The internet has become one of the sources where people do banking, buy goods, call out for service providers, as well as speak their thoughts for the world to see. However, this also became the main reason why identity thieves are spreading throughout the globe with their intention to hack other people’s accounts, and integrate fraud information in the database of some companies and organizations.
With the case of identity theft at its peak that continues to rise every single year, people and organizations tend to become more vigilant when doing any sort of transaction. This is why legal forms and other proof of identity documents are required by some institutions, companies, and government agencies before they will welcome an individual in their premises. One known form which caters the need for proving an existence is an affidavit of identity.
Affidavit of Identity Form
What Is an Affidavit of Identity Form?
An affidavit of identity is used whenever there is a need for verifying both signatures and the identification of an individual. With this, the affidavit acts as a tool for further identification verification, as well as for undergoing a signature verification process. Similar to all other affidavit forms, this is often notarized by a notary public for the document to be acknowledged in court and any legal preceding. Banks and courts are the two organizations who demand this type of affidavit especially during transacting cash amounts and dealing with property transfers.
What’s in an Affidavit of Identity Form?
Legal affidavits of identity will have the information of the affiant or the user of the form. All the information which needs to be stated is for the purpose of supplying data to the authorities in order to comply with the verification process. The affiant’s legal name, identification numbers, and his residential address will be required to be included in the form. The affidavit will also have intentions of why the affiant will need to submit the form to the authority, and a set of instructions to guide the affiant on his way to completing the form.
Affidavit of Identity and Distinction
Types of Affidavit of Identity
There are a few types of an affidavit of identity which will vary clearly on who is the affiant or the user of the affidavit form. Listed below are the following affidavit of identity forms:
Affidavit of Identity and Distinction – This is the type of legal affidavit which is to be used for the bank’s and mortgage loan provider’s requirements. The purpose of having the form is to state an affiant’s identity and to clear out that the affiant had no debts under other loan providers. The affiant will be required to state his information which may include his marital status. With this, a few paperwork to prove his status such as a marriage certificate form will be needed to be submitted with the affidavit. The mortgage office book will become the basis of the loan providers for checking and verifying the identity of the mortgage applicant or the affiant.
Candidate Affidavit of Identity
Candidate Affidavit of Identity – Voter registration forms are not the only documents which are used when the election period is nearing, but also a candidate affidavit of identity form. This is to be filled out by an individual who aims to run for a candidacy in order to become a government official. The form will have the candidate’s name, as well as the statement of the candidate if he had filed a name change form within the last ten years before his candidacy application. The name change statement is essential to assure that a candidate is not using both names for the benefit of filing two election candidacy positions.
Credit Affidavit of Identity
Credit Affidavit of Identity – Undergoing a credit application process often takes up a lot of hours before the credit will be granted to the affiant. With this, the credit affidavit of identity will be used to support the data in the affiant’s submitted application form. The basic information of the affiant with his addresses will be stated in the form. A list of documents to accompany the affidavit will also be found to allow the credit provider in determining which has been presented by the affiant as a part of their requirements.
Dealer Affidavit of Identity
Dealer Affidavit of Identity – Vehicle and car dealers are the people who get involved in legal documents relating to car ownership such as a car bill of sale and a car appraisal for their clients. However, these people are also required to use a specific form for their benefit and as one of the requirements in a state which is known as a dealer affidavit of identity form. This will state the dealer’s name, his license numbers, as well as his contact information. Most states and countries will require this form in order for the authorities to track people who are illegally doing a dealership business without the proper license and permits from the government.
Deed Affidavit of Identity
Deed Affidavit of Identity – When a deceased individual is an owner of various assets and properties, the people who are related to him will have to undergo a number of processes in order to obtain and fully transfer the titles of his properties. This is why a deed affidavit of identity form will serve a great purpose for determining if the property claimant is the person who’s chosen by the owner and stated in the transfer on death deed. The deed transfer must be presented to the court as one of the exhibits to aid the court in bringing up their final verdict for the property.
Employee Affidavit of Identity
Employee Affidavit of Identity – This is a sort of employment form which focuses on determining the actual identity of an employee and the company where he is currently employed. This form is also for acknowledging the understanding of an employee with regards to the rules and regulations of the company. It is significant for any employee to read the oath and statements in the form to address possible clarifications and inquiries before signing the document with the presence of a notary public.
ID Card Affidavit of Identity
ID Card Affidavit of Identity – Presenting any type of identification cards may not satisfy and meet the needs of an organization due to the fear of receiving falsified documents. This is the main point of having an ID card affidavit of identity form to be filled out by the affiant or the owner of the cards. The affidavit form will center on the description of the card which is the dates when the card was issued to the affiant and the names which are written on the card. By using this form, the authority will have a record of the basic data about the affiant and his own identification card which can be used especially in the event of losing the card.
Individual Affidavit of Identity Form
Individual Affidavit of Identity Form – There are some people who own two names in their lives which often becomes the problem for most organizations in assuring that no two names are enrolled in their system. To aid any organization, an affiant will have to submit an individual affidavit of identity form to state his names and his relation to the person who is also connected with the organization. This form can also be used to compliment the needs of supplying data in a tax verification process where a taxpayer should only be registered once to avoid discrepancies and tax penalties.
Marriage Affidavit of Identity
Marriage Affidavit of Identity – Sometimes, a marriage contract is not enough to prove to the authorities that a matrimonial ceremony happened between a couple. This is when a marriage affidavit of identity will be needed to state the intention of a couple that they aim to prove their marriage. The form can also be used by an individual who wants to clear his marital status to the authority after a divorce and to state that he is rightful to re-marry again.
How to Fill Out an Affidavit of Identity Form
Filling out an affidavit of identity is highly identical to completing a general affidavit. This is due to the uniformity and standardized format of the documents. The first step that an affiant will consider is to indicate the name of the county where the case will be handled. This should be stated on the header or the first area of the document. Next, the affiant must fill out his personal information which is his name, address, social security card number, contact information, and his date of birth. These will be used for the investigation process in the country’s database. Then, the affiant must clearly include the file that he will be attaching as a proof of his identities such as a driver’s license or an employment identification. After completing the essential sections of the affidavit, the affiant should have the document notarized by a legal notary public before signing the form. When the notary public has sealed the affidavit, it should then be submitted and recorded in the court.
Recognizing all of these samples is just a step to pave the path of an affiant into learning and determining what affidavit form will be suitable for him. Nonetheless, an affiant should always remember that regardless of his purpose, he must not veer away from the facts of his statements.
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