child travel consent forms

Travelling is a wonderful experience for a young child and offers bountiful opportunities for adventure. However, because of the increasing incidents of children being abducted or falling victim to human trafficking or child pornography, airlines, immigration officers, and even travel agencies have imposed stricter rules when travelling with a minor.

If you want a smooth-sailing trip with a child without encountering any issues with authorities at the airport, it is best to have a Travel Consent Form handy. Travel Consent Forms are notarized letters that contain necessary details needed to be allowed to travel abroad with a child who is at least 16 years old and below.

Child Travel Consent Form for One Parent

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Size: 53 KB


Child Travel Consent Form Free

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Size: 78 KB


Sample Child Travel Medical Consent Form

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Size: 735 KB


Printable Child Travel Alone Consent Form

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Size: 732 KB


When to Use A Child Travel Consent Form

  • when a child will be travelling alone
  • when a child will be travelling with only one parent
  • a child who is travelling with relatives or friends
  • when a teacher will be travelling with his or her class for a field trip
  • when a family member, who is not a parent, will be travelling with a minor
  • a friend of your child who will be travelling with you on vacation
  • when the child has a different last name from the accompanying parent
  • when a caregiver or temporary guardian of a child will be planning a trip

Child Travel Consent Forms: Why You Need One

A Child Travel Consent exists mainly for the protection of a child’s interest when travelling abroad. A Consent Form usually indicates the child’s destination, the departure and arrival date, and the contact details of the parents or legal guardians.

By serving a Consent Form or a Parental Consent Form, authorities are able to determine if a parent is fully aware that their kid is travelling. It also means that he or she has given the child authorization to travel with their friends, relatives, or in custody cases, with the other parent.

Minor Child Travel Consent Form Download

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Size: 7 KB


Child Travel Parental Consent Form

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Size: 71 KB


Printable Child Travel Consent Form

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Size: 37 KB


The Contents of a Child Travel Consent Form

  • name and contact details of both parents
  • name, passport details, and birth certificate details of the minor
  • if the minor or child will be travelling with adults, the form should also include their personal information, such as their names, relationship to the child, and passport details
  • details of the trip, such as its duration, itinerary, etc.
  • the location or place where the minor or child will staying
  • the parent’s signature along with the current date
  • lawyer’s signature that will notarize the form and who ideally will be the witness

Child Medical Consent

Travelling can be a fun and adventurous experience for your child; however, as a parent, it is always better to let your kids travel prepared.

You could also include a Child Medical Consent Form. This gives the child’s companion or temporary guardian the authorization to make medical decisions on your behalf during medical emergencies.

Our samples of Medical Consent Forms are free for download. They will help you save energy and time from the tedious task of making a Consent From on your own.

Keep in mind that these consent forms you will provided are only going to be effective for the duration of the trip. Having the right travel documents for a child to travel internationally can ease the mind of any parent and allow a child to have a more enjoyable adventure.

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