free driveway easement forms

Driveways are pathways or lot areas intended for cars or vehicles to pass through leading to a house or an establishment. In lieu of this, there are properties where driveways are connected which is why it is important to create driveway easement forms. Specifically, the purpose of an easement form is to document the agreements of two parties which centers on allowing the other party in crossing or using the other involved party’s land or owned property.

What Is a Driveway Easement Form?

A driveway easement form is a document which is intended for addressing driveway usage concerns and issues. Most often, this form is created and signed by individuals who owned properties where the driveway conjuncts. In addition, a notary public must also verify and sign the form in order for it to be legally acknowledged and validated.

Types of Driveway Easement Forms

Below are some of the types of driveway easement forms which can be used for free:

Automobile Driveway Easement Form – There are two pages in this type of driveway easement form. In the first page, a space for the document recorder will be indicated along with sections for identifying the involved parties of the easement agreement, the details of the agreement, and the considerations agreed by both parties. The second page, on the other hand, serves as a continuation for the agreements and terms stated on the first page as well as the signatures and notarizations of both parties’ notary public or attorneys.

Automobile Driveway Easement Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 52 KB


Common Driveway Easement Declaration Form – In this form, there are three sections to be filled out and completed by its users. The names of the parties and the addresses of their properties are to be stated in the first section along with the measurements and descriptions of the common driveway. The second section enlists the agreements or the terms and conditions to be declared by both parties in lieu of the common driveway while the last section is for the signatures and notarizations. Furthermore, when using this type of form, it is essential that the involved parties will review their terms and conditions to ensure that the stated pieces of information are accurate and factual.

Common Driveway Easement Declaration Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 89 KB


Driveway Easement Agreement Form – Compared to the aforementioned form types, this document is not only suitable for individual property owners but also for corporate companies or organizations who want to settle driveway issues. Both owners or authorized representatives of the corporate companies must sign the form and have a notary public notarize their representation and signatures. Moreover, after the agreement is signed, both parties must have a copy of the agreement as their own basis and guide towards the period of the agreement’s execution.

Driveway Easement Agreement Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 21 KB


Reciprocal Driveway Easement Form – This type of driveway easement form is simpler than the other form varieties. Basically, a reciprocal driveway easement form only has one page. The information which will be collected in this type of form would include the date when the agreement was made, the place or venue of the agreement, and the names, addresses, and the signatures of both parties.

Reciprocal Driveway Easement Form

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 4 KB


Utility Driveway Easement Form – The parties in this type of driveway easement are referred to as the grantor and the grantee of the agreement or the easement. And in order for the agreement to be completed, both parties and a legal notary public must sign the agreement with their names and the date as to when they affixed their signatures and will begin to execute the terms of the agreement.

Utility Driveway Easement Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 41 KB


How to Use Our Driveway Easement Forms

Aside from being free to use, our driveway easement forms are also easy to use and download with just three steps:

Step 1: Click the download button which is located beside the chosen form.

The file which will be downloaded will be in a ZIP file which protects the form from being corrupted throughout the process of downloading and acquiring the file from the cloud or online. Once the download is done, the next step must be followed.

Step 2: Extract the form from the ZIP file.

There are varying ways to extract the ZIP file. The most common is to click on the downloaded file and the form inside the file, then clicking on the “Extract” option at the top-right corner or of the menu. Another method is to click the right button of the mouse and choose the “extract” option.

Step 3: Open the form with its compatible software application program.

If the form is in DOC format, then a word-processing software application program should be used while PDF formatted forms can be edited using PDF editors.

Driveway Easement Form in DOC

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 5 KB


Driveway Easement Form Tips

The tips below should be noted in order to effectively use and edit the form:

  • Be specific in the terms and conditions: Every item which will be included in the terms and conditions should be explained properly so as not to result in confusion and misunderstanding throughout the period of the agreement.
  • Keep the format and design elements of the driveway easement simplified: The fonts and the rest of the contents of the agreement or the easement form should be simple to keep a formal look and feel to the document.
  • Have the contents of the driveway easement be checked by a legal attorney: The attorney should also be knowledgeable in terms of settling property concerns, specifically driveway and right of way issues. Aside from having the form checked, an attorney can also serve as a witness that both parties have indeed agreed and negotiated for the finalization of the easement.

And lastly, the terms and conditions of the driveway easement should be updated whenever there are changes or a contract addendum must be issued by the concerned party.

To conclude, driveway easement forms are essential especially for property owners who constantly use their owned automobile or cars and transportation vehicles. The form aids the property owners to have a common understanding in lieu of using the driveway and the concerns which must be addressed such as privacy and security of both parties.

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