When you need to be somewhere at the moment or you need to do some errands, yet you are on baby duty, the only option you have is to leave your child at a daycare center. This is in order for you to have time for the things that you wish to accomplish within the day. Just go to the nearest daycare center, understand the terms and agreement written in the daycare contract that will be presented to you upon applying for the program. Here are the following sample forms for daycare information that you need to take heed of when applying for child care.
Daycare Child’s Identification Information
Family Registration Information Form
Daycare Application Information Form
In applying for child care at a daycare center, there are few information that you need to provide. These information are used for different purposes. One thing is that these are referred as the basis when there are some accidents, incidents, or any circumstances that may be faced at hand. Another thing is that these information serve as the integral part of the child care application. Thus, these help the daycare management to get to know the child even more. These provided details are used by the management to better know how to administer or control each child enrolled in their program. Here are the further information required for daycare registration:
- The parents’ or guardians’ basic information
- The first and last names
- The complete residential address
- The occupation or school year level
- The employer (or the school name) and address
- The primary and secondary contact numbers at home, personal, and at work
- The email or preferred mailing address
- The relationship to the child (for guardian/s)
- The child’s or children’s information
- The full name (first, middle, and last name)
- The child’s nickname
- The date and place of birth
- The child’s gender
- The grade level
- The social security number (if there is)
- The program requested
- The information of the emergency contact and authorized person for child pickups
- The full name of the person
- The relationship to the child
- The contact numbers (at home and personal)
- The confirmation or affirmation details
- The signature of the parents or guardians
- The date of when the form is signed
Upon completing the form, the information of with whom does the child lives should also be included. It is either the child lives with his or her parents, guardian, relatives, or other people. The start date of the daycare program for the child or children should also be specified in the form as the basis of when the child is enrolled. Further information that are needed are the specifications of child’s allergies, if there are any. This is in order for the daycare program to be aware and to avoid using or providing some things that could trigger the allergies of the children. The other information that are needed are the additional comments or details of some things that the daycare evaluation program or association needs to know.
Daycare Child Information Form
In every child care or daycare program, it is essential that the management knows deeper about each and individual child. This is in order for the management to be aware on how they could handle each of them. Thus, the personality or traits, behavior, and interests of each child is known. With this, it will be easier for the staff to determine what are the likes and dislikes of every child. Information required are as follows:
- The favorite foods or dishes that the child especially likes and dislikes
- The favorite toys, games, and activities
- The things that makes the child angry or mad
- The things that the child is afraid of
- The nap time (start and end) of the child in the afternoon
- The child’s considered special toys
The parents’ or guardians’ expectations for the daycare homes are also essential upon completing the form. The reason for this is to have a better service for each individual family in providing the needs and wants of each child enrolled in the program. Thus, this is also in order to make sure that daycare programs prioritize the expectations of each parent or guardian. By means of this, the daycare services are evaluated with the use of child care evaluation forms. For the management’s better awareness, these few following questions are asked from the parents.
- Is the child trained for using toilets or comfort rooms?
- How does the child expresses his or her anger or frustration?
- What are the fears of the child?
- In what way does the child get disciplined?
- Does the child have any disorders or developmental problems?
Child Health Exam Information Form
Daycare Health Report Information Form
The child’s health assessment is most of the times required in order for the daycare management to be aware and to take heed of these following details. It is important that the child’s illness or illnesses are indicated and specified in the form. Further information that are needed to be provided are as follows:
- The specific illnesses, disorders
- The vision and hearing test results
- The date of last physical checkup
- The attachments of requested medical records, such as immunizations, hospitalizations, so on and so forth.
For further medical assessment with regards to individual’s health, the following questions are required to be answered.
- Has the child been hospitalized?
- Has the child had serious injuries?
- Has any member of the family have some recent serious illness?
- Has any member of the family have some illness history?
An individual child could be asked to undergo a general health examination as a requirement. These requirements are needed to be complied upon applying for the child care program. Thus, the health examination would come to two possible results:
- The child does not have any health complaints with his or her current condition, and there are no medication that impacts the enrollment for child care. In other words, the child has a normal health condition.
- The child has a condition that should be known by the child care provider.
If in any cases that the child has been diagnosed with some mental or physical illness/es, there is a need to specify these in detail. The last physical examination date for the child’s health should be indicated in the form in order to compare it with the past records (if there are any). The signature of the health care provider or the attending physician should also be affixed in the form, together with the date signed. The purpose for this health report form is to make sure that each child is cleared from any illnesses. This is made sure when the medical clearance for daycare is complied.
Incident Information Report for Daycare
If there are any cases that there are some unexpected occurrence such as accidents or incident reports that involves the child, the daycare center is held responsible for completing the form that would help the parents understand what has taken place. Thus, the following information that should be included in the form are as follows:
- The date of when the form is filled out
- The program or event name
- The full or complete name of the child
- The child’s date of birth
The full details of the incident or accident report such as the following:
- The specific date and time of when the incident has taken place
- The location of where the incident has taken place
- The names of the children who were included in the incident
- The specific injury report resulting from the incident
- The specific medical treatments that were provided to the child or children who were affected with the occurrence
The caregiver’s information such as the following:
- The full name
- The date and time
- The affixed signature
The same information are required for the witnesses statements of the incident, the parents or guardians of the child affected, and the information of the person who notified the office of children and the family services. This form serves as the basis for the following:
- The basis of the parents or the guardians to know what has happened to their child or children during their daycare program.
- The record for the daycare center to be aware of what kind of accidents are more likely to occur during the programs.
By completing the form, the information indicated also serve as a great help for the daycare management to prevent such incident from occurring again.
Daycare Attendance Information Form
Daycare Sign In Sheet Information Form
For every in and out of the individual child, it is mandatory that everything is logged using the attendance sheet information form. This will serve as the parents’ or guardians’ and the daycare management’s time tracking to make sure that each child is picked up by the authorized people. In tracking these, here are the following information to be provided:
- The individual child’s name
- The parents’, guardians’, or daycare staff’s name and signature IN
- The specific time for signing in
- The parents’, guardians’, or daycare staff’s signature OUT
- The specific time for signing out
This form sample is the daily basis of the child or parents’ attendance for dropping off and picking up their child or children. The date of when this attendance is pertained to should not be forgotten to be included in the form. As for daycare management record purposes, the total count of the children who are present at that specific date should be indicated.
Daycare Child Pickup Authorization
Similar to the sample forms above, this pickup authorization information form is used to ensure that the right or authorized people are the ones picking up the child from the center. Thus, a copy or list of those people who are given authorization by the individual child’s parents should be secured. In the form, the information indicated should include the following:
- The name(s) of the authorized person or people
- The complete address
- The relationship to the child
- The contact number
Additional information may include the details of the specific person or people who are not authorized to pick the child up from the daycare center. For further safety, some parents would include a code word that only them and those authorized people know. The form is made valid upon the affixing of signatures from both parents, and by indicating the date of when both had signed the form. This is utilized for security authorization purposes.
Daycare Daily Report Information
Toddler Daily Report Information
For the child’s daily report, parents are asked to indicate some specific information or details with regards to the child’s activities. The information asked or required to be provided are as follows:
- The types of meal and the food or snacks that the child had or has eaten
- The time and amount of milk bottles that the child has drunk (this is for the infants)
- The times of when the child had bowel movements
- The specific time (from and to) when the child has taken his or her nap or rest
- The learning progress of the child (whether social or behavioral, emotional, cognition, or physical)
- Some notes or comments regarding the child’s day (such as playtime with friends, activities, etc.)
Daycare Daily Schedule Information
Daycare Child Concept Information
The form samples above are used to specify what are the activities or practices that are performed during the daycare program. Thus the form is used to specify the following information:
- The activities that are performed or conducted during the programs
- The practices that are taught to an individual child
- The topics or concepts about how the program flows
- The aims, goals, and purposes of why such activities are conducted
- The techniques or strategies used by the daycare management
The reason why these information are also needed to be provided is in order for the parents to have ideas on how daycare program evaluations are helpful in building and improving their child’s development. Thus, making it sure that the parents have made the right choice in choosing and trusting their association.
Daycare Child Withdrawal Form
When the parents decided to withdraw their child from the daycare center for some reasons, there is an appropriate form in order to complete the process. Refer to the form above as your reference, and the list below are the information to be provided in completing the process.
- The date of when the form is filled out or submitted to the daycare center
- The name(s) of the child or children
- The last day of when the child or children will be attending the daycare programs
- The specific reason(s) why the child needs to be withdrawn from the center
- The signature of the parent(s) or guardian(s)
- The daycare management’s signature
- The dates of when both had signed the withdrawal form
While the process for child withdrawal for the daycare center is under way, the management would often provide some feedback forms for parents. The reason for this is for the management to be aware on what are the things that they need to improve, enhance, and develop. This is also to make sure that they do not make the same mistakes again and that they could serve each and every family even better. The last process for the withdrawal is the payment of the child care expenses to make sure that there are no more balances or any amount payable.
These are some of the following daycare information forms that are required to be completed upon the application form of the program. These forms help the parents and/or guardians to be kept notified with regards to the child’s day at the daycare center, while they are at work or doing some errands. Look back and examine over these downloadable sample forms for daycare information, and take note on how important each of these are.
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