The most common inevitable circumstances that are most likely encountered, especially at the workplace, are physical injuries. These incidents are caused due to various of reasons, and some of which are as follows:
- The negligence of the employee and/or the management
- The delayed response when risks and hazards are identified
- The ignorance of everyone regarding the risk assessment safety guidelines and procedures
- Employees are untrained or they lack training to perform the specific job or work designated to them
- The management’s lack of instructions or guidance for their employees
- Employees lack of experience (depending on what type of job)
- Lack of inspection and maintenance of all equipment or apparatus used during operations
- Employees’ failure to follow instructions directed to them
These simple reasons could cause great destruction to the business management. And basically, these are the common causes of why there is a large number of injuries in the workplace. Found in this article are different kinds of injury report forms that you could utilize whenever incidents or accidents are encountered. Refer to each of these to know what are the essential details that are needed to complete the process. Further in this article are the process, ways, and tips in avoiding those unexpected occurrence of accidents or incidents.
Blank Injury Report Form
Detailed Injury Report Form
Standard Form for Injury Report
Informational Injury Report Form
Injury Report of Child’s Injury
The Process for Injury Report Forms
Whenever there are some incidents or accidents that are encountered, the first and foremost step to do is to give the details. In other words, cite the facts and contact information to the supervisor or the person in charge at the moment. Do not just confront some random people who do not have any idea what to do, especially in responding to the incident. This is for the reason that such act only causes delay for an immediate response or incident actions to be done. And the victim or the injured person might be dying already while you are babbling to the wrong person. If in case the injury is worse, someone should call a paramedic or seek for some medical or health assessment personnel. Below are the following steps that each person involved should do, most especially when incidents are encountered on hand:
- For injured person or the witness (in behalf of the injured person)
- He or she should inform the authorized personnel soon as the incident occurs.
- All details must be jotted or written down on a piece of paper. But as much as possible, an incident report form must be secured.
- In the form, all the information should be stated according to the facts present or found in the incident.
- He or she should undergo an interview in order to further investigate what has happened.
- All questions from the investigator or interrogator must be answered.
- After all the general information is secured, it is certified that everything is true.
- For receiver of the report (the investigator or the maintenance team)
- Should conduct various of interviews or ask various of questions to the injured person or to the witnesses.
- He should be able to evaluate the facts written in the incident or accident report form.
- All the information must be gathered before a thorough analysis of what has happened takes place.
- There should be some further interviews in order to clarify some things and confirm whether the result is accurate.
- All details or the results are being finalized.
- For the management or supervisor
- The management should be aware of the full details from the investigation result and incident reports.
- He or they should come up with some corrective actions in order to avoid the same incident/s to happen for the second time around.
- There should be a meeting or orientation to be conducted in order to discuss new implemented safety precautions and/or procedures.
The purpose of conducting a meeting is that in order for everyone to be aware of what has happened and what are most likely to happen if instructions or procedures are not followed accordingly. Technically, the main problem why business companies often fail and incidents or injuries occur is because there is a lack of communication. Communication is the most important thing when you are administering or managing a business. The reason is because this connects every department or station in the company. And when connection is made, different kinds of information are exchanged.
Thus, this makes everything fall right into place. You see, when you have a strong bond or connection with your people, a bridge is made to fill in the gap. And when the gap is filled in, information are delivered in an effective manner, thus, making you and your employees transparent to each other, especially when there are different kinds of circumstances that are encountered. You tend to make a great team, because that is what you should be. The business’s success depends on the employees, and so is yours. That is the reason why communication evaluation is one of the key that leads to success.
Employee Injury Report Form
Employee Report of Accident or Injury
Employee Report of Occupational Injury
Worker’s Compensation Injury Report Form
Ways to Develop Communication
Information is transmitted fast by means of having a two-way communication. That is why it is important that this is developed or improved to build a relationship with your people. Here are few of the many ways how communications between you and your employees can be amended:
- There should be monthly meetings that are conducted.
- All information during the meetings or huddles should be jotted down and reviewed using review forms.
- There should also be monthly reviews with regards to the business operations.
- These should be a training or performance evaluation in order to test how employees response to different kind of situations. This evaluation will also help each one of them to practice their organizational and communication skills.
- Employees should be asked for their feedback using employee feedback forms.
- Everybody should be encouraged to report all unnecessary situations. Daily report forms could be secured in order for each employee to state their accomplishments.
These are just few of the many ways on how communication is developed. These are simple, yet these create a great impact with regards to the business development.
Securing Details of Incidents and Injuries
In order to have an effective investigation of the incidents that cause injuries, all the information or the details with regards to the incident must be secured. These details could be written in the incident or accident report form. In order to further understand and investigate the situation, here are the following information that are necessary to be provided by the witnesses, the management, and the investigators:
- The affected or injured person’s personal information
- The injured person’s employment information
- The work site or company details (the nature of the employer’s business is sometimes asked in order to know what are the types of incidents that could possibly be identified just by referring to the type of business)
- The specific details of the injury (the setting such as the location, the date, and the time)
- The details and initial assessment of the injury
- The description of prior events and the contributing factors that led to the injury
- The names, contacts, and addresses of the witnesses (if there are any)
- The place of where the injury has taken place
- The part of the body where injures are serious
- The nature or type of the injury (physical, illness, near miss)
- The mechanism of how the injury happened
- The factor that directly or indirectly caused the injury (whether it’s a person, a place, or an object)
- The treatment of the injury (none, debriefing, medical or dental, first aid, professional counseling, admitted to hospital or hospitalization, and/or others to be specified)
- The protection equipment or the safety measures that was or were in place during the time of injury (examples are protective gears and clothing, safety guidelines poster/s, and the like)
- The immediate actions that were taken in address to the situation
- The corrective preventive actions that were implemented to avoid the same occurrence of incident/s
- The brief outline of the workers’ compensation claim
- The initial rehabilitation assessment information
- The notification of the authorized personnel (signature and date)
Some details such as the following below are also investigated in order to support sworn statements from witnesses or the people involved in the incident.
- What each of the employees are doing before, during, and after the incident occur
- Who are the people affected or involved in the incident
- What is the cause or the contributing factors that resulted to the injury
- What was the immediate response of the affected or injured person
- Who helped or made an immediate response during the incident
The reason why these details should be specified is so that we will know what is/are the causes of such incident that has taken place. This is because there are some circumstances wherein the person behind the injury is unaware that he or she is the one who accidentally caused the injury of his or her co-employee. A simple and common example for this is when some hazardous chemicals had spilled and the employee responsible for cleaning it out has failed or forgotten to do so.
And when his co-employee has accidentally had skin contact with it, his skin was burnt critically. If an investigation was not done, the cause of such injury could not be discovered and people will not be informed regarding the incidents. Thus, more people will remain unaware of what are the risks that these chemicals could cause them. In order to avoid similar incidents to occur, there should be a control risk assessment to be conducted.
Conducting a Risk Assessment
A risk assessment is a procedure that is conducted to identify all the possible threats that could cause types of injuries to the people in the place. This is conducted not just in the companies but even at home. And this is basically to promote and maintain the safety of everyone surrounding the area. The process of identifying the risks are as follows:
- There is an inspection in every corner of the place.
- All details and factors that can be considered as threats are listed down.
- The found risks or threats are examined or evaluated to further understand how bad these can get and what are the possible outcomes if these are not treated immediately.
- There is a meeting conducted with the maintenance team in order to come up with solutions.
- The solutions are justified, evaluated, and jotted down in the risk assessment form.
- The final decisions from the solutions are put into actions.
These are the basic steps in conducting a risk assessment in the workplace. By means of conducting this kind of assessment, this is also considered as one of how communication is developed. This is for the reason that employees are given the chance to report what are the possible threats that are found in their department. Moreover, you may refer to the risk assessment simple tips for further understanding of how risk assessments are conducted.
Report of Injury Form
Report of Injury or Illness Form
Injured Employee’s Report of Injury
Employee’s Report of Injury Form
Worker’s Report of Injury
General Injury Report Form
Few Tips in Avoiding Injuries
For a better way of completing injury service reports, here are a few tips that you have to remember and take note of:
- You have to be decisive when it comes to making decisions on how to treat the injury.
- You should be aware of the first aid or medical history treatment procedures, and know how to treat the injuries.
- You need to have some experiences when handling situations like these, if not, ask some help from those who do.
- Be professional, do not panic, and know what you are doing.
- If you do not know what to do, better call for somebody who does.
- If the injuries are worse, call an ambulance or some medical help.
- Do not be a hero by trying to solve things on your own, or else you will end up as the victim too (example is when there are explosions or fire).
- Make sure to list all the details in order to know how you could avoid the same incidents from happening for the second time.
- Make wise decisions in making corrective actions.
- You should be able to have a thorough analysis regarding the matter.
- You have to know the exact and full details of what has happened.
- Be in fully control of all business forms in your company.
- Be accountable for what has happened, especially when you are being held liable for the incident due to negligence.
- Ask for some assistance when necessary.
- Make sure that you can reach out to your employees whenever there are circumstances like incidents.
- Ensure that you have proper designation or assignment of your people.
- Be sure that each member of your maintenance team is well trained.
- Conduct a risk assessment to ensure each and everyone’s safety.
These are some tips that you could refer to make sure that everybody’s safety is not at stake. And summing this all up, be sure that you know how to respond when there are different kinds of incidents on hand. You may also refer to these report forms for injury for references and basis on how you could ensure the welfare of not just your employees but also you and your company.
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