At times, the tenants can turn out to be stressful. They may fail to pay rent on time and may also cause damage to your property. In such cases, the landlords can send Eviction Notice to the tenants asking them to vacate the premises if the terms and conditions are not met. This is the first step a landlord can make. These Sample Notice Forms are very useful for the landlords for taking legal actions.

3-Day Eviction Notice

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This is a Notice to Vacate Forms sample meant for the use of Utah Landlords. This includes details of rent due and actions to be taken, in the case of non-compliance.

Baby Eviction Notice

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This funny Notice to Vacate Forms sample tells the experience of the mother faced during pregnancy, talks about operation if normal delivery is delayed; and also welcomes the baby to the family.

30-Day Eviction Notice

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This Notice to Vacate Forms sample is to be used by the residential landlords of California for terminating the month-to-month tenancy. It includes all conditions of termination and refund of security deposit. You may also see 30 Day Notice Forms.

Printable Eviction Notice

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This is a court Notice to Vacate Forms sample available in a ready-to-print format for premises in New Hampshire. It includes reasons for serving the actions required for avoiding the notice.

Eviction Notice Letter

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This Notice to Vacate Forms sample includes the reasons for issuing the notice, how to serve and the legal actions to be taken in case of non-compliance; great for using by landlords.

Eviction Notice Sample

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This Notice to Vacate Forms guides on tenant eviction in Texas. It includes details of serving notice, petition for a lawsuit, court hearing, writ petition for removal and locking out the tenant. You can also see Notice to Vacate Forms.

14 Days Eviction Notice

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This is not Notice to Vacate Forms, but notice to recover arrear rents. It includes details of the last payment, total due and the legal course of action for non-compliance.

What are The Benefits of The Eviction Notice Templates?

These Notice to Vacate Forms are extremely beneficial templates to the landlords for multiple reasons. Some tenants do not pay rents regularly and there are some who do not want to vacate even after expiry of the period. These perfectly structured templates help the landlords to issue a notice to such non-cooperating tenants. Issuing such notice is an inoffensive way of dealing with a tricky situation, as the tenant may also pay the rent and stay. These are recognized by law to remind the tenant of the breach of contract. You may also see Employee Warning Notice Forms.

What are The Purposes of The Eviction Notice Templates?

There some tenants who, after some time of tenancy, becomes very difficult and in such cases the landlords have to think of evicting the tenant from the rented property. However, eviction is not a pleasurable process. The intention of issuing Notice to Vacate Forms is to remind the tenant of the arrear and also of a violation of the agreement so that ultimate eviction can be avoided. In case that is inevitable, due to the reluctance of the tenant to honor the contract; then issue this as the first legal step. You can also see HR Letter Forms.

These Notice to Vacate Forms templates include the reasons for issuing the Eviction Notice and how to settle the issue amicably without facing legal eviction. Browse it, and choose the right format to issue. This is recognized by law and you may take legal steps if the tenant does not comply. You may also see Residential Lease Forms.

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