It is basic human nature to obtain what is necessary for the improvement of our conditions. Instead of outright doing whatever we wish without first requesting for permission, we would use request forms, one example of a request form would be a Payment Request Form being used by most sellers of certain goods to the buyers of the goods.
Another good example of a request form would be an Information Request Form, where the need for specific information is present. This need for information can serve any purpose, such as the progress of one’s personal goals or objectives, or in order to improve one’s condition.
Temporary Employee Request Form Samples
Temporary Hire Request
Short-Term Employment Request
Temporary Non-Student Employment Request
New Employee Request Forms
New Employee Opt-Out Request
New Promotional Salary Request
New Employee Network Access Request
What Is an Employee Request Form?
An employee request form is, as the name says, a type of form used as a means of requesting the addition of another staff member or employee to a certain part of the company. This may be due to either a lack of staff or manpower to a certain part of the company. This could lead to the submission of an Employment Verification Request in order to verify the authenticity of an applicant’s personal information.
This type of request works by convincing the manager, or the higher officials that the lack of staff in that part of the company can potentially lead to the company’s inefficiency, and quite possibly loss. In basic terms, it is a means of gaining another employee by convincing the manager that the need is urgent.
How to Say No to An Employee Request?
Saying no to a request is at often times a bit difficult, more so if it is done in person and to a person you know. But this is necessary, either because employing another employee would be out of the budget or because the argument of employing another employee is unnecessary or holds no grounds. No matter the situation, you will have to answer the request with a no. How would you say no to an employee request? Begin with:
- Identifying the reasons for saying no.
- Be as professional as you can be.
- Avoid apologizing.
- Suggest an alternative solution to the employee request.
An example of a request form could be the Employee Vacation Request Form where a request for vacation or a filed leave is submitted to either the HR or the head officer in charge.
Employee Accommodation Request Forms
Employee Request Accommodation
Employee Reasonable Accommodation Request
Employee Disability Accommodation
Employee Action Request Forms
Employee Relations Action Request
Position Employee Action Request
Personnel Employee Action Form
Student Employee Request Forms
Student Employment Exception Request
Student Employee Waiver Form
Employee Leave Request Forms
Employee Leave Request
Employee Annual Leave Request
Employee Medical Leave Request
How to Handle an Employee’s Request for Accommodation
If the employee’s request for accommodation is valid and is reasonable, then you will need to find a way to accommodate that request, to do this you will need to do things through a step by step process starting with:
- Read over the employee’s request once more, then interview the person who filled the request form in person. This will allow you to clearly understand the request being made.
- Determine the reason for the employee’s request, if due to a disability, then you must find some way to accommodate the employee’s request without affecting the companies production.
- Go over the company’s rules and regulations describing the method of processing a request. This is to avoid any issues about the company’s standards.
- Discuss the request with the floor manager or the person in charge of that part of the company. Doing this allows you to see the limitations you may have when approving the request.
- Begin the interactive process. An interactive process is a process that involves determining the best possible solution to the employee’s request. This is usually completed by the employer, HR, and the floor manager of the company so as to have an inside point of view on how to approach the request.
- Begin the interactive process by determining the best way to approach the request for accommodation with advice from the HR and the floor manager.
- Calculate the total expenses and the potential downgrade in employee morale that may occur during the processing of the request.
- Put the plan for processing the request for the employee’s accommodation into action.
- Determine if the changes made due to the employee’s request has been effective and that there is no unnecessary burden to the other employees.
In some cases, these accommodations will be filled in an Employee Advance Request Form in order to have the request made out ahead of time to avoid any hassle.
Substitute Employee Request Form Samples
Preferred Substitute Employee Request
Substitute Employee Absence Request
Employee Vacation Request Forms
Vacation Advance Request
Generic Employee Vacation
Request for Vacation Extension
Employee Advance Request Forms
Emergency Pay Advance Request
Employee Salary Advance Request
Payroll Salary Advance Request
Employee Cash Advance Request
Employee Verification Request Forms
Student Employment Verification
Walk-In Employment Verification Form
Tenant Employment Verification
Previous Employment Verification Form
Employee Card Request Forms
New Employee ID Card Request
Additional Benefits Card Request
Student Employee Copy Card Request
Card Access Request Form
How Does an Employee Request for an Accommodation?
Requesting an accommodation is actually a simple process. To begin the process, start off with using a Request Form Sample as your template, then begin writing down the reason for your accommodation. It is within your rights to list down an accommodation request to your employer, this is especially so if you are disabled in some way and cannot work efficiently if specific changes aren’t made. Now, the next step is to state the facts as to why these accommodations are needed, it could be that it will affect your productivity.
When can an Employee Request an Inspection?
An employee can easily begin an inspection of the companies facilities or employees simply by filing a complaint form to the officer in charge or to the OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) provided that the company is under the protection of OSHA. After filing the complaint letter, either the company’s officer or the OSHA representative would begin to perform a routine inspection of the facilities and its employees.
In most cases, any form of ill treatment to the employee will be looked on as a violation of their rights, and therefore will be punished. All Work Request Forms will be postponed during the investigation and will resume directly after the investigation.
Employee Security Request Forms
Employee Initiated Security Request
Security Access Request
Security Password Request
Employee Waiver Request Forms
Student Employee Waiver form
Employee Mandatory Fee Waiver
Employee Tuition Waiver Request
Employee Payment Request Forms
Non-Employee Payment Request
Retroactive Payment Request Form
Extra Service Payment Request
Employee Vehicle Request Form
Vehicle Record Request
Employee Fund Request Forms
Employee Emergency Fund Request
Employee Travel Fund Advance Request
Holiday Request Form
Employment Information Request
Employee Appeal Request
Employee Transportation Request
Sample Employee Request Form
General Employee Request Form
5 ways to address an employees pay rise request
One of the many types of forms that an employer may receive from their employees would be either a Vacation Request Form, a Day Off Request Form, or a pay rise request form, the most common of which would be the pay rise request form. Here are 5 ways to address an employees pay rise request.
- Treat the request as serious and as professional as you can, oftentimes, the request is not equivalent to their work outputs.
- Be calm and approachable when you are beginning the interview to calm the employee down.
- Have the employee come to you in person to discuss the request and why they have sent that request. You can do this by asking the employee why they think they should have a raise.
- Review the employee’s work performance and determine whether or not they are good for the pay rise.
- Offering alternatives to a pay rise may prove more effective, alternatives like a vacation or day off from work are sometimes more preferred than a pay rise and often has less cost in the long run then increasing their pay.
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