firearm bill of sale form samples

There are certain purchases wherein the buyer would like physical proof that the transfer of ownership on a product has been finalized. This is the reason of the need to create a bill of sale for certain transactions.

Many people often confuse the difference between a sales contract and a bill of sale. To help you know the difference, a sales contract is one that discusses the terms and conditions before the exchange of goods while a bill of sale is issued to someone after the exchange is done.  So always make sure that you have a bill of sale issued after an important property exchange.

Private Party Firearm Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 64 KB


Firearm Transfer Bill of Sale

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 50 KB


Illinois Firearm Bill of Sale

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  • PDF

Size: 116 KB


Printable Firearm Bill of Sale

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 2 MB


What Is a Firearm Bill of Sale?

A firearm bill of sale is what one issues in the event that the person wishes to sell, exchange, or offer a particular firearm to someone else. It is standard procedure that people involved in any firearm transaction have the license that permits them to carry and use these firearms.

It is also important to take note that these firearms that are being sold or exchanged must not be illegal within that seller’s and buyer’s country. So remember that before issuing any firearm bill of sale.

How to Fill out a Firearm Bill of Sale

When filling out any firearm bill of sale, then be sure to include the following information:

  • The date in which the bill of sale is issued
  • Complete name of both the seller and the buyer
  • Address of both the buyer and seller
  • Firearm’s purchase price
  • Description of the firearm including the type, manufacturer, model, caliber, ammunition capacity, and serial number.

If you would like to know more about Firearm Bill of Sales, then there are Sample Bill of Sales Forms that can provide you with the information you need. Just be sure to know which one to issue for the right purpose.

Private Firearm Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 128 KB


Free Firearm Bill of Sale

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 165 KB


Firearm Bill of Sale Example

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 474 KB


Tips for Buying and Selling Used Firearms

  • Always make sure to do research on the buyer. Do as much background check as you can by going online and looking up the person’s name. It may just save you from negotiating with a shady dealer.
  • If you think you like the gun, then search for more information about it. Doing this can help you know more and help you see if what you want to buy is a good deal for the price that it’s offered.
  • Ask questions regarding the firearm such as who was the previous owner? Are there any damages? The reason as to why it is being sold, and so on.
  • Always examine the used firearm before buying it. Check it for any wear and tears, its customization, parts swapped and anything else that could lessen the guns value. This can prevent you from being cheated out of a deal.
  • Always negotiate with the seller. Try to get the lowest price possible by doing research to help you determine the gun’s actual price, and compare with the price the seller is offering to help you haggle.

So in the event that you wish to make use of Sample Bill of Sale in PDF  or Generic Bill of Sale Forms in regards to purchasing a firearm, then know the different types and understand them so that there are no issues when producing any firearm bill of sale.

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