Discipline is an integral part of defining who you are and becoming who you want to be. One of the most effective ways to discipline yourself is by conducting a self-assessment that helps you measure your own capacity and capabilities, thus evaluating yourself in different aspects and in terms of your independence. Self-assessments help you achieve and comply with the different set of goals that you have for yourself, and even those given or provided for you. For every individual’s act of infringement, there should be a disciplinary action that consequently corresponds to what was violated.

The reason for this is to make it clear that such unbecoming behavior or attitude of an individual is not tolerated. Companies or any organization sometimes need to have an absolute authority, most especially when it comes to administering people in their institution. This is to make sure that each and every one in the firm is responsible enough to observe these organizational rules and regulations. That is if these are well discussed to them during their orientations or performance assessments. Otherwise, there is no assurance that there is a conformity of the people to these set of policies and procedures.
Each and every company or organization has implemented their own set of rules, regulations, policies, and/or procedures. Implementing these is not only for the business’s welfare but also for everybody’s safety and security. These are also executed for the reason that these are considered as one of the factors that could help ensure that the business’s success is attained, and individual’s contravention of these company rules would result to various of disciplinary actions. These actions made in response to the violations are essentially documented in the disciplinary report form.
Employee Disciplinary Report Form
Blank Disciplinary Report Form
The Usage of Disciplinary Report Forms
There are four main possible reasons why these kind of forms are utilized. These four could either be the following:
- An individual has contravened a rule or a policy of the company or the organization.
- An individual has unacceptable behavior or conduct.
- An individual has a poor performance at work or in school.
- An individual has failed to comply or meet the acceptable standards.
The disciplinary report forms are then utilized in order to notify the person pertained above, with regards to what specific rules or regulation he or she has violated. Thus, the disciplinary action/s that is or are appropriate or that corresponds to the certain violation is also specified. These forms are used to acknowledge the person with the consequences of such unbecoming attitude or behavior.
Sample Disciplinary Report in DOC
Disciplinary Action Report Form
This form sample is used to specify the certain rules or policies that were violated by an employee. This is in order for the individual to be aware on what these particular personnel rules are. As for the management, the reason for specifying these is to have an evidence of what these violations are and what are the appropriate disciplinary actions to implement in response to these. As you can see in the form provided, there are ample spaces for the description of the rules, the violations, the disciplinary actions and statements. Further details to be provided in the form are as follows:
- The employee or the violator’s information
- The full name
- The job title or position
- The employment period (the start and end date for employment)
- The employment status (whether permanent or probationary)
- The specification of the rules that were violated
- The details or description of the violation/s
- The specific actions of the accused person or violator
- The witness’s statements (if there are any)
- The reasons why such violations are committed and why disciplinary actions are recommended
- The additional documents such as:
- Personal statements
- Witness statements
- The supervisor’s name and signature
- The recommended action could either be the following:
- Written reprimand
- Dismissal or termination
- Number of day(s) suspension
- Demotion of current position
- The final action to be made
- The date when the disciplinary action is effective
- The final approval which indicates:
- The disciplinarian officer’s name
- The affixed signature
- The date signed
Editable Employee Disciplinary Report
Forms similar to this sample are mandatory to be utilized most especially when there are those employees who are needed to be penalized due to the offenses that they have committed. By referring to this form sample, the essential information that are needed are as follows:
- The date of when the form is filled out
- The name of the employee subject to be penalized
- The supervisor or department head of the employee
- The reasons why disciplinary report is necessary
- The explanation of the events
- The level of the disciplinary could either be documented verbal warning, written reprimand, and/or mandatory corrective action/s
- The details of final action taken
- The signature of both the employee and the supervisor
- The date of when both had signed the form
- The supervisor’s witness in case of employee’s refusal to sign the service report
These disciplinary report forms for employees are essentially documented in their personnel file. The reason for this is in order to have records with regards to the behavior report and conduct of the individual employee. Thus, these report forms are used to track on how many warnings are given to this particular employee and what are the rules that were violated within his or her employment period.
Inmate Disciplinary Report Form
Prisoner Disciplinary Report Form
Even inside the prison, prisoners are monitored with every action they do. Thus, a disciplinary report form is utilized when there are incidents inside, most especially when these have something to do with the prisoners’ actions, behaviors, or attitudes. By referring to the legal forms provided, you will see that the incident is needed to be written in detail. The charge/s, penalty, or punishment to be made with the prisoner differs depending on the type of violation/s. The form assesses whether an investigation is required and if immediate medical attention is necessary. Further information that are needed are as follows:
- The prisoner’s information
- The prisoner’s full name
- The custody level
- The cell information
- The cell or bunk number
- The cell block and detail
- The housing unit or dorm
- The incident information
- The rules that were violated
- The specific date, time, and location
- The details of charges based on the violation
- The person who reported the incident (name, title)
- The date of when the incident was reported
- The person who received the incident report (the name and the position or title)
- The date when the report was received
- The disposition taken by the report receiver
- The medical feedback with regards to the medical attention that was given
- The investigation information
- The evidences or statements that serve as evidences
- The brief summary of the investigation
- The name and title of the investigator
- The signature and date of the investigator
- The attachments of support documents
- The initial review of the incident
- The name of the person conducting the initial interview
- The interviewer’s title or position
- The results of the disciplinary and adjustment board
- The prisoner really committed the accused violation or offense
- The findings that support the statement above
- The recommendation of disciplinary and adjustment board
- The recommendation of the reviewing officer
- The name of the reviewing officer
- The signature of the officer
- The date of the review
- The action/s taken by the approving authority
- The name of the approving officer
- The affixed signature for approval
- The date of when the approval takes place
- The action taken by appeal authority
- The name of the appeal authority
- The affixed signature as an authorization
- The date of the appeal
Student Disciplinary Report Form
Disciplinary Incident Report Form
Disciplinary Report for College of Nursing
School Bus Disciplinary Report Form
The form sample above is utilized by the bus operators or attendants. This is in order to make sure that students are behaved when they are using the school service/s. This form could be used when there are outdoor activities, field trips, educational tours, and the like. Technically, this is filled out to make sure that discipline is observed whenever the school bus and other school transportation are in use. Here below are further information that are needed to complete the form:
- The student name
- The incident details
- The infraction/s or contravention/s
- The bus operator and/or attendant/s
- The additional information regarding the violation created
- The actions taken in response to these behavior
- The supervisor’s name and contact number
- The actions taken by the school administrator to correct the unbecoming behavior of the student
- The signature as the approval for the disciplinary actions made
These disciplinary reports are mandatory for the organization head or administrators to keep track of the personnel actions that were implemented in response to the individual’s behavior. Thus, these report forms serve as the basis or references for the management to be aware on how to better control their people. These could help them assess what are the rules or regulations that are often violated. And once these are identified, the management could perform an assessment that would ask the question why.
Common Reasons Why Rules Are Violated
There are various reasons why rules or policies are violated. The following below are the most common ones:
- The rules are misunderstood or misinterpreted.
- These rules do not make any sense, or people do not see the point why such rule exists.
- There are consequences in violating the rule, therefore, there is no point in not following one.
These common reasons are basically the result of failure to explain these rules to each and every one. There is a consequence for every violation or mistake you make. It is just that it is not specified or discussed well. And rules are implemented for a reason. Thus, there are no further reasons why these rules are made, except to protect each and everyone. Not just within the premises of the company or the organizations but also outside the perimeter (this refers to the public). With every violation of the rules, there is a behavior report for the individual that specifies the appropriate action for disciplinary measures.
Disciplinary Report of Conference
Disciplinary Action Reporting Form
Disciplinary Referral Report Form
Professional Disciplinary Action Report
Guidelines for Disciplinary Report Forms
In completing the process for disciplinary reports, it is important that all the necessary information are provided. The reason is basically because these information with regards to an individual’s behavior and actions are confidential. And in order to ensure that the disciplinary actions made are approved, there should be an affixed signature from the authorized personnel.
Also, the form should be submitted within the given deadline. Otherwise, the actions are nullified. All information should be clearly stated in the disciplinary report form in order to avoid misinterpretations or misunderstandings. Lastly, giving disciplinary actions should only be given by the authorized personnel. You may refer to the sample forms provided for you in this article. These are downloadable and are editable. Take time as you browse over these and find what you deem convenient.
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