Donating is an activity where people give out things and services to those who are in need. However, aside from money and clothes, blood and body organs are also some of the known donations that are given to organizations and health foundations. With this, numerous varieties of donation forms will be used to cater the general information of the donor and the person who sent the donation request.
General Donation Form
Mosque Building Donation Form
International Donation Form
Why Use a Donation Form?
Foundations and groups that aim to conduct a donation program must use a donation form for documentation purposes especially for acquiring tax deductions. With the right donation form, the user will be able to specify the amount of the goods that he was able to donate. The organization who collects the form will also be able to record their received donations which will promote a transparency and honesty in their group. Additionally, the donation form must also be accompanied by other documents such as donation receipt forms which are essential to be given to the donors.
Arts Foundation Donation Form
Postal Donation Form
Library Materials Donation Form
Significant Sections in a Donation Form
Although there are numerous forms available online that can be used by an organizing committee, it is essential that a donation program has its own customized document to use. With the tons of instructions for creating a simple donation form, organizations must assure that the followings sections are incorporated into their document before they hand it out to their prospective donors:
1. Donor’s contact details
The contact information of the donor will allow the organization to inform the donor about the status of his donations. With this, the donor’s phone number, the address of residence, electronic mail address, as well as the donor’s business contact details are necessary for acquiring efficient information in the form.
2. Donation Description
This refers to the type of donation that the donor sent to the organization. The description must include quality, quantity, as well as age and ownership details. This is to assure that the donation presented by the donor is the actual product or material that the organization has received. Additionally, essential details such as expiration dates, debit card information, and special instructions on how to handle the donation should also be indicated on the form. You may also like sample request forms.
Team Donation Form
3. Billing and payment authorization
This is applicable and necessary for monetary donations that are acquired from the donor’s bank account and debit card. Depending on the organization, this section can be separated into an authorization form to assure that all details of the donor’s account will be stated. Nonetheless, only the significant information such as the account number and the amount should be requested by the organization to provide ample privacy and security to the donor.
4. Confirmation of the donor
This is for those donations that do not involve cash and bank account details of the donor. The confirmation letter will indicate the willingness of the donor to provide his donations and to allow the organization in equally allocating each donated material to the addressed targets of the program. Along with the aforementioned authorization, the confirmation must have the signature of the donor and the date of when the donation was submitted. You may also see sample request forms.
Marathon Donation Form
5. Appreciation certificate
This significant section is commonly seen in medical-related donation forms such as blood and eye donations. Most organizations enclose a separate certificate form to allow the donor in keeping the document as he submits the other pages for the organization’s documentation intentions. Basically, the appreciation certificate will highlight a thank-you letter for the donations given by the donor which will signify the gratitude of the organization for the donor’s act of kindness toward their program.
6. Acceptance and signature of authorized personnel
There are some organizations that choose donations especially if the subject to be donated deals with surgeries and medical matters. The acceptance section will indicate the choice of the organization of whether they will consider the donation or send it out to other programs that suit best for the item. It is also significant that the organization’s authorized personnel such as a physician will sign the acceptance section to prove that the medical donation is sufficient for the organization’s needs. You may also like request form samples.
Cancer Center Donation Form
Vehicle Donation Form
Offline Donation Form
Basic Types of Donation Forms
Each donation form will vary on who are the users and what type of donation program is being held by the organization. Nonetheless, below are the common types of varieties for this document where organizations can generally base their customized forms:
1. Annual Fund Donation Form
For donation programs that are addressed for funding a group, using this form is the appropriate choice. An annual fund donation form is the essential document for donors who prefer to continuously support the finances of an organization. This contains the exact amount enclosed by the donor and the reason of the donor as to why he is providing the donation whether it is in memory of an organization member or in honor of a specific event. An instruction is also stated at the end of the form that centers on the need of the donor to keep a duplicate copy of the form in case of special intentions and donation evidence. You may also like simple request form.
Annual Fund Donation Form
2. Monthly Donation Form
Compared to an annual donation form, this document serves as an authorization for the organization to automatically get the chosen amount of the donor per month. The form contains the donor’s personal information, donation information, credit card details, and a pre-authorized debit statement. The debit statement is a significant section of the form since it centers on informing the organization about the donor’s decision in canceling and revoking his support. Nonetheless, the donor must also be responsible in submitting a cancellation form a few days before he will stop the money transfer to secure that all the documents associated with the donation activity will be prepared by the organization.
Monthly Donation Form
3. Mail-In Donation Form
Also known as a “print and send” form, this type of donation form requires the donor to fill the document, print it out, and mail it to the address of the organization. It contains the donation amount, payment information, and the signature of the donor. Since the donor will have to mail the form, there is no need for the donor to state his address on the document as the envelope where the form will be enclosed already indicates the sender’s address. Other details to include in this donation form are honoree information and a formal letter or message to attach once the donation is sent to the target receiver.
Mail-In Donation Form
4. Direct Debit Donation Form
This donation form is used by organizations who transact donations from direct debit account holders. The form includes a bank instruction to inform the bank about the authorized collection of an amount from the donor’s account. To assure that the security of the debit account, the donor must send the form to the bank where he is enrolled as an account holder and acquire the signature of the authorized bank manager. Additionally, the bank’s branch sort code, society account number, and service user numbers are also included on the form. You may also like event request forms.
Direct Debit Donation Form
5. Monetary Donation Form
If a donation does not require a bank or any account details to be stated in order to conduct the whole donation process, then a monetary donation should be used. This is for donations that involve money yet through direct payment by the donor. The form must have the list of amounts associated with varying donations as well as the tax receipt details addressed to the donor of the cash. However, there are also organizations who use this form to cater both donor categories: those who use their bank accounts and those who provide the amount directly. You may also like event request forms.
Monetary Donation Form
6. Leave Donation Form
This type of donation form is unlike any of the aforementioned documents since it deals with time and employment benefits. A leave donation form is used when an employee prefers to give his unused leaves to his colleague who works in the same company as his. The form contains four sections which are the donating employee information section, employee department authorization, receiving employee department acknowledgment, and a benefits, payroll, retirement operations section. To complete the form, the donating employee must first indicate the vacation and sick leaves that he chooses to donate which will then be followed by his signature and the date of when the donation occurred. Then, the employee’s payroll information is the next matter to be included on the form which will be done by the department manager of the employee and the payroll manager of the company. Lastly, the date of when the form was processed and the ninety-day reversion dates are stated at the end section of the form.
Leave Donation Form
7. University Donation Form
This is used for donation activities in schools, colleges, and universities. The form contains the information of the donor as well as the other organizations that the donor was able to fund in the university if there are any. The donor’s way of gathering his donated funds are also specified on the form to secure that the funds are not acquired from illegal procedures. A data protection statement is indicated on the form which is essential for highlighting the confidential agreement of the organization and the donor with regards to the donor’s stated information. Other contents of this document include the donor’s chosen donation method and credit card payment information.
University Donation Form
8. Donation Request Form
In comparison to other forms that are to be completed by the donors, this document is allotted for nonprofit organizations that aim to acquire donations and contributions. A donation request form must have the basic information of the organization such as their tax identification number, organization name, office address, website, and organization contact information. A short description of the organization will also be necessary for the form’s completion along with the event information and the event’s program.
Donation Request Form
Examples of Free Donation Forms
With the aforementioned basic types of donation forms, a nonprofit organization will be able to gather sufficient details of their donors. Nonetheless, below are examples of customized and free donation forms that are addressed to specific donation programs:
1. Artifact Donation Form – Objects that came from underground or from various cultures are often known as artifacts as long as it captures the interests of archaeologists. With an artifact donation form, the donor will be able to state his contact details which are his name, address, and phone number. The artifact’s information must also be included on the form such as its name and a detailed description including the height, weight, and color of the artifact. The donated artifact must have a historical significance for it to be considered by the organization. Aside from the aforementioned details, the reason of why the donor prefers to hand the artifact as a donation is also laid out on the form with the description of what type of donation will the artifact be categorized by the donor. At the last section of the form is a short formal contract between the donor and the organization regarding the possession of the artifact.
Artifact Donation Form
2. Auction Item Donation Form – When a property is intended to be sold to the highest possible bidder, it is known as an auctioned property. Most auctions are conducted for beneficiaries such as charitable organizations. With this, an auction item donation is used by the donors to register their properties to the auction activity. The property or the item’s fair market value is indicated on the form which will then be processed under a property assessment to secure that the stated value is factual and actually based on what the market requires. Additionally, the item’s restrictions and timelines are also needed to complete the form along with the pickup information for further details in the auction.
Auction Item Donation Form
3. Facility Donation Form – This form is used for donors who are willing to sponsor a specific facility for an organization. The form must enlist the facilities and their prices which are to be chosen by a sponsor donor. Along with this form is a sponsor contract document that will highlight the terms and conditions of the organization regarding the sponsored item or facility. This paperwork is essential for securing that both the organization and the sponsor donor have agreed on where and how the facility will be used as well as when it will be maintained and checked.
Facility Donation Form
4. Foundation Donation Form – Foundations are the most common organization that ask donations from various individuals. In a foundation donation form, the donor must indicate the type of donation that he will be providing, whether it is in the form of cash or tools and equipment that the foundation can use. You may also like printable payroll forms.
Foundation Donation Form
5. Furniture Donation Form – This is often provided by universities and educational institutions where donors are allowed to donate furniture essential for the education of the students in the school’s premises. The form also includes a page for the terms of donation which serves as a contract agreement for the donor and the school. It is significant that the donor signs the form to signify that he accepts the responsibility of keeping the furniture safe and secured before it will be handed to the school administration.
Furniture Donation Form
6. Historical Room Donation Form – If a room in a residential property was previously owned by an individual known in history, the objects in the room can be donated to the appropriate agency that takes care of historical belongings. With a historical room donation form, the donor can describe the objects with an attached photo, its means of acquisition, the identification of the original owner or maker, and the period or time frame when it was used. An agreement is then stated at the end of the description section of the form which needs to be signed and dated by the donor. You may also like thank-you letter for donation.
Historical Room Donation Form
7. Stock Donation Form – Business companies who have numerous stocks on their premises and aim to donate their stocks to outside organizations are the main users of this form. The stock donation form has four sections namely the gift information section, special instructions section, the method of stock transfer and delivery options, and the contact information of the organization who will receive the donated stocks. Since stocks are part of a company’s properties, it is significant that the donating company will state the number of shares that they will donate and the costs of each share to determine the total value of the donation.
Stock Donation Form
8. Body Donation Form – There are people who prefer to have their mortal remains or bodies be donated to a medical institution where it can benefit medical research. For these types of donors, a body donation form must be used and completed. The form is also known as a “Declaration of Bequest,” which is signed along with the last will and testament of the donor. Specifically, it contains the identification of the donor’s spouse, father, and legal guardian. The donor’s marks of identification, known diseases, and missing body parts are also stated on the form. After the form is completed, the organization whom the donor addressed his declaration must send out a copy of the form to the person who is authorized to handle the documents after the donor will pass away.
Body Donation Form
9. Body Organ Donation Form – Compared to a body donation form, this document is used only for donating specific organs upon the death of the donor. The form contains the donor’s details, the donor’s choice of what part of his body will be donated, the identifications of the donor’s witnesses, and the donor’s chosen executor. A declaration statement will end the document along with a donation receipt to be provided to the donor upon the completion of the donation form.
Body Organ Donation Form
10. Eye Donation Pledge Form – Organizations whose main focus is to help blind people are open to eye donations. With this, an eye donation pledge form will be used by the donor wherein the donor’s eyes will be acquired after his death. The form consists of the donor’s and his kin’s details as well as a donation certificate form to acknowledge the donor’s pledge. You may also like receipt form samples.
Eye Donation Pledge Form
There are still other examples of donation forms that depend on the donation purpose such as hair donation forms for organizations who need locks and wigs, and organ tissues pledging donation forms for those who want to donate their body tissues to cure medical patients.
Hair Donation Form
Organ Tissue Pledging Donation Form
College Foundation Donation Form
Tips for Creating Donation Forms
One essential tip to remember when creating any donation form is to assure that the details of the donor and his donations are indicated. With this, the form must also have a simple outline that will allow all donors of varying ages and professional backgrounds to understand the form’s contents. Keeping the form concise is also necessary to ensure that only essential details are on the form and every bit of information will be beneficial for the organization’s documentation. Other tips are as follows:
1. Use illustrations and appropriate fonts – When making any form, regardless if it is a financial form or a document allotted for educational institutions, integrating illustrations as part of the form is an effective creative approach to be done by organizations. Nonetheless, the fonts for the form’s content and input fields must be readable by the target audience of the donation program. You may also like request form samples.
2. Decide on a company color scheme – Since the logo of the organization or company will be placed on the form, there should be a common color scheme that will serve as the theme for the whole document. The color scheme must also be friendly to the eyes of the audience and must be encouraging as well as based on the purpose of the organization. You may also like receipt forms in a word.
3. Provide defaults – This refers to indicating the minimum and maximum donation amounts to aid donors in choosing immediately and having an idea of how much they must contribute.
Charitable Trust Donation Form
Gift Aid Declaration Donation Form
Travel Fellowship Donation Form
Leave Donation Form
Gift Donation Receipt Form
With all the tips and information included in this article, any donor and organization will be able to conduct a successful and beneficial donation program. However, regardless of the type of objects and subjects to be donated, it is essential that the receiving organization will make sure that the donations will arrive immediately to the recipients to secure that the goal of the program is met. You may also like printable receipt forms.
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