For every project proposal of an organization, there are a few important things that are needed to be finalized. Such finalization includes the following:
- the concept or the idea, and the relevance of the project
- the beneficiaries or the intended audiences of the project
- the start and end date, including the duration period of the project
- the amount of proposed budget allocated for the entire project
- the contributors where funds will be coming from (a person or organization/s)
These are just few of the important things that should be included as a person or a group do the project planning. Looking at these items above will help them determine where and how to start the project.
Fillable Final Report Form
Final Project Report Form
Final Progress Report Form
Every single report for finalization should be reviewed in order to make sure that all particularities are included and nothing is missed in specifying the project scope and limitations, and that all project functionalities are written in detail in order to make the chances for approval of grant application higher. Furthermore, the form to be utilized in indicating the project information and all details is the final report form. These final report for projects often contain the following:
- The grant information
- The grant reference number (for documentation purposes)
- The grant amount
- The grant administrator
- The funding organization
- The grant holder information
- The name of the artist, group, or organization
- The name of the group representative
- The complete mailing address
- The contact information such as the contact number and email address
- The project information
- The project title or name
- The summary or brief description of the funded project
- The start and end date of the project
- The number of members participating for the project completion
- The number of volunteers who are participating in the project making
- The contributors’ information
- The contributor name or organization
- The description of the contribution
- The amount or value contributed of each
- The complete breakdown of the financial report
- The original budget proposed for the project
- The total funds raised from sources externally
- The total funds obtained by the organization
- The list of revenue source(s)
- The expenditures and descriptions for the project (the fees, rental for equipment and/or venue, accommodation, travel, and other expenses)
- The total revenue for the entire project
- The total for expense report for the entire project
- The receipts for each expenses made (for documentation purposes)
For further project assessment, the list below are few information that are often needed:
- The overall concept and idea of the project
- The planning and the execution process of the project
- The relevance or importance of the project to the general public
- The desired or expected outcomes or results from the project
- The actual project outcomes or results
- The summary of how the project was or was not successful
- The reasons why the desired outcomes or results are (or are not) fulfilled
- The challenges encountered during the project creation or activities
- The solutions and resolutions for each challenges encountered
- The impact made by the different challenges or circumstances encountered
- The certification that all information stated in the form are complete and accurate
- The feedback review from the grantees (organization) for the funding organization
- The signature of the individual or the group
- The name, position, and signature of the authorized representative
- The date of when they have signed the final report form
Once all the required or necessary information are provided, the form is mandatory to be submitted to the funding organization, particularly to the grant administrator. Nevertheless, these final report forms should be completed and submitted within the given period of time, which is often 60 days of project completion. Payment receipts should be one of the priorities to be submitted due to the reason that the funding organization often conducts a verification for all the expenditures.
Standard Final Report Form
Grantee Final Narrative Report Form
Reasons to Utilize Final Report Forms
Further reason why these final report forms for projects are needed to be completed is to ensure that the terms and conditions set by the funding organization are fulfilled or met accordingly, and that they will be able to review and verify the funded project outcomes or results. By means of this, they will also be able to identify how influential the impact of their funding organizational programs is. Upon determining this, improvements of their services are made when necessary. These final report forms often serve as the basis to see how successful the funded project is. As for the group or the organization who completed the project, they will be able to assess not just how successful the project is but also how well each of them did. Nevertheless, they will be discovering what are their mistakes and how they could improve for the better.
Writing a Grant Application for Funds
A grant is referred to the amount endowed to a person or an organization for a specific or particular purpose. These are often requested from an organization (most especially the government) for funding a project. Yet, these grant requests are not always approved due to various reasons. It may depend on the background of the group demanding for it, or their compliance for the required documents. Thus, these are determined when the funding organization reviews their grant application. This is often done with the use of grant review forms. In writing a grant application, here are the few things to take note of:
- The goals of the project/s should be specified in detail.
- It is important that the group requesting for the grant knows and are aware of the funding prospects.
- The group should also make a list of grant makers to have various of options with regards to the grant opportunities.
- Thoroughly analyze if the funding organization meets your project needs by referring to the given grant amount.
- It is better to have a one-on-one talk or meeting with the grant administrator for you to further have a great understanding with the grant opportunity.
- During the meeting, all important details should be jotted down for you to review all that is/was discussed.
- For the grant proposal, it is important that you outline or list down all the necessary information with regards to the project and how the grant for funds will be used.
- Utilize the final report form to indicate all other information such as the challenges that you and your group have encountered during the making of the project/s. Also indicate how the grant for funds helped to complete the project on time.
The list above are few of the important steps that you should be aware of. Thus, these help you to ensure that you get the right grant you are looking for. Another reminder is that you also have to consider other grant makers or funding organizations for you to compare and identify what best suits the needs of your projects.
Final Report Form for Project Grants in Doc
Final Report for Project Assistance Program
Final Report Form for Project Grants in PDF
Final Budget Report Form
Final Summary Report Form
Basic Tips in Utilizing Project Report Forms
Refer to the following tips below in order to be guided on how to make an effective final report form that could benefit both parties (the group or organization, and the funding organization):
- When filling out the form, ensure that you have finalized all information to be written down on it.
- It is better to have a draft first of all the little details before these are compiled and finalized in the final report.
- Make sure that you are fully aware of the project specifications by conducting a project review.
- Ensure that all information are true and accurate in the form by including the certification or affirmation at the end of the report form.
- Do not forget to affix the signature of the group representative in the form.
- All receipts issued upon purchases or payments for the expenditures should be kept and submitted together with the final report. These serve as your evidences.
- All information required or necessary to be provided should be indicated in the form. This includes the names of the participants.
These are few of the basic tips you can refer to when filling out the final report form. You may also refer to the forms provided for you in this form for more information.
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