Employee time off request forms are documents which are used by companies to gather the details of an employee’s absence and leave request. The form will also document the decision of the company as to whether or not the employee’s request will be approved or not. Furthermore, with employee time off request forms, the company’s payroll department will be able to have accurate data in their records, especially in the attendance and salary reports of the requesting employee.
Types of Employee Time Off Request Forms
There are two main types of employee time off request form and these are as follows:
Employee Paid Time Off Request Form – Regular employees whose time off or vacation leave benefits are paid by the company will be the ones who can use this type of employee time off request form. Basically, the form will inform the company about the intent of the employee to take a leave off work and still get paid with his day’s salary as part of his employment compensation and benefits. In the form, the employee will need to state his general information along with his leave schedule.
Employee Paid Time Off Request Form
Employee Unpaid Time Off Request Form – This is the type of form to use by employees who are still not provided with paid leave benefits or those who prefer to not use their accrued leave for their time off. The information which will be stated in this form would include the name and employment information of the employee, the date of the voluntary unpaid time off, as well as the signature of the employee which must be affixed below the employee acknowledgment agreement statement. In addition, the form also contains sections for the approval of the employee’s supervisor and human resource personnel.
Employee Voluntary Unpaid Time-Off Request Form
Employee Time Off Request Form Formats
When choosing which format should be utilized by the company when making and using employee time off request forms, the document-preparer or the one assigned to make the form should consider the usage method and preferences of the company. Nevertheless, the form can also be made into three different formats to suit each preference as well as to ensure that the company will have several choices or options to choose from depending on how they would want their request procedures will be done. Below are the three common formats that companies can utilize for their employee time off request forms:
DOC or word-document file format
One of the common benefits of choosing to use or create an employee time off request form in DOC or word document file format is that it can be altered and be changed easily. However, one downside of choosing a form in DOC format is that it may cause unintended alterations if the form is accessed using a different device with a different software application program as opposed to the one used in creating form. Also, varying application programs will have varying font categories and styles which is why it is important to use basic fonts when making request forms in DOC format to ensure that the fonts will not change from one device to another.
Employee Time Off Request Form in DOC
XLS or spreadsheet format
With a spreadsheet software application program, a company will be able to create a tabular type of employee time off request form and the form will be saved in either “.XLS” or “.XLSX” formats depending on the version of the software being used. Furthermore, one benefit of preferring to utilize this format is that it allows the company to use columns, rows, and formulas especially when it comes to determining the total number of time-off hours of the requesting employee.
Employee Time Off Request Form in XLS
PDF or portable document format
This format can be created using two methods, either by converting the aforementioned formats or by using a PDF creator. By using or creating an employee time off request form in PDF or portable document format, the company will be able to send and allow employees to use and file a request electronically. In addition, the layout and contents of the form in this type of format will also be retained regardless of wherever the form will be transferred and regardless of the device to be used by the intended user of the form. This means that PDF formatted files are flexible and accessible as compared to the other two formats.
Employee Paid Time Off Leave Request Form
Employee Time Off Request Form Tips
Below are some tips to keep in mind when making any type of employee time off request form:
- Know the preferences and specifications of the company: The company’s rules and requirements in terms of making documents to be used in the company and by the employees should be noted by the document-preparer who will be making the request form. In addition, the banner of the company should also be ready to incorporate into the form for further customizations and it must have the company’s name and logo.
- Focus on the important details: It is essential that employee time off request forms will have and collect only relevant details from the employee who will be filing the form. Also, the form should have guidelines and the list of eligibility requirements to fully inform the user of what must be met in order for him to be approved for his leave or his time-off request.
And lastly, employee time off request forms should be kept in the records of the company even after the employee returns to work. This document can be placed or be kept along with the other documents related to the employee including his timesheets and other attendance forms.
Employee Time Off Request Form Sample
General Employee Time Off Request Form
Why Use Employee Time Off Request Form Templates?
Employee time off request form templates allow companies to make a request form easily and with less hassle, since all that needs to be done after downloading the request form template is to customize or edit its contents. Additionally, templates also provide suggestions in terms of what can be placed into each part of the for. Templates are also available in different formats which cater to different methods of filling and submitting the request form upon completion.
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