A feedback, whether orally given or in a written document, can either improve a person or ruin his way of life. However, in the field of employment, providing a feedback is one of the aspects of opening up opportunities for an employee to be highly profitable and seek positive changes if the feedback was given and done appropriately.
With this, job and business feedback forms became essential tools for any company in order to assist their employees towards success. This document will indicate the rating, evaluation, and the assessment of an employee. Nonetheless, an employer who is assigned to provide the feedback must know the possible do’s and dont’s before completing the form. Listed below are the top do’s and dont’s when dealing with a job feedback:
Job Feedback Do’s:
- Do standardize your feedback system. Having a regular feedback will let your employees have a greater chance of tracking down their improvements and what sorts of areas they must change. You can also state in your company’s schedule form of when you will providing the feedback and when shall the employees know about your observations. By this, you are not only promoting an effective way of reaching out to your employees but also teaching them the value of efficient time management skills.
- Do state facts and honest reviews. Writing and filling out a feedback form is similar to completing a witness statement wherein you will have to indicate only what you saw and witnessed, not what you thought had happened. The statements and words that you supplied in your feedback should have your observations with regards to the actual work, duties, and responsibilities of the employee.
- Do support with ample documentation. If the feedback includes about an employee’s absence or tardiness, you must be able to support your statements with the presentation of an employee absence form or a print out attendance sheet of the employee. The documents will aid the employee to know the numbers of his absences and will allow him to state his reasons for his attendance issues. However, if the feedback is for other issues, then you must have all the other paperwork to prepare yourself in the event that an employee will question your statements.
- Do state the details. All the details of how an employee can improve himself will be as helpful as the supporting documents that you have presented to him. Write the details as if you are constructing a contract agreement with the employee to properly state the terms and your conditions for the possible changes he may need to show within a stated duration of days or months.
- Do interact using comments. There are various ways on how comment cards can impact customer experience as well as employee services and performances. However, aside from giving out comments in a comment card, it will also be helpful for an employee’s improvement if you will ask for his comments with regards to the company’s granted services to him. By doing this, an interaction will be formed and you will know the side story of the employee of why his performance is the way it is and why he is receiving the feedback from you and his colleagues.
- Do focus on the positive. Even though a feedback needs to be from your honest observations, you should always be mindful of what you will state since there are some employees who take negative words deeply and make cause them to be depressed, or else stressed when they are working. To promote a positive outcome, look for an area where the employee excels such as the way he presented a report in a meeting or the way he communicates with his colleagues. You may specifically indicate a presentation feedback for him to acknowledge his exemplary skills.
- Do let the employee reflect by giving a self-evaluation. Letting an employee do a self-evaluation will allow you to have a glimpse of how he perceives himself. In this way, you will know what particular steps you should take in order to meet his needs and correct his actions.
Job Feedback Dont’s:
- Don’t give frequent feedback. Though giving a regular feedback would be best for your employees, requiring a daily or hourly feedback will cause them to be conscious of their actions. You should only provide a feedback to monitor and assure an improvement weekly and not to choke your employees by pointing out their qualities every single day.
- Don’t base feedback on assumptions. As stated above, the feedback should come from a grounded observation. You should avoid giving a feedback which you only have heard from a colleague or have read from a website. These types of feedback will retain as rumors if you have not witnessed them by yourself. Also, when stating a feedback, omit from asking anyone else’s points of views and simply state what you have seen whom the employee showed you.
- Don’t forget the points of your feedback. Forgetting the purpose of feedback forms and providing the feedback will be the reasons for you to unconsciously state inappropriate and cluttered statements. To avoid this situation, create a draft before writing in a finalized feedback form.
- Don’t exaggerate your words. Though details are vital, always keep in mind that you must not use exaggeration as a way of giving an employee feedback. Exaggeration only creates a sense of dramatic phrases and intriguing emotions with your statements instead of focusing on providing a feedback in a professional manner.
- Don’t use negative reviews. As much as you may, avoid giving a negative feedback to anyone. However, if it is unavoidable that you will be pointing out some negative things on the actions of an employee, turn your harsh words into a clever phrase rather than stating negative reviews directly.
- Don’t show anger and be defensive. You have all the documents you need as an employer to properly prove your stand, however, your emotions and physical movements must show that you are professionally dealing with the employee in a calm way.
Giving out a job and employee feedback is a tough work for any employer and any personnel in the company management since it demands honesty and requires an ample duration of time. Nonetheless, the feedback that an employee will receive should become his stepping stone towards the ways of knowing what to do in order to promote and provide appropriate services for his company.
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