Affidavit forms are essential for courts and organizations to state the statements of whoever is the affiant or the filer of the document. The uses of an affidavit form are numerous ranging from stating proof of residency to providing references to financial information. The varieties of this document, however, can sum up to twenty different types and these are listed below:
Individual Personal Affidavit Form Sample
Personal affidavit forms are commonly used to state information about an owned property including businesses under a sole proprietorship. This Individual Personal Affidavit will indicate the details of the affiant, his interests in the business, and other personal data which are likely similar to a business application form.
Free Personal Affidavit Form Sample
Three Inclusions in a Personal Affidavit Form
Aside from the personal information of the filer or affiant, this Personal Affidavit Form must contain the following entries:
- Employment History – This area will show the affiant’s employment records for the past five years prior to the submission of the Affidavit Form. It states the range of employment, job positions of the affiant, and the company where the affiant has been employed.
- Criminal History – Since an affidavit form is a legal form, the affiant must state all the information with regards to his conviction of crime and offenses. The arrest dates, place of arrest, type of offense, and the disposition should be stated in a table provided on the form.
- Financial Information – The affiant must be able to prove that he is financially stable to acquire a business. Nonetheless, if the affiant did not provide any contribution to the property, he must clearly state that he is not a part of providing business finances.
Contractor Affidavit Form Sample
Contractor affidavit forms are used by contractors to properly state that they have fully provided the services needed for a particular construction project. This document is also required by the court before a contractor may file a lawsuit against the property owner for not giving him the stated amount of payment.
Independent Contractor Affidavit Form Sample
The contractor affidavit form must be signed by a notarized person and must be presented to the property owner before the filing of the lawsuit to inform the owner about the case. All contractor who has provided a labor of services and materials are allowed to use this type of affidavit for dealing with the property owners and other contractors.
Affidavit of Domicile Form Sample
There are numerous forms which can be used for transferring properties, and one of these is the affidavit of domicile. This affidavit form is used whenever a stock or bond owner dies, and the other relatives demand to transfer the properties to them. The form, however, will only prove that the deceased person lived in a particular estate or residence which will aid the affiliated state government to determine what sorts of taxes will be catered and required to be paid under the name of the deceased owner.
Affidavit of Domicile in PDF
Information Found in an Affidavit of Domicile
An affidavit of domicile is a simple document and is easy to fill out if the affiant has enough information with regards to the whereabouts of the previous property owner. Below are the four main information that this affidavit form will state:
- Decedent’s Information – This refers to the name and residence of the deceased owner before and at the time of his death.
- Affiant’s Data – This will state the name of the affiant and his relationship with the owner, whether he is an executor, a relative, a personal representative, or an administrator.
- Owned Properties – The affiant must state in this area the specified location of the decedent’s owned stocks and bonds.
- Execution of the Domicile – This will have the signature of the affiant and the date when the affidavit form was submitted to the court for a preceding.
Small Estate Affidavit Form Sample
A small estate affidavit form is another type of affidavit which is for the relatives of a deceased estate property owner. To fully complete this affidavit, the affiant or the filer must have adequate information pertaining to the deceased owner’s small estate properties.
Free Small Estate Affidavit Form Sample
A list of the owner’s unpaid debts with proofs, and the owner’s assets and all of his properties will be stated on this affidavit form. Two copies of the small estate affidavit form must be provided for the affiant and the court.
Affidavit of Death Form Sample
Another affidavit form that deals with the information of a deceased person are affidavit of death. This is to provide a proof to the agencies and insurance companies the real property owner has died. The affidavit form will be the basis of whoever will continue in taking care or paying for the property debts of the owner.
Free Affidavit of Death Form Sample
Two Tips For Realtors in Providing Affidavits of Death
Realtors often chase the surviving families of the deceased owner to file an Aaffidavit of death and sell the property under their real estate agency. However, realtors must be aware of these two main tips for their jobs to avoid conflict within the family and the agency:
- Be patient. Presenting the affidavit form to the family before the deceased body has been buried underground will only cause them to veer away from the realtor. This is due to the reason that the family may have interpreted that the intention of the realtor is only to acquire cash and not in helping them process the properties owned by their loved one.
- Avoid any advertisements. Though a realtor may have signed a Ccontract agreement to his agency that he will be doing the best he can to get clients and properties, he must show enough consideration to the family by merely sympathizing and not advertising his talents of marketing the property.
Affidavit of Service Form Sample
Services are commonly provided anywhere especially in the court where employees who provide documents and paperwork to the citizens of a state are running busy with their tasks. These employees are often known as process servers, and they use a particular affidavit form for proof that they have given a document to a person which is the affidavit of service.
Affidavit of Personal Service Form Sample
This affidavit of service form document must have the signatures of a notarized authority and a deponent who provided the document to the enlisted name of the requestor.
Affidavit of Lost Stock Certificate Form Sample
An affidavit of lost or lost affidavit form, on the other hand, will state the particular document which has been misplaced or lost by the affiant. The form is commonly used to acquire a replacement and to inform the authorities that the affiant has lost the enlisted documents due to specified events and incidents.
Affidavit of Lost Note Form Sample
When to Use an Affidavit of Lost
Affidavits of lost may be used whenever any legal documentation or records have been missing and required to be presented to a court hearing. These documents include identification cards, certificates, real estate deeds and titles, passports, and government issued papers.
Affidavit of Correction Form Sample
Aside from filing an affidavit form due to losing important documents, a type of affidavit may also be filed for correcting a number of documents including birth and marriage certificates. Particularly, an affidavit of correction or correction affidavit will be completed and filed by an affiant who demands to make changes in his legally recorded documents. Title errors, and changing an owner’s name are the common incidents that the form will serve a great use to an affiant.
Notarized Affidavit of Correction Form Sample
Five Steps in Completing an Affidavit of Correction
Step 1: State the date of when the correction affidavit form will be filed.
Step 2: Indicate the intention of the affidavit, whether it is to change a title or ownership of a property.
Step 3: Mark the reason of why the correction was made.
Step 4: Sign and date the affidavit form.
Step 5: Allow a notary public to seal and notarize the document.
Complaint Affidavit Form Sample
A complaint affidavit form is a document which signifies that the allegations made by the complainant were factual and did happen. This form is similar to any complaint form, however, this is a validated document and will be verified in a court trial.
Personnel Complaint Affidavit Form Sample
The alleged party must provide and submit an answer within the stated time period on the complaint affidavit form. This document will also include the required and suggested outcome or action of the complainant to satisfy and meet his concerns.
Affidavit of Residency Form Sample
Another affidavit which is for dealing with residential properties is an affidavit of residency. This affidavit form aids insurance and loan providers to verify the residency of their members or affiliates. It will also state the number of people living with the affiant in his residential home and the information of these people.
Witness Affidavit Form Sample
In the event that the residence is not owned by the affiant, the landlord or the property owner must stand as a witness and fill out a part of the form designated for his information to prove that the affiant is currently residing and renting the property.
Parent Affidavit of Residency Form Sample
Required Attachments and Documents for an Affidavit of Residency
Varying states will have varying rules and requirements with regards to complying and completing an affidavit of residency. Nonetheless, the following documents will supply pieces of evidence for the affiant that he is really living in the stated residential address:
- Deed Form – This document should state the information about the affiant’s ownership of the residential property.
- Lease Agreement Form – This is needed if the client is a renter or a tenant to the property where he currently resides.
- Bills and Receipt Forms – This includes the affiant’s payments for electricity and water bills under his name for the recent thirty days prior to the filing of the affidavit form.
- Mortgage Payment Form or Book – This will show the affiant’s mortgage accounts for the property that he owns.
- Voter’s Registration – This is a government issued document that fully proves that an affiant is a resident of the country and state.
Affidavit of Marriage Form Sample
There is also an affidavit form which deals with wedding bells and vows, which known as an affidavit form for marriage. This form used whenever the couple needs to prove that they have undergone a ceremonial and legal wedding to a company or a government agency.
Sworn Affidavit Form for Marriage
This affidavit form for marriage serves as an alternative document for a marriage certificate in the event that the couple has missed in bringing the certificate along with them.
Relationship Affidavit Form Sample
Relationship affidavit forms cater different kinds of relationships including a parent-child relationship as well as spousal relationships. This document will be used for proving that two people are related to each other either by blood or by legal documentation and events. In the case of proving spousal relationships, the couple must be able to provide enough sets of documents such as joint property certificates and other forms to show that they are legally bounded by marriage.
Free Relationship Affidavit Form Sample
Why do States Require a Relationship Affidavit Form?
Most states demand the presentation of a relationship and general affidavit forms due to the following reasons:
- To assure that the marriage relationship of the spouse is not created for immigration purposes.
- To prevent children being held by fake parents.
- To make sure that a business organization and partnership is legal and valid.
Affidavit of Support Form Sample
Spouses who are migrating to a different country due to marriage and other reasons must have an affidavit of support with them. This document will clearly state that the person holding the form has a sponsor, specifically for the holder’s finances and shelter in the destined country.
Affidavit of Financial Support Form Sample
The sponsor of the migrating person signing the affidavit of support must meet the requirements of the state in order to stand as the legal sponsor of the immigrant. One known requirement is the ability of the sponsor to meet the required income and assets of the state to provide financing for the immigrant. In the event that the sponsor was not able to provide sufficient amount of finances as stated on the affidavit form, the immigrant may file a case to the court to acquire the claimed amount.
Financial Affidavit Form Sample
A financial affidavit form works similarly to a financial statement form, however, these two varies on where it shall be used since the affidavit is mostly for courts and the statement will be for other agencies and companies.
Financial Disclosure Affidavit Form Sample
Vital Sections in a Financial Affidavit Form
Section I: Employment. This area of the financial affidavit form state the affiant’s present occupation, net pay, and pay period.
Section II: Affiant’s Gross Monthly Income. This will summarize the affiant’s gross monthly income.
Section III: Allowable Deductions. This includes the affiant’s taxes, mandatory payments, and even medical insurance fees.
Section IV: Affiant’s Expenses. The affiant must fully state all his expenses including his house, personal, automobile, medical, child, and all other expenses.
Section V: Affiant’s Assets. The descriptions and value of the owned assets and liabilities of the affiant will be stated in this section.
Sworn Affidavit Form Sample
Fee Affidavit Form
Financial Affidavit Form
Affidavit forms may have varying formats but the form’s main intention should be to stand as a proof of the affiant’s claims. Overall, regardless of the format and type of affidavit form, the affiant must supply the appropriate and exact data to comply with the requirements of the form and the regulations of the state.
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