Memorabilia books and tickets are not the only materials which are sold in an event but also various merchandises such as event shirts, glow sticks and a number of food options for the participants. However, the vendors and suppliers of these food or merchandise products must fulfill their obligations in complying with the legal requirements of a state as well as the rules of the event organizers. This is when event forms will be used for the varying people involved in the event, from the participants to the staff who are the main source of providing a successful event.
One of the documents which will be used for any event and occasion for vendors is an event vendor registration form. Specifically, this document will highlight the details of the products to be sold by the vendor along with their general information. Filling out this form is necessary to allow the event organizers and the state to obtain adequate data about the vendors. Using the form will also promote security and safety in the event, since the registration will be reviewed by the organizers as an assurance that there will be no poisonous products sold for the participants.
Event Vendor Registration Contract Form
Significant Sections in an Event Vendor Registration Form
Similar to all other registration forms, this document has specific sections which are deemed as vital for meeting the purpose of using the form. Below are the following sections:
- Event details. Although an event vendor registration form will focus on the information of vendor or partner companies, it is also essential to include the details of the event itself as a tool to effectively state the schedule of the event’s activities.
Event Festival Vendor Registration Form
- Company information. This refers to the company who will be sponsoring or selling merchandises on the day of the event. This will state their company address, and their contact information.
- Product list. Since each company may have varying products to sell, they must indicate and enlist the names of their products in this section. The products must have an in-depth description to properly distinguish each; if it is something to be consumed such as food and drink varieties. However, if the products are shirts, clothing, and accessories, the company must state the categories or describe the structure of the product whether the shirts are made of cotton fabric, or the accessories are composed of beads.
Cupcake Event Vendor Registration Form
- Prices and receipts. The products must be accompanied with their respective prices and discount amounts. Additionally, the company should be able to state some information about their purchase receipt forms which they will present to their customers in the event.
Expo Event Vendor Registration Form
- Booth area. Some events provide booth tents for their vendors while some will require their vendors to bring their own. With this, the event vendor registration form must include this section to assure that the booth requests of the vendors will be accommodated and served. In the event that the vendors want to transfer from one booth location to another, they must submit a completed booth transfer request a few days prior to the event to fully inform the event organizers about their concerns.
AnnualĀ Event Vendor Registration Form
- Method of fee payment. Event vendors are expected to pay the fees in the event as they become partners in the celebration. This is why a credit card authorization statement must be included in this section to indicate the approval of the vending company about the need for the event management to transact directly online or by a credit card.
Fall Event Vendor Registration Form
Types of Event Vendor Registration Forms
There are three main categories of event vendor registration forms which are for the food vendors, for booth intentions, and for the whole event. Event food vendor registration forms are intended for those vendors who accept dinner and food orders from their customers. The event organizers must make sure that the food vendors observe cleanliness and sell food related to the event. Vendors of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages can also use this form; however, they should specify that they will be selling drinks and not food. In this case, the event organizers will be able to know if the beverages are allowed for the audiences in the event who may be minor or students. If the level of alcohol is deemed as higher than the limited standards of the event organizers, they have the power to decline the vendor or allow the vendor sell his products to chosen participants only.
Event Food Vendor Registration Form
An event vendor booth registration form is the exact document to use for booth intentions and purposes. This document will be accompanied by a booth reservation form to indicate the place requested by the vendor. The preferred decorations for the vendor’s booth may also be stated in this document in order to properly disseminate the information to all the involved vendors about the materials allowed for the decors. This also promotes safety to the vendors that they are fully informed as they will know what materials may be prone to flames and may be destroyed by the strength of the winds in the event venue.
Event Vendor Booth Registration Form
General events include exhibits, fall festivals, summer camps, and even carnival fairs. With this, a customized registration document must be created by the event organizers to cater the data of their probable vendors. This form will state the limited size of the vendor’s carts, booths, their limit number of products, the allowed merchandise, as well as the general information of the vendor company. For festivals or fest events, the event organizers must include an area in the form which will have the dates when the vendors will be expected to showcase their products in the duration of the event or the event’s week. Including this area does not only inform the vendors, but also allows the other entities to know who’s renting the place on that day and their competitors.
Music Fest Event Vendor Registration Form
Inclusions Found in an Event Vendor Registration Form
Aside from the aforementioned sections in an event vendor registration form, the following may also be included in the document which also holds a huge purpose for the success of the event:
- Company eligibility. This statement can be found after the form’s sections which will focus on the standards set by the event organizers to assure that the merchandise or products of a company are suitable for the audiences of the event. It will depend on the organizers if they will send an event approval to the company, or they will decline the offer of the company to be part of the event, and sell their products.
- Vendor event contract. Having this contract form will aid the vendors in knowing the terms and conditions of the event organizers with regards to their partnership, product selling methods, as well as the number of hours allotted for them to sell on the day of the event. However, if the terms of the contract are not being given an approval by the vendor, an amendment may be considered if a proper request process will be appropriately observed by all the involved parties.
Holiday Event Vendor Registration Form
- Financial agreement. This inclusion connects to the payment method section of the form which will state the agreed amount to be paid by the vendor and the percentage that the event organizers will receive after the event.
- Cancellation agreement. Cancelling an event contract or partnership should be done a week prior to the event to inform the organizers ahead and to allow them in looking or opening a slot for a new vendor. This contract cancellation agreement can state the penalties associated by the uninformed cancellations and to those vendors who are not able to meet their obligations.
- Assignment agreement. Booths and selling schedules may be stated in this section to fully highlight the responsibilities of the vendors in following their assigned location and time. Failure in meeting terms in this assignment agreement such as selling at their assigned vending location may call for a sanction and additional fee wherein the amount will depend on the event organizers.
Special Event Vendor Registration Form
- Service request. Vendors who want large speakers, tables and chairs for the event may list their needs in this service request section. However, most event organizers will require their vendors to be responsible for bringing their own materials to lessen the burden of the event’s staff and personnel.
- Hold harmless agreement. As accidents may happen at any time during the event, the event organizers must assure that they will not be held liable for the loss and the dangers that the vendors may face. This hold harmless agreement is intended to protect the event organizers from being obligated to pay for the accidents caused by the vendors, as well as the hospital fees in the event that a representative of the vendor is involved in an emergency.
Additionally, a media release form may also be enclosed in any event vendor registration form to inform the vendors about the need of the event organizers in using their images, and media records for the event’s promotion. Nonetheless, the vendors may also disagree with the usage of their images, or give a few level of rights for the organizers to have an assurance that their images will only be used for promotional purposes and not for illegal intentions.
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