Reclassification in the field of employment refers to the changing of assignments, roles, and responsibilities of an employee or staff member and personnel. With this, an HR reclassification application form must be prepared by the company which will then be used by the person who will be requesting a reclassification, either for himself or for other employees.
What Is an HR Reclassification Application Form?
An HR reclassification application form is a type of document that the human resource department of companies uses for recording the details of employees or staff members who will be reclassified. The changes or the reason for reclassification may be due to a promotion, demotion, salary change, or changes in an employee’s roles and responsibilities.
HR Reclassification Application Form Sample
Types of HR Reclassification Application Forms
Below are some of the common types of HR reclassification application forms that companies can use for their employees:
HR Classified Reclassification Request Application Form – There are two pages in this type of form. The first page is intended for the instructions to be followed by the requestor of the reclassification. The steps and guidelines which must be fulfilled by the requestor will be indicated on the first page. The second page, on the other hand, contains the actual form to be filled out. Two sections comprise the application form wherein the first section has a set of questions to be answered in lieu of the changes and the general information of the employee who will be reclassified. The signatures and decisions of the approval committee of the company will then be stated in the second section of the application form and must include their comments related to the reclassification of the employee.
HR Classified Reclassification Request Application Form
HR Position Reclassification Application Form – There are eleven sections to be filled out by the user of an HR position reclassification application form. The first section is allotted for the employee’s information such as his name, the position, and the name of his supervisor while the second section states the instructions to be followed for describing the job specifications of the employee for his reclassification. In the succeeding sections, the position scope and the impact of the reclassification, the discretion and judgment of the company, as well as the list of job requirements to be met by the employee, and the comments and signatures of the authorized approvers will have to be stated in order to complete the application form.
HR Position Reclassification Application Form
HR Reclassification Application Instructions Form – Compared to the aforementioned form types, this document is not to be filled out rather it must be read and understood by anyone who will be requesting for a reclassification. Specifically, an HR reclassification application instructions form is essential for companies who use electronic forms or data collection methods and software programs rather than printed documents. The instructions form will explain to the requestor the procedure he must follow along with screen captions to fully present and guide the requestor in every page of the reclassification software or electronic form.
HR Reclassification Application Instructions Form
HR Reclassification Application Questionnaire Form – This form is suitable to be used by staff members of a company who would like to apply for reclassification. The form contains five sections to be filled in and answered by the requesting staff. The information which will be collected in the first section would include the name and identification number of the staff or employee, the position title of the staff, and the names of his supervisors and managers. A job questionnaire would be the contents of the second section of the form wherein the staff will have to justify why he is applying for reclassification, his primary objective, the problems and issues he faced in his current position, the people and organizations he interacted with, his key achievements, and his feedback about his current position and the company management. The list of items that the staff must submit will be stated in the third section, while the signatures of the approval committee and the outcome of the application will be indicated in the last two sections of the form.
HR Reclassification Application Questionnaire Form
HR Reclassification Request Application Form – Among the aforementioned forms, this type of application form has the most number of sections which should be completed by its user. The basic details of the requesting party, the purpose of his requested reclassified position, work list, equipment usage list, and the list of requirements to be fulfilled by an individual who will be replacing the requestor’s vacant job position will be stated in this form. Furthermore, the requestor must also affix his signature below the employee certification statement indicated in the form along with the date of when he filled out and signed the request application form.
HR Reclassification Request Application Form
HR Reclassification Application Form FAQs
Can an employee appeal to a reclassification?
Yes. An employee or a staff member of a company can file an appeal to the reclassification. The appeal form should be submitted to the HR upon receiving a notice about the reclassification procedure and intent of the company. After the appeal is filed, the HR must review the appeal as well as issue the finalized decision in lieu of both the reclassification and the employee’s appeal.
What other forms can be used as a supplement documentation to an HR reclassification application form?
Statement forms from the employee’s supervisors and immediate heads can be enclosed as a supplemental form to the aforementioned application form. The purpose of the statement form is to gather the supervisor’s feedback and thoughts regarding the application along with his expectations and suggestions on what must be met by the employee or any prospective candidate for the position. A supplemental questionnaire form can also be included which is useful for collecting direct yes and no answers from the questionnaire’s intended user.
To conclude, HR reclassification application forms are important especially in terms of keeping accurate records in the data of the employees in the company. Moreover, the form will also allow the HR department and the approval committee in determining whether or not the requested or requesting employee is suitable for the position aimed.
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