copy editor to check the grammar and hire a developmental editor to check the context of the letter’s content. You must not mess up the recommendation letter because the applicant’s image or status is at stake here!

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