Holiday request forms are documents that employers require their employees to fill out if the intent or an employee is to file for vacation leave or a number of days away from work to celebrate a holiday. The form will collect relevant details about the holiday leave of the employee as well as document the approval of the employee’s manager, supervisor, or any authorized personnel who is assigned to approve and record employment leaves.
Types of Holiday Request Forms
Holiday Pay Request Form – In this form, the requestor or the worker of the company will not only be requesting a holiday leave approval but also a guaranteed holiday pay in the number of days where he will not be able to work. To complete the form, the requestor will need to disclose his name, address, national insurance number, the date when he was employed or started working in the company, as well as his place of work, and his average weekly hours and hourly pay. Additionally, the number of leave days and the signature of the requestor or worker must also be indicated in the form with the signature of the authorizing employee.
Holiday Pay Request Form
Student Leave Holiday Request Form – There are some educational institutions who mandate leave protocols and procedures to both their faculty members, employees, as well as their students. Specifically, a student leave holiday request form must be filled out and filed by the student who will be leaving the school’s premises for a number of days. Four sections comprise the form however the last section is only intended for office use and not to be completed by the student.
Student Leave Holiday Request Form
The first section of a student leave holiday request form collects the full name of the student along with his visa type, student number, and email address. The second section is for documenting the student’s leave or holiday request which includes the student’s leave start and end dates, the current course the student is attending, the duration of the holiday, and the reason for the request. In the last section which will have to be filled out by the student, a declaration statement is indicated which should be signed and be dated by the student in order to complete the form.
Temporary Worker Holiday Request Form – Temporary workers are those who are not considered as employees of a company such as contractors, subcontractors, and staff members. For them, a temporary worker holiday request form can be used to document information about their intended holiday leaves. There are three sections in this type of form wherein the first section is simply for indicating the company division of the employee whether he is in the industrial division, engineering division, and in other divisions in the company.
Temporary Worker Holiday Request Form
On the other hand, the second section is for the name of the worker along with his company or division, the dates of his holiday, and the total number of working days included in his holiday leave. After completing the first and second sections, the form must be submitted to the authorized consultant of the company who will then decide whether or not the holiday leaves are approved, and the amount to be paid to the worker during his holidays.
Term Time Holiday Request Form – This is another type of holiday request form which is not to be used by employees or workers nor by the students of an educational institutional, rather by the student’s parents or legal guardian. This form is important to be provided by institutions especially for the reason of ensuring the safety and security of the students. Moreover, in the first section of the form, the requestor or the parent must state the details of his child or the student along with the names and dates of birth of the student’s siblings. The reason for the request will be documented in the second section of the form while the third section contains a declaration to be signed by the parent in lieu of acknowledging and understanding the policies of the institution regarding unauthorized absences for their students.
Term Time Holiday Request Form
Holiday Request Form FAQs
Why is a holiday request form important?
A holiday request form is important because it serves as a document that allows the company to have ample information about the leave of the employee. Without the form, a company may mistakenly think that the employee’s absence was unauthorized and that the employee must face a penalty upon his return in the office. Moreover, the form also serves as a proof or a hold-harmless agreement for the company that indicates that they will not be held liable for the employee during the period of his holiday leave or vacation.
Where should a holiday request form be acquired?
Employees or requestors should only acquire a holiday request form from their employers including their supervisors and managers. Documents which are not provided by the company may be deemed unreliable and invalid especially if the request form contains a logo or name of the company in its header or banner.
Holiday Request Form Sample
Holiday Request Form in DOC
Agency Worker Holiday Request Form
Exceptional Circumstances Holiday Request Form
Holiday Request Form Tips
When filing a holiday request form, an employee or a requestor must make sure that the document is submitted a week or more before the intended date of the holiday leave. This is important to note especially for companies where strict rules and policies are mandated in lieu of filing leaves and absences. Most importantly, the requestor should also know the company’s rules and must be able to meet its criteria to ensure approval.
Payee Candidates Holiday Request Form
Personnel Holiday Request Form
Staff Holiday Request Form
Temporary Holiday Request Form
On the other hand, companies should make sure that the disclosed contents of an employee’s or a requestor’s holiday leave will be retained and be kept confidential unless with the authorization of the employee himself. Once completed and approved, the form should be kept or be documented along with all other leave request forms and paperwork of the requestor in the company or in the organization. And lastly, the company’s holiday request form should also be updated periodically and should be readily available in several formats such as in “.DOC”, “.PDF”, and in “.XLS” formats.
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