Invisalign is a type of orthodontic device which aligns teeth similar to braces, however, it is made of a clear material or transparent as compared to braces which are colored. Before a patient can be administered by an orthodontist for an Invisalign treatment procedure, the patient will have to read and sign an Invisalign informed consent form first.
Invisalign Patient Informed Consent Form
What Is an Invisalign Informed Consent Form?
An Invisalign informed consent form is a document which is used by orthodontists or dentists for obtaining the consent of their patients before an Invisalign procedure. The form will inform the patient about the possible risks and dangers of the orthodontic device or the clear-aligner which is also known as the Invisalign. Moreover, the process to be completed by the patient before his treatment procedure will be conducted is also included in the form as well as the financial obligations of the patient in lieu of his desired treatment.
How to Use a Basic Invisalign Informed Consent Form
Basic Invisalign informed consent forms only require users to state their names and affix their signatures into the form. However, to complete the form, a witness must also sign the form along with the patient’s legal guardian or parents if the patient is still a minor. In addition, the doctor or the orthodontist who will be administering the Invisalign procedure should review the form before accepting the granted consent as well as talk to the patient to ensure that the statements and instructions in the informed consent form were fully understood.
Varieties of Invisalign Informed Consent Forms
Final Invisalign Inspection Consent Form – This form variety is not intended to be filled out by patients who are still going to undergo an Invisalign procedure rather by patients who have decided to refuse future treatments for the attached Invisalign or clear orthodontics device. Upon signing the form, the patient is affirming and certifying that he had been informed about the results of his oral examination after the Invisalign treatments he undergone, and regardless of the orthodontist’s suggestions regarding further treatments, he had preferred to stop and decline the suggestion which ends the treatment procedure. The patient, doctor, and a witness will need to affix their signatures in the form with the dates when the informed consent was filled out.
Final Invisalign Inspection Consent Form
Invisalign Information and Consent Form – In this form, the patient will not only be affixing his signature to document his consent but also to indicate that he had read the items and statements in the sections of the form. The first section contains a dental chart or teeth diagram to illustrate which areas of the patient’s teeth will be included in the attachment of the Invisalign device. The patient must mark the box that indicates his decision of whether he agrees on the attachment or not. The second section details the IPR information to be known by the patient while the third section documents the commitment of the patient to wear the device throughout the intended period suggested by the orthodontist.
Invisalign Information and Consent Form
The fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh sections, on the other hand, specifies the varying conditions and the costs to be paid which should be agreed and signed by the patient. In the eighth section of the form, the patient will be presented with data and information about the refinement procedures and costs while the ninth or the last section centers on informing the patient about retentions.
Invisalign Informed Consent and Agreement Form – Three pages comprise this form variety. In the first page, the patient will be presented with information about the orthodontics device to be attached to his teeth, the procedure that he will be undergoing, the benefits of the procedure and device, and the risks and inconveniences that the patient may deal after the procedure. The second page of the form contains the continued list of the possible risks along with the informed consent statement. And lastly, the third page collects the signatures, printed names, and addresses of the patient and his witness.
Invisalign Informed Consent and Agreement Form
Tips in Creating Invisalign Informed Consent Forms
Document-makers who will be creating Invisalign informed consent forms from scratch or by using templates must keep the following tips in mind to ensure that the finalized document is efficient and effective in delivering information to the parties involved, as well as in gathering necessary data:
- Be specific: Orthodontic procedures can be dangerous especially if a patient is not knowledgeable about the procedure itself and what aftercare methods must be observed after the procedure. This is why when making Invisalign informed consent forms, every bit of information which should be known by the patient must be included.
- State instructions and notes: The instructions in the form can help or guide the patient throughout the treatment procedure as well as on how the form must be filled out and where the form will be submitted. In addition, if the form is to be filled out by the patient online, then a step-by-step guide about the consent process is essential. The contact information and the email address of the orthodontist’s clinic must also be stated in the form to allow patients and clients know how they can reach out to the clinic for inquiries and questions about the Invisalign procedure.
- Keep designs minimal: Invisalign informed consent forms contain a lot of texts which must be read easily and be understood by the user. This is the reason why the colors to be incorporated into the form should be kept minimal as well as the font styles and the images or logos to be placed in the form. However, minimalism does not mean that colors should be avoided, rather a maximum combination of three colors can promote creativity and professionalism at the same time for as long as the colors are pleasing to look at.
To conclude, Invisalign informed consent forms are not only for documenting the signatures of patients who have agreed on the treatment procedure and the accompanying risks and dangers, but also in informing the patient about all types of information surrounding the Invisalign treatment.
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