emergency consent form

Emergencies are specific incidents which are unexpected and can often lead to a dangerous and risky outcome. Writing consent forms and authorizations are few of the known preventive actions done by medical professionals as an assurance that their patient is willing and permitting them to proceed with a medical procedure in case of an event that requires an immediate response.

Granting a consent is important to patients since with this, they will be able to know what sorts of risks they can encounter during an operation or a surgery. The consent form is also a document which will serve as a proof for a medical malpractice claim filed by the patient.

Childcare Emergency Consent

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Size: 8 KB


Emergency Medical Consent

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Size: 127 KB


Caregiver Consent for Medical Treatment

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Size: 79 KB


Vacation Emergency Consent

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Size: 53 KB


Emergency Contraception Consent

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Size: 16 KB


What Is an Emergency Medical Consent?

An Emergency Medical Consent is a document which is to be signed by the patient or a guardian to allow a medical professional to administer a series of exams and procedures to the patient. This is commonly used for minors together with a Child Medical Consent Form which will indicate the list of treatments required for curing the child and the possible risks and dangers accompanying the medical procedure.

Who Gives Consent in an Emergency?

With regards to giving consent, a patient who is of legal age and still has the capability of comprehending a document may be the one to act upon the consent. However, in the event that the patient is a child, the parents or the legal guardian of the patient will be required.

Some Medical Consent Samples on our website that allows an unaccompanied minor to sign the consent are widely used in most medical centers. But since the patient is a minor or a young adolescent, a proof of his eligibility to understand and sign the document will be needed, except for instances that his condition will require an intensive medical operation right on the spot.

Emergency Contact Parental Consent

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  • PDF

Size: 55 KB


Medical Information Emergency Consent

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Size: 165


Emergency Transport Consent

File Format
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Size: 330 KB


Sample Emergency Consent Form

  • DOC

Size: 3.1 KB


Emergency Consent Form Guidelines

The sections found in our Sample Consent Forms for Emergencies are created with the guidelines or standards listed below:

  • Date and the exact time that the consent was signed and given to the doctor.
  • Patient’s and a legal guardian or a representative’s name and signatures.
  • Hospital or medical center’s name and address.
  • Doctors, nurses, and the names of all the medical personnel who will aid in administering the treatment to the patient.
  • Doctor’s diagnoses of the patient’s condition.
  • Proposed medical procedure and its purpose.
  • Advantages and dangers of undergoing the medical procedure.
  • Possible alternatives and the limitations of the insurance coverage of the patient.
  • Benefits and risks of having the alternative.
  • Probabilities of not accepting any sort of medical procedure or treatment.
  • Written statement that the treatment or proposed procedure was thoroughly explained in full detail to the person who granted the consent.
  • Signature of the medical personnel who was assigned to explain the treatment or medical procedure.

Specifically, consents granted by parents of a child will require a Parental Consent Form. This is not only for medical purposes but also for allowing a child or minor to join activities and events.

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