drug tester

A drug testing consent form is used by companies and organizations to conduct mandatory drug and alcohol tests for their employees and staff. Most companies will demand this test or screening before they hire a job candidate for the position that he is applying for. Along with other medical forms and papers, a drug test consent will indicate the willingness and the participation of an employee toward the request of his company.

Although urinalysis is the commonly known way of determining if an individual is an alcoholic or drug user, other processes such as through blood, saliva, and breath tests can also be considered by companies who aim to acquire a thorough investigation for people involved in their company. Known drugs and other substances that companies require a test include amphetamines, cocaine, opiates, and marijuana.

Drug Testing Consent Form Sample

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Alcohol Drug Test Consent Form

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Size: 83 KB


Applicant Drug Screening Consent Form

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Size: 10 KB


Applicant Drug Test Consent Release Form

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Size: 19 KB


Drug Test Authorization Consent Form

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Size: 31 KB


What’s in a Drug Testing Consent Form?

Drug testing consent forms are legal documents in any state and country. However, regardless of the type of company and the location where the legal form will be used, it must have the main sections for its content which are as follows:

Employee Information

This will contain the full name of the employee with his social security number and company name. With the data, the company will be able to distinguish each result given to them by the laboratory tests providers.

Reasons for the Test

The purpose why the employee was subjected to take the test will be indicated in this section. Reasons can either be due to the physical symptoms that the employee portrayed in his workplace or that the employee is a newly hired member of the company wherein the test is recommended by the management.

Consent and Authorization

Commonly in a format that is similar to a formal letter, this section will highlight the specific tests that the management demands the employee to undergo as well as other agreements that are associated with the test. Confidentiality and privacy of the tests results should also be included in this section to secure that the employee will not be dealing with issues and shame in the workplace during events that the outcome proves a positive drug test.

Donor’s Consent Indication

The employee who will be taking the test is also known as the donor as he provides his specimen to the clinic for granting the beginning of the laboratory tests. If the employee approves the test, then he will need to affix his signature verification on the line allocated for the approval. Similarly, his signature will also be needed if he prefers not to take the test or refuse to participate in the screening program.

Collector’s and Witness’s Affirmation

The doctors are the individuals who are known as the collectors of the donor’s specimen. With this, it is essential that the doctor who gathered the blood or the urine samples of the donor will affix his signature on top of his name on the form to determine who will be held responsible for possible mishaps with the results. Additionally, as some companies use the form as a legal document for the country or the need of their state, they will hire a notary public to legalize the form with a notary stamp. The notary will serve as a witness for the general agreement done between the company and the employee regarding the drug test procedures.

Drug Test Consent Acknowledgement Form

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Drug Test Consent Notification Form

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Drug Testing Consent Agreement Form

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Size: 83 KB


Employee Drug Alcohol Test Consent Form

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Faculty Drug Test Consent Form

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Size: 28 KB


Common Examples of Drug Testing Consent Forms

There are numerous varieties of drug testing consent forms; however, these three examples are the most known and commonly used by companies in different industries:

Applicant Drug Screening Consent Form – This is used during the job application procedure when final applicants have been filtered and are nearing the stage of signing an employment contract. The form will state the privacy act that the company is complying for legal purposes, the details of the applicant, the specified test that is required to be completed by the applicant, and the applicant’s signature as an indication of his approval.

Random Drug Test Consent Form – Companies conduct random drug tests for the purpose of determining employees who use drugs and alcohol in the workplace immediately without informing the known users. With the random drug test consent form, the employee will be needing to affix his signature along with his parents’ signature if he is a minor working in the company. A non-discrimination complaint statement is included below the form to inform the legal guardian of the employee that the test will be regulated equally to all involved people in the company and the results will not be based on the race or name of the employee.

Volunteer Applicant Drug Test Consent Form – Even individuals who signed a volunteer application are subjected to undergo a drug test. The consent form for the volunteers will specify the list of drugs that they took due to a doctor’s prescription from the previous month. This is to report that the volunteer took the drugs legally for curing his illness and maintaining good health. Since there are drugs that have similar attributes and effects to an illegal drug such as cocaine and marijuana, the form will require the volunteer to write down the name and contact details of the prescribing physician. This is to acquire a medical verification and to assure that the prescription is not a made-up document by the volunteer to cater his need of drugs.

What Can Accompany a Drug Test Consent Form?

It is essential that a drug test consent form is accompanied by other legal forms in order to cater the overall purposes of the company for their employees. Below are three of the known documents that are necessary to be enclosed with the consent form:

Information Release Forms – Although the management can acquire the consent of the employee to conduct and put him under a drug test surveillance or procedure, the employee may decline the request of the company and the doctor to use his results for other intentions. However, with the information release form, the employee will be able to highlight the range of usage for his personal data such as the limitations and the specific details, which are to be kept in anonymity and privacy for the employee’s protection. The release form can also be signed by the employee if he will be allowing the company to know his results and gather his health forms whenever needed for clarifications about his medical status.

Agreement Forms – There are employees who are not into handing their hair samples to the company for a drug test, which is why an agreement form that indicates the particulars of the procedures in a test should be presented to the employees. The agreement can also include the affirmed schedule of when the tests will be conducted and the list of steps or pre-test actions that the company will allow the employees to take prior to taking the test.

Notice Forms – Similar to other scheduled appointments, a notice form enclosed to a consent document will enlist the days, hours, as well as the names of the employees required to be present for the tests. The form can also demand the employees to state their contact information in order for the company to update them about the results personally.

Medical Staff Drug Test Consent Form

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Size: 92 KB


Minor Employee Drug Test Consent Form

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Size: 13 KB


Pre-Employment Drug Test Consent Form

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Size: 31 KB


Random Drug Test Consent Form

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Size: 57 KB


Volunteer Applicant Drug Test Consent Form

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Size: 207 KB


Alcohol & Drug Testing Consent Form

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Size: 30 KB


Importance of Drug Testing Consent Forms

Aside from assuring that employees are not illegal dealers of drugs and are responsible for their actions inside as well as outside the premises of the company, these reasons of why a drug testing consent form is significant should be kept in the minds of any company management:

Promote Trust

A company’s customer satisfaction rating may show that their clients trust them well; however, securing that employees trust the privacy of a management is not an easy task to conquer. This is when a drug testing consent form will serve a great use for indicating the confidence of the company that they will be able to protect the identities, specimen, and the results of the tests that the employee took.

Determine Obligations

The doctor’s and the donor’s or employee’s signature will certify that each party is knowledgeable about their roles committed to honesty and integrity. The doctor is expected to deliver the right results for each employee that he was able to take the test and not falsify any data for personal intentions. On the other hand, the employee should be committed toward providing his own specimen and disclose his necessary and personal information for the benefit acquiring true and actual results.

Record Legalities

Drug tests are part of some country’s regulations with regards to employment, which is why companies keep the sample consent forms in their record areas to secure that they are meeting the requirements of their country. Another record-keeping purpose is to attain the need of their employees whenever there will be inquiries and questions raised about drug tests and employment authorizations.

Though conducting a company drug test often symbolizes some trust issues in the management, employees should take the procedures, results, and the opportunity to be healed openly. With this, the important thing that employees and the staff must keep in mind is that the company is promoting wellness for their health, state, and work-life balance, and not serving a threat for causing a conflict in the current management.

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