Ever since you were hired, you have been nothing but an excited little puppy, eager to do your best at doing every task that was hurled your way. You were more concerned with doing your best and staying long in the job position that you had chosen to apply for which makes your colleagues and manager consider you as one of the best employees the company had hired.
Despite all the praises you received, there was one person who never liked you?—the supervisor. Or it could be that the job itself was never really what you had imagined or expected it to be. And so, like many others, you decide to call it quits in a professional way by submitting an employment resignation letter.
What Is an Employment Resignation Letter?
A sample employment resignation letter is a formal business document that is utilized by employees who want voluntarily to terminate their employment in the company. There are various reasons why an employee wants to quit. Still, there is no other use or purpose for an employment resignation letter than for the employee to forfeit working in the company for personal reasons.
FREE 5+ Employment Resignation Letters in PDF
Various employees from different professions use resignation letters. This type of letter document helps such troubled employees the chance to leave the company without having to resort to going insane. Here are six examples of formal employment resignation sample letters that we have taken from official sites. Look at each sample and compare them by how their content is constructed. Examine the little details that you can find. Are these details similar, or do these differ from each sample?
1. Resignation/Termination Form
2. Sample Notice of Voluntary Resignation
3. Sample Letter of Employee Resignation Form
4. Voluntary Resignation Form
5. Sample Voluntary Resignation Form
6. Employee Resignation Sample Form
Types of Employment Resignation Letters
Employment resignation letters differ only with a certain section that focuses on a certain area of priority. Here are the three types of employment resignation letters with different areas of priority. Carefully examine each one and see how each type differs from the other types.
1. With an Appreciation Section
This type of employment resignation letter focuses on creating a section where the employee, despite all the horrid experiences he has seen in the company, discusses the good things he has learned and the skills he has acquired while working in the company. This type focuses on giving appreciation.
2. With Notice Period Section
This type of resignation letter dedicates a certain paragraph with a sample notice period section that would give a way on how the employee will help with the transition of company from you quitting your position. Suggest ways on how you can help them get the production back on its toes. This type of resignation letter is usually given one month earlier from the day you want to resign from the company.
3. Without a Notice Period Section
This type of resignation letter is opposite to the second type. This type is abrupt in the sense that gives no notice. This is usually given a day ahead of the day you want to leave. This type also seem not to give space for suggestions on how to help the company get back on its feet after you leave.
Reasons Why an Employee Wants to Quit
There are so many reasons why an employee wants to quit. According to Forbes.com, listed below are the top reasons why employees opt to quit their job.
1. “The employees are overworked.”
Some managers or employers do not see how hard the work truly is, and the quota itself is high. Employees will feel cheated, and some will feel disdained if they don’t reach the quota.
2. “The employees are not challenged.”
Since production is highly valued over quality by some companies, some employees lose that sense of purpose with their work. They will see it more as a routine and get bored since it does not tickle their brains who wants challenges.
3. “The employees are not compensated fairly.”
Despite the difficulty of the work, employees are paid less. This reason is one of the contributing factors why, eventually, employees opt to leave or resign, to search for greener pasture as they say.
4. “The employees are not appreciated for their efforts.”
Sometimes all an employee wants is recognition. Not all but some employees want to be acknowledged for the effort they put in their work. If this is not given to them, they’ll feel saddened and will feel useless.
How to Create an Employee Resignation Letter
An employee resignation letter is easy to create but also hard because you need to be formal and polite with the tone you will use in the message. The company might not give your benefits or sue you if ever you will be making an issue.
Here are a few tips on how to create an effective formal employment resignation letter that will ensure you will leave the company without any baggage or problems to carry.
1. Customize a Template
Select a template from template.net‘s extensive media library that contains many professionally designed templates. Choose one that you find convenient to use. You are already planning to leave the company, so use one that is easy to customize.
2. Use a Polite Manner of Speech
Whatever you do, be polite in the letter, even when addressing concerns or stating your reasons for leaving. You do not want to get on the company’s bad nerves. Practice politeness. Once you have left the company, you can freely say anything you want about them because they have no more power over you.
3. Use the Expressive Sans-Serif Fonts
Business forms usually use serif font styles since these appear more formal. However, you can opt to rebel from the tradition since you are already resigning from the company. Use the lesser formal sans-serif font styles, specifically the default ones. Nothing can go wrong with using the default styles.
4. State Your Reason
Carefully state your reason. Detail it in the best manner that you can. Do not generalize things. You can use bullet points, or you can even list the concerns down. Just do not forget to expound why these are your concerns.
5. Review Your Content
Nothing can destroy your well-crafted employment resignation letter than mistakes and errors found in your message. Check the content for any grammatical or contextual errors. Even if you are leaving, you must write a half-baked letter. It will be embarrassing on your part. Be professional and check the document for errors.
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