Some things happen so fast. If you are fond of watching the professional basketball games these past few years, the passing of the well-known superstar Kobe Bryant might burst you in tears. Accidents do happen. The Bryant’s aircraft maintenance was superior; however, the unforeseeable weather phenomenon became the likely culprit. No matter the prevention measures, there is always a risk for the emergency. It is best to become prepared for both the prevention and immediate action.
FREE 52+ Emergency Forms in PDF | MS Word | XLS
1. Sample Emergency Form
2. Emergency Medical Form
3. Emergency Contact Information Form
4. Emergency Information Release Form
5. Pre School Emergency Form
6. Child Care Emergency Information Form
7. Kindergarten Pre School Emergency Form

8. Children Emergency Consent Form
9. Emergency Contact Parental Consent Form
10. Emergency Permission Form
11. Emergency Care Information Form
12. Child Care Emergency Contact Information Form
13. Student Emergency Information Form
14. Emergency Medical Authorization Form
15. Emergency Care Plan Form
16. Common Element Emergency Form
17. Employee Emergency Contact Form
18. Athletics Emergency Medical Form
19. Emergency Disclosure Request Form
20. Emergency Accommodations Request Form
21. Basic Emergency Form
22. Emergency Medical Expense Claim Form
23. Recreation Emergency Form
24. Emergency Resit Request Form
25. Nurse Emergency Information Form
26. Emergency Repair Form
27. Emergency Medical Reimbursement Request Form
28. Personal Emergency Profile Form
29. Group Emergency Form
30. Emergency Service Program Form
31. Child Emergency Information Form
32. Participant Emergency Form
33. Emergency Disability Vote Application Form
34. Field Trip Emergency Form
35. Student Athlete Emergency Form
36. Emergency Response Protocol Form
37. Emergency Waiver Form
38. Youth Basketball Emergency Form
39. Emergency Treatment Consent Form
40. Volunteer Emergency Information Form
41. Formal Emergency Form
42. Veterinary Emergency Consent Form
43. Summer Camp Emergency Form
44. Emergency Report Form
45. Mentoring Emergency Form
46. Minor Emergency Form
47. Sample Employee Emergency Contact Form
48. Employee Emergency Fund Request Form
49. Standard Emergency Form
50. Emergency Hire Request Form
51. Simple Emergency Form
52. Emergency Information Form
53. Emergency Pharmacy Order Form
Why Is An Emergency Form Important?
You may be wondering why some application form includes emergency contact information at the end. Safety is always a priority. The Roman philosopher and statesman Marcus Tullius Cicero once said, “The safety of the people shall be the highest law.” Because we have no idea of our fate in the next few hours, preparation is the key. One way to prepare is to know who the emergency contacts of a student or employee are. In other words, an emergency form is a document that highlights the information of trusted people ready to respond during unexpected accidents. Of course, they must be related to the injured person, whether by blood or close relations.
Types of Emergencies That You May Encounter
Emergencies have the element of surprise. It can happen even in the most awkward situations. In one of Cosmopolitan’s compilation of bloopers in the emergency room, a couple glued together went inside. Because of drugs, they got wild that they were unable to let go of each other after intercourse. Luckily, the guy needed only a muscle relaxant to pull out. It could also be something ordinary, like mistaking the contents of a container as water. However, it turns out it was liquid bleach.
Being prepared at all times can save you. Before reporting an emergency, you must understand the different kinds of emergency cases. By doing so, you know the appropriate agency to call whenever you encounter a specific crisis. Here are different types of emergencies:
Disease Outbreak Spreading Like Bacteria
The recent outbreak of the novel coronavirus created a buzz to people’s hygiene practices. Because it can spread via human to human transmission, using face masks in a crowded place becomes a norm. Also, a constant reminder to wash hands often posted on social media and in public places increased. A disease outbreak calls for emergency response from the government. In general, anything related to the biological aspect of life can be considered a biological emergency. The act of preventing the spread of the disease is a priority concern. Nobody wants a global plague to infect the entire human population.
Chemicals That Harm Thousands
Inside laboratory rooms, our teachers warned us not to play with chemicals. Of course, such warnings can save your curious mind from blowing an entire building to pieces. We have access to dangerous chemicals that we commonly use for household cleaning. Accidentally mixing ammonia with chlorine can make a hazardous gas that is even more fatal. In cases where the use of unsafe chemicals inflict harm to humans, consider this as a chemical emergency. Usually, military organizations develop dangerous chemicals such as sulfur mustards and phosgene as a choking agent. Proper handling of these chemicals is a must because there are also laws that regulate the use of such substances.
Threats of Radiation
We get exposure to radiation every day. There is what scientists termed as naturally-occurring background radiation as the natural source of our radiation exposure. Medical x-rays, on the other hand, are human-made sources. As long as an adequate amount of exposure is minimal, you do not need to worry. However, when large amounts of radiation brought by human-made sources, such as nuclear power plants malfunction, they become radiological emergencies.
An example would be the 2011 Fukushima Nuclear Disaster in Japan caused by a tsunami. Although no reported death or sickness after the disaster, the Japanese government took precautionary measures by evacuating thousands away from the site. Perhaps, we learned from the Chernobyl disaster.
The Daily Hazards
Change is constant, so does for the weather phenomenon. Because of this, the weather is the daily hazard we have to deal with wherever we go. Also, earthquakes, sandstorms, tornadoes, blizzards, and the like belong to this category as well. Aside from Earth’s natural processes, accidents at home are part of this classification because they are daily hazards, too. In general, we call this weather and home emergencies. Luckily, in this type of distress, knowledge on first aid is the best response. For a massive scale weather phenomenon, bulletin advisory from the government is necessary.
Where Can You Submit An Emergency Form?
The emergency form is still a confidential document. You cannot submit it to anyone because some people can use your information for an immoral purpose. If you are an employee of the company, the person most likely to talk to you about this document would be a human resource officer. If you are in school, the campus-based nurses may require you to fill in the details. On some occasions, such as camping activities, the organizers may require your emergency contact details.
If ever you wonder where we can get emergency forms, here are a few of the establishments or businesses that may require you for such document:
- Hospitals need an emergency contact in case of unexpected changes in a patient’s condition.
- Schools require their students with emergency forms to help them understand their health conditions and possible people to contact.
- The employer requires the employees emergency form because part of the benefits of a regular employee is getting health insurance. Aside from that, workplace accidents can happen. If an employer has updated information for the contact person, these people can respond to the employee immediately.
How To Craft An Emergency Form
Although responding to emergencies require immediate attention, creating an emergency form is quite the opposite. The information contained in this document is the registrant’s profile, emergency contacts, and health insurance provider. Whether a student or a worker, it is essential to have a contact person if ever an accident occurs.
Step 1: Read About The Company Policies
Every company must supply an emergency form for all employees. Instances where an unfortunate event happens while these workers are on duty, the company has the responsibility for the welfare of these people. As the creator of the document, you should be knowledgeable about how the company deals with emergency cases. Even in schools, campus-based medical personnel requires a duly filled emergency form from the parents of the students. By doing so, teachers and staff become aware of the condition of the student. In doing physical activities, they can exempt a student, especially if he or she has a medical condition that prohibits extraneous efforts.
Step 2: Create Sections To Sort Out Data Easily
Sorting a large amount of data is a way to minimize efforts in dealing with them. Instead of listing the needed information plainly, do create sections. For example, the first section will be about the registrant information, the second about the emergency contacts and more. In this way, it helps the registrant in filling it out quickly because they know which data you are referring to and, at the same time, help you analyze the information fast.
Step 3: Know The Registrant’s Details
The primary step is to know details about a registrant. It could be the name, the birthdate, the present address, and the medical records of a registrant. Also, ask about family history because there are some diseases linked with the family members. These are genetic disorders that you may acquire at birth or perhaps, lifestyle. But, because it is in your blood, your chances of getting it increases.
Step 4: Get Information About The Registrant’s Emergency Contacts
An emergency contact is not necessarily the parent of a child. It can be the child’s close relative or even a close friend. The essential elements to ask from these contacts are their names, current mobile number, and address. The people listed here should know that if ever the registrant needs immediate help, they are the first people to know about it. Science cannot understand it, but seeing the people you love when you are at the brink of life and death can give you the strength to hold on and fight.
Step 5: Ask If Registrant Has An Active Health Insurance
For those already working, ask for their current health insurance information. Knowing the health insurance provider and the account membership status, whether it is premium or basic subscription, is a good start. At least, you can help the registrant address their concerns.
Step 6: Add Aesthetics To The Form
Innovate the design of the form. You do not need to stick with the conventional way of arranging the sections. Be creative, but keep it formal and readable. It would also add credibility if you add your company’s logo, tag line, and contact information. After polishing the contents and design of the form, you can proceed to mass printing the form for the students and employees.
In our daily encounters, we face life and death. Since we only have one life, we better make the most out of it. It is a good step that children are learning disaster preparedness in school so that they know what to do. Aside from that, you may enroll in basic first aid training then proceed to the advanced first aid training. However, the fact remains that we can die at any time in any place. While you are breathing, use your time wisely.