Clearance forms vary depending on what it pertains to. It could pertain to the clearances used for the company businesses or for employees. For businesses, these forms are used to make sure that the business is legal by having complete documents. And for employees, these forms are used to make sure that each and every employee has obtained a clear record from the company.
There are certain clearance forms that are submitted before the employees are granted with their application for employment, and there are also clearance forms that are required when they exit the company permanently. These clearance forms should not be taken for granted since these will benefit not just the employers, but also the employees. Further information regarding the clearance forms that are required to be obtained by the employees are discussed as you go further this article.
What is an Employee Clearance Form?
An employee clearance form is mandatory for each and every employee to submit since this serves as one of the requirements that they should obtain. Technically, this clearance form is used to make sure that all properties that the company possesses are safely returned just the way how the employee received it during his or her employment period.
With the clearance form, it is determined if the employees were able to use the properties for any work-related purposes only. If it happens to be found out that the properties are damaged, lost and/or violated according to its use, the employee will be held liable for whatever consequences that the company will give. The reason for this is to ensure that employees are responsible enough to fulfill their duties and not take the company properties for granted.
These employee clearance forms are usually given to the employees who will be resigning, who will be terminated, and who will be transferred to a different department. These forms must contain the affixed signatures from his or her head department and managers as a sign of giving him or her a permission to carry on.
The Steps in Obtaining an Employee Clearance Form
Step 1: The employee should approach his or her department head if he or she has any concern/s regarding his/her employment in the company. He or she could file an employee complaint form in order to document the issue. It is better that things are talked about for whatever matter it may be. This is in order to formulate an immediate action if the matter is said to be an inconvenience that causes disruption.
In this step, the employees and the department head will be able to discuss the matter in a one-on-one basis in order to solve whatever issue is troubling the mind of the employee or what is/are the violations that the employee has committed.
Step 2: After the one-on-one talk with the department head, the employee should talk to the human resource department in a interview forms. This is mandatory since the last person that the employee must approach is the first person that he talked to regarding the process of his or her application and employment records. The first and last person to speak with is the human resource department manager. Few more reasons why are as follows:
- the employee might not be comfortable discussing the matter with the department head
- the concern of the employee might be the department head himself/herself
- both the employee and department head are not on good terms with each other
- the employee thinks that the department head cannot do anything about the matter
- the employee thinks that there is no point in discussing the matter to the department head
- there are certain actions or solutions that the department head cannot make due to limit authorization
- the final decision will be made properly and accordingly with the human resource department manager
Step 3: For employees who will be resigning, the first thing that he or she must do is to secure a resignation letter which contains the reason why he or she is resigning. The employee must approach his or her department head before the letter is submitted to the human resource department.
For the employees who are or will be terminated and/or will be transferred to another department, disregard this step number. Though there are some circumstances in which the employers give advice to file a resignation letter instead of firing or terminating him or her.
Step 4: Once the resignation is reviewed for resigning employees, the human resource department conducts an exit interview questionnaire in order to pinpoint areas or aspects of which have troubled the employee/s. The human resource department also provides a clearance form that is required to be filled up by each and every employee who decide to resign, who are terminated, and who will be transferred.
Step 5: Employee clearance forms should be filled out with all the necessary information that are required. Employees should have fully understanding why clearance forms are required and for what purpose it is provided. If there are any clarifications, employees should ask without any hesitations.
Step 6: The clearance form is submitted to the human resource department manager for employee review. Once everything is reviewed, the employees are then permitted to carry on or move forward.
The Steps in Filling Out an Employee Clearance Form
In filling out an employee clearance form, here are the following parts of the form which are required for fill up:
- The basic information which includes the date of when the clearance form is filled up and submitted
- The employee information such as the employee ID number, full name, position, department, department head, employment period: date from and date to
- The department name/s, the department head/s, remarks/comments, and affixed signatures to affirm that the employee is cleared form the corresponding department/s and is permitted to carry on
- The approval information which includes the names, contact details, and signatures of the managers (human resource department manager, department manager), together with the date of when the approval has taken place
- The signature of the employee and the date of clearance form completion
Employee clearance forms are also used in order to assist each and every employees in clearing all their duties, responsibilities, and obligations prior to their departure. These forms serves as the only way for any employee to have a proper exit to the company. This is the last requirement to be submitted at the last stop, which is the human resource department office.
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