An employee photo release form is a document which is to be filled out and signed by the employee who will be photographed by the company, either for promotional purposes or for making company identification cards. Most often, the form is provided prior to an event or company activities to allow the employees in knowing that there will be a photographer who will take photos, videos, and other recordings which will then be posted or be published by the company. Nonetheless, if an employee declines the release, then the company should respect the employee’s decision or yet conduct a negotiation.
Employee Photo Consent and Release Form
Why Is an Employee Photo Release Form Important?
An employee photo release form is important because it serves as a document which protects the company, the photographer, and the employee or the subject of the photo. For the company and photographer, an employee who signs the release allows them to conduct photo shoots or take pictures in a specified duration without having the need to worry about possible lawsuits to be filed against them due to privacy invasion. On the other hand, the employee will also be protected in lieu of being able to know where, when, and how his photos will be used. The employee can also inform the company and the photographer if ever he prefers to mandate restrictions such as not allowing the photographer to take candid shots as well as posting images which can degrade the employee.
Employee Photo Release Form
How to Create an Employee Photo Release Form
Follow the three-step guide below to create an effective employee photo release form:
Step 1: Place the document header of the company and the title of the form. A header mostly consists of the company’s name and logo, or a banner which specifically indicates the brand of the company. This header should be placed in the topmost portion of the document sheet in order to identify that the form is owned and is created solely for the company. In addition, the title of the form should be emphasized and placed below the header.
Step 2: Incorporate a photo release statement. The statement must indicate the granted consent and permission of the employee for the company to take and use photos wherein he is visible. Moreover, the statement should also include the employee’s willingness to release the company from any lawsuits and claims in lieu of using his photographs.
Step 3: Add a signature block. In the signature block, the employee’s name and signature should be collected along with his job assignment, department, residential address, and the date when the photo release form was signed.
After the contents are made, the form should then be saved. This form can be used as a template for events and activities where employees and staff members will be photographed. Furthermore, the form can be saved in either of the two common formats: “.PDF” and in “.DOC”.
Photograph and Publicity Release Form
Varieties of Employee Photo Release Forms
There are different varieties of employee photo release forms that companies can use, and these are as follows:
Employee Photography Release Agreement Form – Some companies prefer to not only use the images and recordings of their employees but also the personal information or data of each employee present in the photo. For these companies, the photo release agreement form to be signed by their employees must include a statement which indicates the approval of the employees to have their names and basic data published along with their photos. The agreement can also document the understanding of the employee towards waiving his rights to claim against the company for accessing and using his data and images.
Employee Photography Release Agreement Form
Library Employee Photo Release Form – This form variety is limited to be used by employees and staff members of a library or institution. The form can be edited or be customized by any user. In using the form, the user must incorporate the library’s letterhead in the first section. Then, the placeholders which are indicated between parentheses must be changed based on the correct data to be stated such as the actual name of the library, and the date and location where the photographs will be taken.
Library Employee Photo Release Form
In the event that the employee is a minor, then his legal guardian or parent must sign the form. On the other hand, if the employee is an eligible adult, then he must fill in his name, address, contact information, and email address in the allotted areas.
University Employee Photo-Image Consent Release Form – Compared to the aforementioned forms, this document can also be used by other parties who will be photographed for as long as they are members or affiliated with the university and company where the photos will be used. In the form, the user’s preferred name will be indicated along with his position and affiliation in the university. The decision of the user as to whether or not he will want to participate in the photo shoot will also have to be stated in the form as well as his signature and his electronic mailing address.
University Employee Photo-Image Consent Release Form
Benefits of Using an Employee Photo Release Form Template
One of the most common benefits of using employee photo release form templates is that it lessens the time consumed in making a form from scratch since a template already contains the necessary contents and entry fields to be filled out by the target users or the employees of the company. All the employee will need to do is input his information, print the form, and affix his signature. The company, on the other hand, will only have to change some of the contents of the form in order to fit its objective and needs.
Another benefit of using a template is that it can be reused in the future for as long as the original template is saved in the company’s computers or devices. In addition, a template also provides consistency which allows the company to have a generic layout for their employee photo release forms regardless of the type of event, the venue, and the time or date when the form will be used.
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