Do you remember the childhood song, “Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?” I bet you played that game with your childhood friends once upon a time. The sweet delicacy typically made out of flour, sugar, and some fat can make any sweet tooth scream for more. If ever you run out of stock, a cookie order form is here to save your day.
No wonder somebody stole that cookie from the jar. Have you ever wondered about the history of cookies? If you have a curious mind for almost everything, the story of the cookie’s birth is long and complicated. Its initial purpose was not to become one of the most favorite delicacies of all time. Instead, the cookie or “test cake,” as they call it, was similar to a thermometer. It checks the temperature of the oven. This concept originated in Persia (now Iran) started because they were the first people to cultivate sugar. Of course, it is not similar to the cookies we have today. It took years of transformation and utilization of technology for the modern-day cookie to capture the hearts of many, especially kids.
FREE 30+ Cookie Order Forms in PDF | MS Word
1. Cookie Order Form
2. Holiday Cookie Order Form
3. Cookie Sale Program Form
4. Cookie Order Form Template
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7. Holiday Cookie Order Form in PDF
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9. Basic Cookie Order Form
10. Formal Cookie Order Form
11. Sample Cookie Order Form in PDF
12. Cookie Service Order Form
13. District Cookie Service Order Form
14. Cookie Dough Shop Order Form
15. Cookie Cake Order Form
16. Christmas Cookie Order Form
17. Simple Cookie Order Form
18. Free Cookies Order Form
19. Christmas Bakery Cookie Order Form
20. Cookie Fundraising Order Form
21. Holiday Cookie Pre-Order Form
22. Standard Cookie Order Form
23. Bakeshop Cookie Order Form
24. Cookie Contest Order Form
25. Printable Cookie Order Form
26. General Cookie Order Form in PDF
27. Christmas Cookie Pre-Order Form
28. Cookie Gift Program Order Form
29. Cookie Pre Order Form in Template
30. Valentine Cookie Order Form
31. Christmas Cookie Order Form in PDF
Why A Cookie Order Form Is Necessary?
Different cultures have a variety of taste buds. The must-have birthday dish, spaghetti, initially tastes sour because of the pure tomato sauce. However, the Asian taste buds of the Filipinos created a sweeter version of the spaghetti sauce paired with “childish” elements such as hotdogs and cheese. In other parts of the world, the spaghetti recipe shares the same essential ingredients only that, the cultural preference of a certain race creates this variety.
Similarly, cookie recipes from around the world suit a particular taste made for the citizens’ taste buds of a country. Because cookies are a popular dessert, there is an influx demand for orders. In operating a cookie factory, a cookie order form becomes necessary to track orders that minimize the chances of customer dissatisfaction. The order form can tell the manufacturer the number of cookies to produce in a day. It ensures that you are manufacturing at an efficient rate.
Cookies: An All-Around The World Recipe
Ever since the traditional cookie made it into the other continents, the variation of the types of cookies emerged. If traveling is your niche, then trying the different types of cookies should be on your bucket list. Listed here are popular cookie flavors to try if ever you get to travel to these countries. Before you make an order, know your cookie types first so that the character of your ordered cookie meets your imagined cookie flavor.
Shortbread Cookies Are Scotland’s Traditional Biscuits
The name shortbread existed because of its crumbly texture as a result of the prohibition of its fat content. If you are unfamiliar with the term “shortening” from a chef’s cookbook recipe, the term refers to fat content that can produce a crumbly texture. In baking shortbread cookies, the use of low temperature keeps the color nearly white or a light golden brown. If you love shortbread cookies, you must visit Argentina, Austria, Greece, and India for their specialty.
In Argentina, you can make cookies as a breakfast side dish because of its sandwich appearance. In between two cookies, the filling “dulce de leche” satisfies the sweet tooth in you. Often, people put coconut flakes on top of this sandwich cookie, and they call it Alfajores. Meanwhile, in Austria, it boasts of its crescent-shaped shortbread cookies. Famous for its name vanillekipferl, it uses ground almonds and has vanilla sugar as a coating. Because it is a Christmas cookie, the best time to taste this Austrian specialty is during the season of Christmas.
Instead of ground almonds, the Greeks use a whole almond then rolls it with powdered sugar to achieve a delicious shortbread cookie. It is a bite-sized cookie by the name Kourabeides which can make any person grab for more than one. On the other hand, Indians use clarified butter to make the nankhatai, their version of a shortbread cookie. Usually, the preparation of nankhatai cookies is rampant during Diwali or the festival of lights.
Cookies Are Better When Fried
Yes, you heard it correctly. Fried cookies exist. Before the invention of electric home ovens took over, the use of frying pans was the norm. Because of some traditional European recipes cooked in oil, the development of fried cookies came into being. Fried cookies taste best when consumed immediately after dropping powdered sugar on them.
The month of fasting, prayer, and reflection for the Muslim known as Ramadan have a traditional cookie that would surely melt your mouth with its tasty flavor. The Iranian people present reshteh khoshkar, a combination of rice flour, ginger, cinnamon, cardamom, and walnuts.
No-Bake Calls For An Order
From the name itself, no-bake means you do not need to put the ingredients in an oven at all. By mixing and matching components, then putting them in a freezer to speed up the cooling and hardening process, you have the perfect dessert. There goes your no-bake cookie on display. Aside from the fact that it is an easy-to-do process, no-bake recipes capture the hearts of many because you can fully taste the creaminess of each flavor. The best place to try no-bake cookies is in Canada.
Canada’s specialty bar cookie, Nanaimo bars, consists of three distinct layers, namely: wafer cookies as the base, custard syrup as the filling, chocolate ganache as toppings. If you do not like the original flavor, there are a variety of flavors to choose from top to bottom. Feel free to ask the baker if he or she offers another flavor combination to Canada’s Nanaimo bars.
Nothing Beats Chocolate and Cookies Together
Perhaps, the well-known chocolate chip cookies are unbeatable. The recipe started from the Toll House restaurant created by Ruth Wakefield, a household arts degree holder. Initially, the chocolate chip serves as a complement to ice cream. Chocolate chip cookies were the Great Depression’s comfort food for the soldiers and civilians alike. Because it is cheap, this handheld cookie is the best food to grab. Also, its flavor provides energy because of its chocolate content, and its sweetness calms the troubled mind. Over time, it became America’s iconic dessert readily available in stores. It is an easy recipe that you can even make one at home.
If you think baking at home is not your thing, these store-bought cookie manufacturers are one of the best chocolate chip cookies in town: Market Pantry Original Chocolate Chip Cookies, Chips Ahoy, Pepperidge Farm Montauk, Kebbler Chip Deluxe and Tate’s Bake Shop.
How Are Cookies Made?
Different cookie types follow specific procedures. Baked cookies need an oven; fried biscuits need a frying pan; no-bake cookies need a refrigerator for better results. No matter which method works, there is a similarity of procedure in making cookies.
List all the ingredients you need then buy them in bulk. Prepare your chosen recipe so that it will be easier for you to prepare the necessary materials. Once you have them in one place, separate the dry and wet goods. For baked goods, you can start preheating the oven to the required temperature for a given time frame.
Mix the dry goods altogether. On a different container, combine the wet products. Once you obtain the perfect mixture, you can combine them according to what your special recipe says so. Adding eggs can make your dough creamier. Just remember to beat the eggs properly before adding more.
From this moment on, different cookie types process the next step differently. For no-bake cookies, they go straight to the refrigerator. Baked cookies like the chocolate chip make use of the preheated oven. Your creativity has no limits in making a cookie. Because of the different types, you can put your favorite toppings on top of a cookie. It was even interesting to discover that Norway is famous for its pepper cookies. Who would have thought pepper and cookies go together, right?
How To Make A Cookie Order Form
Because you already have an idea of the different types of cookies and the procedure in making them, the next step is to formulate a cookie order form for your soon-to-be-customers. Just as how you are specific with the recipe, so should you blast out your efforts in the order form. There is nothing to worry about because, unlike your preparation for the perfect cookie recipe, an order form is easy-peasy. Here are guide steps for you in making a cookie order form:
Step 1: Describe Your Product And Provide Pictures To Entice Customers
In making an order form, there should be a description of your products. Not everyone has visual memory that they will remember their order. If possible, you can include a snapshot of the best selling products. However, if you want to keep it simple, then providing a description is your best option. By doing so, the customer knows what he or she is buying.
Step 2: Include Individual Prize And Promo Prizes For Bulk Orders
An order form should indicate the price of the items. If you are selling a jar of cookies, show how much a single jar costs. Also, assuming a customer buys in bulk, state a promo price. This marketing strategy encourages a customer to buy the bulk order often. Aside from that, this section provides an area for a buyer to write the number of requests. It helps the baker get a rough estimate of the products to make for the day.
Step 3: Add A Section For The Contact Details Of A Customer
Provide space where buyer identification happens. By letting a customer input the name, address, and contact number, you will be able to know who orders the product. You can also add the email address information. Aside from that, the specific date and time are part of this section. Since it is an order form, filling in this document should happen, preferably weeks before the expected date of use.
Step 4: Provide Information For The Payment Details
If you offer online payment, provide the steps to follow because there must be an assumption that not all customers understand how this process works. Also, do not forget to give the account number where the expected amount of money shall go. However, if you prefer cash on delivery mode of transaction, emphasize a no-cancellation policy to avoid waste of money and effort. Whichever method of payment you prefer as a seller, make sure to indicate your contact details to follow up on any questions regarding the ordered cookie products.
Step 5: Beautify The Form By Rearranging The Elements
Similar to how you make a cookie beautiful, you should do the same to your cookie order form. Depending on your preference, you can always rearrange the important elements. For example, you will place the contact details on top, followed by product description and the prices of the products. An added factor would be the theme present in both your order form and the cookie itself. If you like making heart-shaped cookies, then your order form looks better with heart designs as well.
Step 6: Print and Upload
Last but not least, print the order form so that you can place it in your store. If you operate via the online platform, upload the form so that your customers know the process. Make your instructions brief and concise as possible to avoid unnecessary queries. You can also make a section where a customer can find the answers to commonly asked questions.
Businesses involving food operate better when there is an order form. It would become a waste of time and resources if nobody is buying, and you are continually producing a product. Moreover, foods spoil. That is why methods of prolonging the shelf life of the products are a priority concern for manufacturers. For a delicacy that is the favorite of everybody, keeping a considerable number of cookies at home can make kids stay away from singing the song often. Whether you are a seller or a buyer, the cookie order form helps you remember the number of times you order the product.
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