HR employee concern forms are documents which are used by the human resource department of a company to record the concerns, issues, and complaints of the company’s employees. The form will aid the human resource personnel to identify the cause and a resolution to address the employee’s reports. Moreover, the form is also useful for determining the complaint or concerns evident or frequent in the company within a specified year.
HR Employee Concern Form Sample
What’s In a General HR Employee Concern Form?
A general HR employee concern form contains the following elements and sections:
- Employee information: It is essential that the user of the form or the one who is filing the form is identified in order to verify and validate the claims defined in the form. For this, an employee information section is incorporated in the form which is for gathering the full name of the employee along with his job position or role in the company, the years of his employment, the department that he is assigned in, and the name of his supervisor or manager.
- Concern specification: There are several types of concerns that the human resource department of a company will deal with every single day which is why it is important that the type of concern will be stated in the form. In addition, the particulars of the concern such as the date when the concern was first reported or informed to the manager, the time and place where the incident leading to the concern occurred, and the reason for filing the concern should also be disclosed by the employee.
- Concern description: This section of the form should be comprised of a large allotted area or blank space. The purpose of the area is to provide ample space for the employee to disclose all details of his concerns. Specifically, the employee must efficiently narrate the events as well as enlist the names of the people or employees who were the subjects of his concern or complaint report.
- Witness statement: Witnesses are individuals who are present in the place when the concern of the employee arose. Each witness must write their own witness statement in the form. Additionally, the witnesses must also disclose their identifications for the verification process of the company in determining whether they are really in the premises and the time of the stated event or are promoting false claims for the benefit of the concerned employee.
- Signature area: The number of signature blocks or lines will depend on the number of individuals who will be affixing their signature on the HR employee concern form. Aside from the employee, the department manager, the witnesses, and the human resource personnel are some of the parties who are often required to sign the form, specifically for validating and affirming the claims.
Furthermore, a set of instructions to be followed by the employee in order to complete and successfully send the form to the authorized personnel of the company can also be included in the form. The instructions can also include the list of documents that the employee must submit in lieu of his concern.
Varieties of HR Employee Concern Forms
HR Employee Complaint Concern Form – This variety of HR employee concern form is suitable to be used by employees who not only want to raise a basic concern, rather a complaint about a co-worker or another party within the premises of the company. In the form, the employee will have to state his name and the date when he filed the form along with his status in the company, his job title, his assigned department, and his contact information. Moreover, the date, time, and location of the incident, as well as the specific acts which had been the grounds of the complaint and the name and contact numbers of the witnesses, must also be disclosed in the form.
HR Employee Complaint Concern Form
In addition, the employee can also state his suggestions regarding the proposed action to address his concerns and complaints along with his comments about what the company management have acted upon after he informed or have filed a preliminary report before.
HR Employee Concerns and Issues Form – This is the most common variety that companies and business organizations use for obtaining the concerns of their employees. There are four sections in the form which must be completed by the concerned employee. The first section centers on the employee’s contact details while the second section is composed of questions which are for identifying who the involved parties are, what the issue is all about, and how the issue can be resolved by the company immediately. The third section, on the other hand, is for indicating whether or not the information or concern had been sent and informed to the supervisor. And in the fourth section, the concerned employee will need to affix his signature and the date when he completed the form.
HR Employee Concerns and Issues Form
HR Employee Safety and Health Concern Form – Compared to the aforementioned form varieties, HR employee safety and health concern forms are specifically intended for documenting safety and health issues or concerns that employees want to inform the company. There are two portions in the form wherein the first portion is to be filled out by the concerned employee and the second portion is to be completed by the safety committee. The data to be disclosed by the employee in the form include the employee’s name, department, the location of his concern, and the description or specification of his safety and health concerns.
HR Employee Safety and Health Concern Form
In addition, the safety committee will be responsible for stating the actions taken and the follow-up procedures or actions which had been fulfilled to ensure that the concern will not reoccur. Lastly, the date when the concern had been completed and the signature of the safety committee will be needed in the form as well.
To conclude, HR employee concern forms serves as the communication bridge of the human resource personnel and the other employees of the company. However, when dealing with employee concerns, the human resource department must create and finalize an action plan first as well as alternative plans which will then be presented to the employee for negotiation and brainstorming for determining the most effective solution.
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