An employee cannot be employed in a company for a specific position just like that. Certain hurdles have to be cleared before surely hiring someone in a company. One of the important procedures used by employers to hire new candidates is sending an employment verification letter or a confirmation letter. By sending this verification letter, the clients place more trust in them because they have acknowledged their application as well as the income or payment for that position.
What is an Employment Verification Letter?
To confirm or verify the current or former employee’s employment is carried out with the help of an employment verification letter. This employment or income verification letter is generally sent as a response to a request for laying down the information from a potential employer, government agency or bank, or any other official, for instance. It is also known as ‘proof of employment letter’ as it verifies the income or salary that is earned by the employee in his previous jobs. This document seeks the employment status of the individual, job title along with salary.
Why Need an Employment Verification Letter?
An employment verification letter is not just written without any motives or reasons; there are some ground reasons for which this formal letter is required quite often.
- An employee requests for an employment verification letter in case they are applying for a home mortgage or an automobile loan, and the loaner may want to confirm whether the employee has a steady job and enough income to cover the monthly payments before approving the loan.
- A request for an employment or income verification letter can also be made if the individual is planning to rent a home, and the property management company wants to confirm if they are capable of affording their security deposit, rent payment, maintenance, and other added costs.
- It is also required when the employee is requesting a loan payment reduction, but the bank is demanding some proof of the current income before making approval of their request.
- And most importantly, it is needed when the individual is pursuing an opportunity with another employer or applying for a new job, and the company wants to verify their information about their past working experience and salary as a part of the background check process.
What To Include in an Employment Verification Letter?
Some important information has to be included in your employment verification letter depending on the kind of request made by the other party. Make sure the letter is printed on your company’s letterhead or stationery, including the logo of the company. Ensure that your verification letter includes these terms:
- Address of the employee
- Name and address of the organization requesting verification
- Name of the employee
- Date of commencement of the employment
- Job title or work position of the employee
- The current salary of the employee
5+ Employment (Income) Verification Letter
1. Employment Verification Letter
This particular template can be a great example for you in case you are planning to prepare an employment verification letter. You can use it to take reference for verifying a candidate’s employment in your company. It contains all the required field that is mandatory for a proper formal employment verification letter. The format is like any other formal letter that starts with an appropriate title followed by the date, address, details of the one for whom the letter is being written and the content of the letter. The content includes the name of the applicant, the name of the company where he/she is being appointed, and the name of the position along with the employment commencement date. The letter must be concluded with the signature of the individual who supplied the letter.
2. Student Employment Verification Letter
This sample template contains a student employment verification letter that contains the appropriate information required in the verification process. This particular verification is done before a student is employed by an employer of a certain organization for specific job criteria. It includes the basic details of the student like the name, university ID number, place of employment along with the student’s nature of the job. All these details will serve as proof of employment for the student who is being employed.
3. Previous Employment Verification Letter
Verification of employment affirms an individual’s past or present place of employment status, and businesses or organizations must demand to check for the candidate’s past occupation that may also include a recommendation from the employers with whom the employee worked with. This template consists of a response letter for a request for an employment or income verification of a current or former employee of a certain organization. It delivers the process of how exactly this verification process works and what documents or proofs have to be provided by the employee. It also mentions the type of verification, along with information related to the access options in case the recipient wants to contact the organization.
4. Hospital Employment Verification Letter
In case a hospital is hiring new candidates to work at the hospital premises, the employers will need a hospital employment verification letter that will serve as a proof that a potential candidate has been employed after a fair verification. The given document outlines a letter that verifies that a particular employee has been employed and that he/she meets the required qualifications to perform the tasks that will be prescribed in that particular facility. It describes the job description and the position that the employee has been assigned. This letter has to be verified by the administrative authority of the hospital, followed by his/her signature in the end.
5. Employment Verification Request Letter
To confirm that a particular candidate has been employed in your company or organization, you will need to craft an employment verification letter. By making a verification letter similar to this simple and standard employment verification letter, you will be able to showcase not only the job position of the employee but also his annual salary. You can also mention in detail about what exactly is the task of the employee or what does he/she perform.
6. Employment Income Verification Letter
This kind of income verification is generally desired while enrolling a child for some program, and the organizing committee seeks to confirm the income of the household. The template deals with a standard and well-written income verification letter that states that the verification of the children’s eligibility along with the information about the benefits of the program after the verification. It also has another letter that can be used for requesting a fair hearing from the referred officials. Since it is available for downloading and editing, you can use it for your purpose whenever required.
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