For business organizations, one thing that makes the operation going is having enough resources that are imposed in day to day business operation. It is essential that the company has enough deliverables in order to maintain the production and performance level. In doing so, a requisition for products, supplies or equipment are done internally in order to meet the required level of performance and the monthly target of the business.
This article contains different kinds of requisition forms that are used in day-to-day operations of a business. Refer to these in order to know the differences between a requisition and a purchase order. And by the end of going over the whole article, you will be able to create your own customized requisition.
Internal Purchase Requisition
Internal Manpower
Internal Stock
Internal Job
What is an Internal Requisition?
An internal requisition is a formal request done by the officer-in-charge in maintaining the equipment, supplies, materials, and all other mechanics or tools that are used in an organization to operate. The officer-in-charge is referred to as the stockroom or maintenance manager.
An internal requisition is done formally when an internal requisition form is submitted to the supervisor head or the department head. This is used to notify that the company lacks the following equipment that are specified in the requisition form.
An internal requisition could also be used in requisition of services when there are services that are needed to be carried out. This is done formally using a service requisition form. When these services have been adequately carried out, you can request payment through the use of a payment requisition form.
How to Complete the Internal Requisition Form
An internal requisition form is the breakdown of the items that are needed or requested for order/s. This is completed by providing the necessary information that are needed in the form. The requisition form is often given by the head to the maintenance manager and has a proper format in order to have a clear understanding of the specifications of products, items, or equipment that is needed.
These requisition made internally by filling up the form is then submitted to the company’s supplier as a purchase order.
Internal Cheque
Internal Training
Internal Order
Internal Material
Filling Up The Internal Requisition Form
In filling up the internal requisition form, the following information that are needed are the following:
- submitted by: the officer-in-charge for doing the formal request
- submitted to: the department head or supervisor
- the specifications of the items that are requested such as the quantity, the name or description, the estimated cost or amount of each
- the date submitted and date received of the requisition form
- the signature/s as an affirmation or approval of such request
It is important that the estimated cost or budget of the request should be included since this is used as the manager’s basis on how much amount should be allocated as discussed in monthly budget meetings.
The difference between a requisition and a purchase order is that the requisition has an estimated overall amount for the cost of the items, while a purchase order states the agreed amount of the buyer company with the supplier company. For better understanding and more examples regarding requisitions, see sample requisition forms. These forms are in PDF which you can download and print for your references.