There are tons of different sports and hobbies that people get interested and enthusiastic to participate in, and one of the most dangerous yet exciting sport is hunting. This is where hunters will bring bows and arrows, bullets and guns, and other instruments to aid them throughout the activity. On the other hand, these hunters must also be accompanied by expert guides and organizations who will provide them with the knowledge regarding the rules of hunting with the help of hunting contract forms.
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Hunting Contract Form Sample
What is a Hunting Contract Form?
Hunting contract forms are used by organizations whose main objective is to educate hunters and introduce the varieties of prey to be the subject of a hunting expedition. Although some experienced hunters use their skills to kill animals and have their heads as trophies, there are also those who use hunting as a tool for them to obtain food and survive. Nonetheless, in today’s generation, hunting activities are done with supervision by professional individuals so as not to disturb the wildlife and ensure that the hunters, as well as other people within the premises, will not be harmed by stray bullets and arrows. You may also see the sample service contract forms
Hunting Contract and Liability Waiver Form
Varieties of Hunting Contract Forms
The varieties of hunting contract forms depend on the main subject of the document and the type of hunting experience that an organization can provide to their hunters or clients. With this, the enlisted forms below are some of the common varieties that organizations can use and customize to fulfill their needs and intentions:
1. Annual Hunting Lease Contract Form
Some agricultural property owners lease their land for those who want to hunt and maintain the area. If the lease is aimed for a year, then the owner must construct and provide an updated annual hunting lease contract form. This document serves as a guide for the lessee or the tenant of what he is allowed and what is prohibited to be done in the leased hunting area. The list of species that the lessee can hunt down is included in the lease contract along with the simple statements regarding the dangers of hunting wildlife. Upon signing the form, it must be duplicated, which will be given as a copy to the lessee and the authorized official of the state who keeps records of leased properties.
Annual Hunting Lease Contract Form
2. Bear Hunting Client Agreement Contract Form
Preserving bears in the wildlife is one of the common objectives and missions of wildlife organizations. With this, a bear hunting client agreement contract form should be provided to a hunter who is not a resident of the area. The form will indicate the name of the hunting guide or professional who will take charge of the activity along with his residential address, contact information, and guide licenses number. Following the guide’s details are the data of the client such as his full legal name, address, date of birth, hunting, and driver’s license numbers, and date of birth. To validate the entries disclosed in the form, the guide and the client must both affix their signatures on the provided areas below the agreement terms as well as indicate the specific season of the year whether it is spring or fall and the hunting location that they will be conducting the activity.
Bear Hunting Client Agreement Contract Form
3. Farm Hunting Lease Agreement Contract Form
Although farms are known to be areas where plants and organic foods are produced, there are also those that are allotted for hunting animals such as doves, fish, and all sorts of varmints. For these farms, farm hunting lease agreement contract forms are used by the farm owners for them to protect their premises and assure that only the allowed hunters will be permitted to conduct their hunting within specific areas of the farm. The form highlights the rules and regulations set out by the farm owner along with his own signature to certify and validate the contract.
Farm Hunting Lease Agreement Contract Form
4. Hunt Contract Assumption of Liability Form
Since hunting is a dangerous and risky activity, it is important for hunting guides and hunt area organizations to ensure that they will not be held with lawsuits and issues about the decision of their clients to pursue hunting. With this, a hunt contract assumption of liability form is an essential document that any hunting guide must present to his clients or hunters. The form’s objective is to inform the hunters about the risks of the activity as well as waive the obligations of the guide towards providing payments and medical reimbursements in the events of accidents during the activity. An activity waiver form can also be enclosed to further describe and lay out the responsibilities of the hunter or client as well as the hunting guides. Additionally, a hunter information form is attached to the contract, which is useful for gathering the general information of the client, acquire the client’s current medical condition, and determine whether the client have experiences in hunting or not.
Hunt Contract Assumption of Liability Form
Benefits of Using a Hunting Contract Form in DOC Format
Just like other documents in word document format, a hunting contract form in this format allows a hunting guide to easily customize the form to maximize the information that he will be gathering from his clients. Updating the form can also be done with less hassle as well as printing the form once the fields and changes are incorporated. Since the form is in a word document format, the file size of the form is light, which allows the organization to save up space on their computers and database systems. Lastly, using a form in this format also promotes an easy way for clients to fill out fields if the form is sent through an electronic mailing address. You may also like the sample cleaning contract forms
Hunting Agreement Contract Form in DOC
With the aforementioned hunting contract forms, any hunter will be well-informed about his safety and security in the hunting premises. However, regardless of the format used as to whether the form will be in document format or in other available formats online such as a portable document file or PDF format and in spreadsheet format, it is always important to keep in mind that updating the terms and conditions are necessary. These terms must also be customized based on the varying hunter categories to cater all the different clients of an organization. You may also check out the sample business contract forms
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