Nowadays, people are more connected and more involved with one another especially with the use of social media sites and software applications that bridge the gaps of one person to another. However, one common downside for getting into these sites include the basic fear of providing chances for thieves to steal an identity which is not theirs. This can be avoided only if the owner of every piece of data and information is aware of what he discloses and to whom he shares his information with. Data protection is significant to be mandated by organizations and groups as well as the State’s authorities to ensure that members, clients, and a country’s citizens will be living in peace with no fear of being held liable for transactions they did not conduct.
Identity Theft Affidavit Form Sample
What Is an Identity Theft Affidavit Form?
An identity theft affidavit form is a document which is required to be filled out and submitted by individuals who have been a victim of identity thieves. The form will serve as a documented report of the victim which will inform the authorities about the incident and situation that the victim is currently involved in. Most identity theft affidavit forms are supplied by financial institutions or agencies as well as State government offices. The reason why this form is supplied by these organizations is due to the significance of having updated pieces of information and data of the people that they are affiliated specifically their clients and members.
Identity Theft Victims’ Complaint and Affidavit Form
Why Are Identity Theft Affidavit Forms Important?
Identity theft affidavit forms are important for the following reasons:
- Show factual information – Every type of affidavit form differs on where it is intended to be submitted and what information will be collected in it. When it comes to an identity theft affidavit form, the details of how the affiant determined or found out about the incident will be stated along with his particulars. All of the information to be disclosed in the form, especially the affiant’s personal data will be used by the organization to execute the process of updating the affiant’s records as well as in providing new identification cards to the affiant with his up to date information on it.
- Document the needs of the affiant – The form will highlight the affiant’s requests which are connected to the identity theft incident. Without the form, the organization will not be able to document or even obtain a survey of how many requests and incidents they have successfully resolved throughout a specific year of their services and how many have been set aside due to insufficient proof of an affiant’s claim.
- Supplement other legal forms – Although an affidavit form is a document which states the claims and proof of an affiant, this document is not intended to be used solely or as a lone document since there should be other legal forms to accompany the affiant’s theft claims. The affidavit form will merely serve as a documentation of the affiant’s statements and narration of the whole theft incident.
Examples of Identity Theft Affidavit Forms
Since there are various organizations and agencies who are using identity theft affidavit forms for their members and clients, there are also several varieties of form formats which are created to meet the needs of each varying group. Below are some of the examples of identity theft affidavit forms which can be used and customized:
Forgery Identity Theft Affidavit Form – This document is suitable to be used by individuals or affiants who are not only victims of identity theft but as well as forgery of signatures. The document allows the affiant to report to the authority that the current transactions carried out with his signatures were not executed by him nor are permitted and authorized by him. To fill out the forgery identity theft affidavit form, the affiant must disclose his concerns along with the details of it. For instance, if the concerns of the affiant deal with an identity theft regarding his social security and bank accounts, then he must state his account information. The first section of the form contains the affidavit specification or category which is accompanied by the particular portions or numbers on the form to be completed by the affiant depending on the category. The second section of the form gathers the basic details of the affiant such as his name, license numbers, address, and phone numbers. The third section of the form focuses on the account information of the affiant specifically the account which was stolen or used without permission. The forgery details are then specified in the fourth section of the form while the fifth section will state the brief description of the theft. A declaration statement is also incorporated in the affidavit form which is essentially for indicating the testimonies of the affiant along with his certification regarding the disclosed information he included in the form. The declaration must be signed and dated by the affiant before the notary will be stamping the form with a notary seal.
Forgery Identity Theft Affidavit Form
Identity Theft Complaint Affidavit Form – Compared to the aforementioned form, this document is mostly used by police authorities who are assigned to deal with theft complaints. The form contains basic sections found in every theft affidavit form, however, it is accompanied by an additional sheet which allows the affiant or the victim to state the accounts and details or his information which will be used by the authorities for investigating the case. Some of the inclusions are sections for fraudulent account statements, fraudulent employment information, fraudulent tax filing information, and credit or debit card abuse information.
Identity Theft Complaint Affidavit Form
How to Fill out an Identity Theft Affidavit Form
Filling out an identity theft affidavit form requires the affiant to be aware of the information that he will disclose in the document itself. He should also ensure that only facts are stated in the form along with data which can be verified by the authorities to aid the process of fulfilling the request. To fill out an identity theft affidavit form, the steps below must be followed by any affiant:
Step 1: Read the instructions and details in the form. Scanning the whole form is important to make sure that an affiant is only filling out the portions intended for his information and statements, and not to areas which are allotted for the observations and notes of the representing authority.
Step 2: Disclose basic details. The basic details to be disclosed by an affiant includes his relevant personal information such as his full legal name, date of birth, place of residence, nationality, active phone numbers, social security numbers, as well as the year or period when he began residing in his disclosed address.
Step 3: State details about how the fraud occurred. This will be the section where the affiant will have to indicate how his information was breached and used by another entity without his permission. However, in the event that the affiant is unaware of how the fraud happened or how his information was stolen, he must clearly state how he was able to sight and began knowing that he was becoming a victim of an identity thief. The names of the people who he deems are responsible or can be enlisted as the possible suspects of the incident are also needed to be stated in this section with their addresses and contact information.
Step 4: Define what actions will be mandated for the offender. This is the section where the affiant will define or describe how the offender will be dealt with the authorities whether a prosecution or a penalty will be preferred. Moreover, the affiant should also enlist the organizations and agencies where he was able to file a formal report about the incident aside from the authorities whom he will be filing the completed identity theft affidavit form.
Step 5: Mark or list the documents to be submitted with the affidavit form. To fully prove that the affiant is indeed the owner of the information being stolen by the suspects, he should be able to submit accompanying documents to the authorities which will serve as an instrument in identifying him successfully through validation and verification procedures. The list of the documents that the affiant can submit will then be stated in the form for recording purposes.
Step 6: Notarize and sign the form. A notary public will be hired to responsibly check the filled out affidavit and to verify the affiant’s claims, as well as witness the affiant’s actions, documentation, and statements. Once validated, the notary public must allow the affiant to affix his signature and date on the form, and incorporate a notarized stamp to legalize the affidavit.
With the steps above, any organization or individual will be able to make and complete a basic identity theft affidavit form. However, when it comes to making the form from scratch, the State’s rules, regulations, and format for documents must be taken into consideration to ensure that the finished product or the created form have met the guidelines and needs of the State.
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