If you’ve visited your local retail store and you’ve experienced bad customer service, what would you do immediately afterwards? Typically, you would either talk to the employee regarding the problem, or you would end up using complaint forms where you can point out your problem and send it straight to management.
Those who receive these complaints need to learn how to properly handle them. Whether being handed out a customer complaint form or dealing with employee complaints directly via discussion, it’s important to learn how to fix them in a professional and timely manner. Doing so benefits both parties as the complainant’s problem gets resolved, and those who dealt with the complaint has their reputation improved.
Absolute Divorce Complaint Form
Complaint for Divorce Form
Divorce Complaint Form Example
Divorce Complaint Without Children Form
Divorce Complaint With Children Form
What Is a Divorce Complaint?
In the event that you have been served with a divorce complaint, it means that your spouse has started the process of officially obtaining a legal divorce. So if you’ve received a document regarding a divorce complaint, there will be a limited time where you’ll need to respond if you decide to do so. During that time limit, you have to hire an attorney that will help you respond to the divorce complaint. You may be required to attend a court hearing regarding the legal remedies that you have placed in your response.
How to Prepare a Divorce Complaint.
When you’re making any kind of divorce complaint, you have to include specific information, and follow the laws of your country regarding divorce proceedings. In addition, you need to provide a cover sheet, notice to defend, numbered paragraphs, proper caption and a properly signed verification form. Here is a list of the specific information you will need to place within the divorce complaint form.
- Your complete name and the complete name of your spouse
- Your current address
- The last known whereabouts of where your spouse was present
- The date the marriage took place
- The location where the marriage took place
- The grounds of the divorce
- Information regarding any form of action prior to the divorce or annulment that was made by either member of the party
- A statement which shows that you were advised to seek counseling, and that you have the right to make a request that the court requires both parties to take part in the counseling.
- Specific relief that you are requesting from your spouse
The Importance of Answering a Voice Complaint
Although nobody wants divorce, there will come a time when it might be the only solution left in order to end things in a more civil manner. Much like learning how to deal with customer complaints, once you receive the voice complaint, you have to answer it properly, and take serious consideration as to how you’re going to respond. You may go through a bunch of emotions such as anger, sadness, surprise or even relief, but you must remember that your response will have a serious impact both during and after your divorce.
When Does One Respond to a Divorce Complaint
Much like handling employee complaints, you have to answer in a timely manner. Once you receive the divorce complaint, you will have limited time to hand out your response. Common cases will require you to send your response to the court within twenty to thirty days. However, there may be some exceptions depending on your country’s divorce proceedings. So you may decide to consult with an attorney as soon as possible in the event that you have no idea regarding the deadline of your response.
Complaint for Divorce/Dissolution Form
Family Court Divorce Complaint Form
County of Ohio Divorce Complaint Form
State of Michigan Divorce Complaint Form
Request for Divorce Complaint Form
The Consequence of Not Responding to a Divorce Complaint
Lets say that you have either decided to ignore it, or you missed the deadline of when you should send out your response. In the event that either happens, the court will then carry out a default judgement against you. What this means is that the judge can decide to give your spouse everything that he or she requested in the divorce complaint due to the fact that you failed to object to any of it. So remember, if you want to contest against your spouse regarding any disagreement you have in terms of the divorce complaint, you have to make a written response and send it out before the deadline comes and passes.
How to Answer a Divorce Complaint
Once you’ve been served the documents, you have to answer it if you want to ensure a fair proceeding. Here are the steps that will help you hand out a proper answer to any divorce complaint you may receive:
- Consider acquiring a good family law attorney. These people are experts who deal with divorce cases on a regular basis. So if you plan on hiring an attorney to handle your divorce proceedings, you’ll want to hire one that has already handled cases similar to yours. In order to choose the right kind of attorney, you’ll have to consider his or her reputation by looking at reviews of past clients, or ask for recommendations from those who have had experiences with family law attorneys.
- Look at the position you’re in regarding the divorce proceedings. You’ll need to know why you’re being handed out the complaint and what caused it. If it comes to you as a surprise as to why you’re receiving the complaint in the first place, you’re more inclined to contest any allegations that your spouse has against you. If your spouse has hired an attorney, then consider hiring one yourself. Contest the petition if there are any terms of the divorce that you disagree with, and never respond with an agreement. If you decide to do so, then it means that you have already reached a settlement regarding the divorce, and you can do nothing against the terms that are unfavorable to you.
- Respond to the divorce complaint in a timely and proper manner. Once you have decided that you’re going to respond, you must remember that there will be a certain period of time as to when you should send it. Work diligently, and go over the law of your country regarding the divorce proceedings to know the exact time period of the deadline of your response. Once you start the response process, you need to find the appropriate court forms that can help you. You must fill them out accordingly, for you will be held responsible for filling out the documents that will lead to your eventual divorce. You may find these court forms at your local court’s website, and you may also have a notary verification form printed out to ensure that everything has been properly authorized in use for court.
- You need someone to go over every form that you have filled out. After you have finished filling out these forms, it’s important that you have someone go over their content for accuracy. If you have hired an attorney, then he or she can fill out these forms with your input and the attorney will be the one to go over to see if there are no omissions. This is vital considering that all of these documents will determine how the divorce will be finalized, how the property will be split between both parties and which of the party members will be required to pay spousal support.
- File all of your documents with the clerk of accounts. Before the end of your deadline, you will be required to file all of your completed documents with the appropriate clerk of accounts. You will also need to file your response in the same court that your spouse filed his or her complaint. Remember that you have to pay a filing fee. The amount usually depends on the country or state where you are filing your divorce in, so you may pay an amount of something that’s equivalent to at least two-hundred U.S dollars. In the event where you cannot pay for the filing fee, you may always ask the court for a fee waiver.
- After you have filed every single document and have paid the required fees, you must then hire someone who has no relation to the case to serve your spouse your response. By serving the other party with your response, you’re giving official notice of your legal actions. You need to remember that until you serve a response, a judge will not be able to make any kind of order or judgement. You must then have the person who served your response to file a proof of service.
- Once you have done everything and your response shows that you’re contesting your spouse’s divorce complaint, most likely you’ll be required to attend a court hearing where you’ll be given a chance to plead your case. During this time, both you and your spouse will have an equal opportunity to voice out and provide evidence regarding any issues that you two have in terms of the disagreement. In the case that the divorce goes uncontested, both party members may simply ask the judge to sign off on the divorce decree which will bring an end to the hearing.
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