employee contact

Employee Contact Forms are often used in conjunction with employee information forms.  In the event that a serious injury or incident has happened at the workplace and it involves a particular employee, someone at work can easily get in touch with that employee’s emergency contact.  These emergency contacts can either be a family member, significant other, or landlord.   When the employee is not around at work and is needed to be contacted yet cannot be easily reached, the company can also call their emergency contact regarding their whereabouts.

Employee Emergency Contact Form

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Main Elements of an Employee Contact Form:

  • Name of Employee: Of course, at the top of the employee contact form, the full name of the employee must be placed.  It has to be clear and legible in order for whoever needs to quickly find your file and search for your information.  Missing this information is equal to not having an employee contact form at all.
  • Employee’s Personal Information: Having vital information on the employee such as address, email address, contact information, etc. is important as this gives employer or company the knowledge regarding his or her details.  In situations wherein you are out of the workplace and need to be contacted, the company can contact you first before communicating with your emergency contact.

Employee Contact & Deposition Information Form

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  • Primary Contact Information:  Often a close relative, the responsibility of a primary contact is to be the first person work calls whenever an emergency occurs at work.  Often when an employee is not on duty yet work needs to call him or her regarding certain concerns and he or she is not responding to their calls, the primary contact will be contacted.
  • Secondary Contact Information:  Secondary contacts are only called for emergency cases and if primary contact is not responding or cannot be contacted.  This contact is usually a guardian, landlord, other family members, or someone who is in close proximity to the employee.

Employee Contact Information Form

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Size: 38 KB


 Optional Elements of an Employee Contact Form:

  • Employee’s Job  Information:  This portion speaks about what department or specific job title an employee has.  This is often used to cluster together the files of employees that are in the same section.  It makes finding the files of the employees easier especially for emergencies
  • Physician’s Contact Information: Having the physician’s contact number of an employee is extremely helpful especially when the employee has a history of health issues and concerns that may need urgent medical attention.

Employee Emergency Contact Form Sample

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Size: 40 KB


  • Allergy List: Though not many companies ask an employee what their allergies are as it often does not affect work, it is still useful for a few fields especially in the food and beverage industries.
  • Medical Concerns: This is for companies to be knowledgeable and understand what are certain health limits of employees.  This is to avoid a few liabilities and limits the need for the help of the employee’s primary or secondary contact.

The purpose of an employee contract form goes beyond documentation, it complies with the safety of employees and allowing external entities to be involved in case of emergencies.  This information will only be accessed by Human Resources staff during crisis situations and are kept in secrecy to avoid the spreading the data of personal information.  Also, see human resource forms. Any information that the company holds regarding an employee should be protected for safety and avoidance of hazards that will benefit the workers.


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