In a company, employees are required to comply with their daily tasks and obligations, however, there are instances when a single shift of an employee form is not enough to complete the task given by his head superiors. This is the reason why overtime shifts are being requested which will allow the employee to work beyond his shift and still get paid till he will fulfill his responsibilities.
- Authorization Forms
- Sample Generic Authorization Forms
On the other hand, there are also companies who prefer to grant extra leave days to their employees who will work overtime rather than pay them as a bonus in their salary. This preference is known as employee compensatory time benefit wherein the employee can obtain extra hours of leave or vacation if his total overtime hours have reached beyond the maximum or if he works during the holidays in his company. By using a compensatory time authorization form, an employee or his supervisor can request the management to grant the benefit to the employee as a reward for his provided services.
Overtime and Compensatory Time Authorization
Printable Compensatory Time Authorization Form
Overtime Holiday Pay Request and Authorization
What Is a Compensatory Time Authorization Form?
A compensatory time authorization form is a document which is used by the human resource department of a company as one of their significant HR form documents to be completed by the company’s employees and staff. This authorization form ensures that the overtime service hours of the employee will be added to his employee time-off days. In order for the authorization form to be recognized by the company, the department head of the employee along with his manager and supervisor must affix their signatures on the form to indicate an approval.
Varieties of Compensatory Time Authorization Form
Compensatory time authorization forms differ on what the main purpose or objective of the form will be. Below are three of the common varieties of this form category that the human resource department of companies prepares for their employees:
1. Compensatory Time Authorization Agreement Form
This variety of compensatory time authorization agreement form is not intended to be used primarily by an employee but by his supervisor or manager. The form contains an agreement which informs the supervisor and the employee of what the overtime opportunity is all about. Moreover, both the employee and his supervisor must sign and date the form in order to complete the authorization agreement and have the HR record the approved request.
Compensatory Time Authorization Agreement Form
2. Compensatory Time Request Authorization Form
The employee who wants to work overtime is the target user of this form. Contents to be filled out in the form are the employee’s general information such as his name, employee number, assigned department, and the date and time of his overtime request will be stated. In addition to the employee’s details, the employee’s reasons for his compensatory time should also be described in the form with the indication of whether the requested time has been sought in advance by the employee to his supervisor or not.
Compensatory Time Request Authorization Form
3. Earned Compensatory Time Payment Authorization Form
If an employee has earned more than the maximum balance of compensatory hours, he needs to file an earned compensatory time payment authorization form. This form variety will certify the employee’s claims for his service hours and will allow the employee to receive his compensatory payment. Also, this document must be submitted to the payroll department for them to acknowledge the amount that they will be adding to the employee’s salary.
Earned Compensatory Time Payment Authorization Form
How to Create a Basic Compensatory Time Authorization Form
Creating a basic compensatory time authorization form can be done easily with the aid of the following steps:
1. Make a header
Incorporating the logo and the name of the company where the form will be used is important. In addition to this, the title of the form or the document should also be indicated which will serve as a factor to aid in identification form.
2. State an introduction and a set of instructions
The introduction is significant for informing the user about the objective and the need of using the authorization form, as well as the procedure which will be executed for completing the request and authorization.
3. Create an employee information area
The form’s employee information area must contain fields which are allotted to cater the employee’s name, assigned department, job position and number of years of employment. Additionally, the date of when the form is being used by the employee and the number of hours that the employee will be needing for his compensatory time authorization should also be included in this section.
4. Allocate blank spaces for the reasons and requests
There are varying reasons why an employee request will be required or will request to undergo a compensatory time or overtime hours for his work. These reasons should be allocated in a box or blank space where the employee can specify and clarify the necessity of his request.
5. Add a signature block
The signature block must not only be for the employee’s signature but also for his immediate supervisor and the department chair or head who will be approving his authorization request. Along with the signatures of the involved parties is the date of when the form is submitted and approved or denied by the management of the company.
Compensatory Time Request Authorization Form
Exempt Employee Compensatory Time Request Form
Leave Request Authorization Request Form
Tips for Using Compensatory Time Authorization Forms
Regardless of the variety that employee and supervisors will use for requesting and overtime authorizing form and compensatory hours, the importance of the following tips must always be kept into consideration when using the forms:
1. Timeliness is Significant
Completing the procedure for any type of employee request and requisition can be lengthy which is why an employee who wants to obtain a compensatory time or overtime hours on a specific day must inform the company management beforehand. This refers to knowing what the rules and regulations of the company are with regards to scheduling forms and approving requests.
By acknowledging the rules, an employee will be able to submit the request within a time period wherein the management can still conduct the procedures and steps needed to verify and identify if the employee is eligible to be approved or not. Moreover, compensatory time authorization requests which only permit the company a limited number of days or hours to determine a decision will often lead to a declined request. you may also see Authorization Release Forms.
2. Keep Reasons Short and Concise
Either the employee or his supervisor is the one who is the requester for the time authorization, the reasons should be stated in a direct manner and not by writing a whole narration which is unnecessary for the request. you may also see Sample Return Authorization Forms.
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With the aforementioned varieties and tips, companies will be able to know how they can maximize the benefits that they can acquire in using compensatory time authorization form samples. Also, it is important that the human resource department and the payroll department will work hand-in-hand in determining the which among the days that the employee reported in the office will be recorded for his overtime and which will be for his compensatory time off. Having accurate records will not only help the company in keeping their documentations neat and organized but will also promote in having a good relationship with their employees, staff, and company members.
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