Grants are donations and non-refundable gifts to support projects as well as for allowing an individual to open a big or small business. Government organizations and foundations are some of the groups who are known to provide grants for varying purposes. To assure that the grant will only be given to people who are worthy of the amount and support, grant providers use a grant evaluation form for each group who submitted a grant application. The evaluation form is also used after the project has been created and exhibited for the sole purpose of determining if it acquired success or if the project has failed.
Grant Evaluation Form Sample
What’s on a Grant Evaluation Form?
There are only a few sections in a grant evaluation form. However, the important aspect is that the form will cater the details that the grant providers need for an job assessment. Below is the list of significant sections to be included and stated on the evaluation form:
How-tos and specifications are stated in this section which includes what sorts of legal forms and documentation instruments should the organization enclose upon the submission of the form. With the instructions, the grant applicants will be able to have a uniform format in completing the form especially if they prefer to use a separate sheet for providing answers to each question.
Grant identification number
Each applicant for a grant is provided with a number for easy recording purposes and to distinguish each group from one another. The identification verification number is required to be stated in the instructions section of the form for categorization. Along with the identification number is the evaluation date wherein the project and the organization undergone the assessment conducted by their providers and by themselves or internally.
Organization information
The organization’s general information such as their name, complete organization address, as well as the contact details of their head or contact person, are found in this section. It is essential that the organization should have an available representative for their group to secure that they will immediately receive updates about their general evaluation results and inquiries from the providers.
Project information
The name of the project and the amount that the organization requested in their grant proposal are the main data that are focused in this section. Since an evaluation is done twice for interim and final reports, the organization must specify the dates that are covered for the current evaluation.
This will serve as the section that caters an in-depth description of the organization’s project. The location where the project is expected to be served, the estimated number of people who will benefit from the project, and other significant contact information that are related to creating the project should be fully disclosed in this section. Supporting documents for the narrative such as images and grant forms can be listed on the form to inform the grant providers about the sets of evidence.
Project results
Before a grant project proposal has been given to the grant providers, the organization have listed their goals and the reasons why they will need to put the project in reality. These goals and objectives should be included in this section along with the list of differences and the benefits expected for the project. A list of the expectations that were not met and the unanticipated benefits will also need to be included to obtain the completion of the workshop evaluation form.
Arts Council Grant Evaluation Form
Community Enhancement Grant Evaluation
Community Grant Evaluation Form
Event Grant Evaluation Form
Examples of Grant Evaluation Forms
Arts Council Grant Evaluation Form – Poets, engineers, and even musicians can be categorized as artists in their varying fields. For these individuals, an arts council grant evaluation form is the appropriate document to use for addressing their evaluation about the project evaluation that they anticipated to make for their community. The art organization or group will need to specify the type of grant that they require to obtain as well as the amount that they need for the project. The start and end dates of their projects will also be included on the form. The project’s effectiveness, outcome, and an enclosed financial report are some of the inclusions in the evaluation that are significant for acquiring a thorough evaluation.
Community Grant Evaluation Form – Any modification of a grant project that is targeted for a particular community service will be stated in this form. Along with the details of modification is the description of the project board’s experiences as they made the project as well as their own evaluation whether the project has been successfully created within their project duration. To prove the project’s existence and success, the grant providers often require the organization to provide images, videos, and even completed survey forms from the people who benefited the project or the actual residents of the community.
Grant Workshop Evaluation Form – Similar to a common workshop evaluation, this document will focus on determining the rating that a workshop attendant will give after the session. The subjects that the attendant was able to learn within the workshop and his points regarding what should not be included in the next workshops are included on the form. Additionally, an indication of whether the attendant will be participating in future conferences and programs is stated at the end of the form for the purpose of informing the workshop organizers who they shall reach out and contact for a workshop event evaluation notice.
Insurance Grant Evaluation Form – Insurance companies also provide financial aid for grant projects. With an insurance grant evaluation form, the organization who proposed and created the project are required to state the results of their project and the lessons that they have learned throughout the activity. An expense report is also needed to be summarized and stated on the form to indicate the budget that was spent for the project’s expenditures. If there are funds from the grant providers that were not used for the project, the organization will have to narrate their reasons why the amount was not spent and to where they allocated the finances.
Research Grant Evaluation Form – Not only physical projects are supported by the grant proposal and financial providers but also those that are mainly for researching matters such as for discovering effective medications and surveying about a particular subject. A research grant evaluation form contains the purpose and the significance of the research to the beneficiaries of the project, the specified research proposal plans that served as the consideration for the funds, as well as the names of the sources where other funds are acquired for the project. The total score and the comments provided by the grant provider are found at the bottom of the document.
Grant Scheme Evaluation Form
Grant Workshop Evaluation Form
Insurance Grant Evaluation Form
Grant Evaluation Report Form
Mini-Grant Project Evaluation Form
The Importance of Grant Evaluation Forms
Conducting a grant evaluation is not only beneficial for the funding party or the grant providers but also for the project proposal committee. The reasons why an evaluation must be mandated are listed as follows:
Provides Project Framework
The evaluation form does not only focus on ratings and scores but also in determining if the goals were met and if the actual plan was used for the development of the project. Improvements and changes will then be integrated into the project once the evaluation is done especially with the assistance of professionals who are knowledgeable about the project and matters relating to grants.
Acquire Immediate Feedback
The employee suggestions, reactions, and the overall feedback of the organization is also another reason why there is a need to complete an evaluation form. With the document, the group can indicate their individual points and thoughts of how they foresee the project and how the project became beneficial to all the people involved in the grant.
Selecting Projects to Acquire a Grant Support
Even though a grant has been provided to a project, the providers can always choose to stop supporting funds especially if the project showed a zero indication of success. A grant review process will then be conducted by the grant providers by gathering the evaluations of the various projects for them to determine which projects are productive, effective, efficient, useful, and which are the total opposite of the proposed goal action from the organizations.
Post-Grant Evaluation Report Form
Post-Grant Self-Evaluation Form
Research Grant Evaluation Form
Teacher Impact Grant Evaluation Form
Ward Community Grant Evaluation Form
Grant Evaluation Report Form
Tips to Acquire a Successful Grant Evaluation
The excitement and the anxiety of completing an evaluation should not be the emotions that will be evident to an organization as it can either be the reasons for acquiring success or the hindrance of it. With this, preparation is the primary aspect that the organization should consider. An organization’s grant deed, proposals, and all documented notes should be presented to the group before conducting the evaluation. This is to assure that not a single detail about the project’s success and the outcome will be left unstated. Customizing or creating an evaluation form for the organization is also an effective tip to remind the group.
The purpose creating the form is to secure that the evaluation will only highlight the best characteristics and outcome of the project similar to a resume evaluation form for a company job application. Additionally, having the goals, vision statement and mission statements of the organization will also aid in knowing what to expect and outlining an action plan for realizing the project. Nonetheless, organizations must be true to their requests and their objectives for each project to avoid dealing with issues prior to the making of their projects.
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