It has often been said that the only thing constant in this world is change. So do people who change for a matter of time. Indeed, change is the only constant in our world and it is uncontrollable.
Business organizations’ performance levels also change depending on how the business operation is managed. Whether there are enough resources to keep the business going, or if they are experiencing scarcity in terms of people, budget and equipment. Maintaining these resources or deliverables, necessary changes are sometimes made. These changes are specified using change request forms. With the changes made, it will be easier to answer or meet the customer requests from the company.
Workday Change Order Request
Swimming Pool Record Change
Service Request Change
Pharmacy Change Order
Purchase Change Order
What is a Change Order Request?
A change order request is done when there are changes that are needed to be made. Changes needed could be for purchase orders, work orders, supply requisitions, etc. The request for changes is completed with a change order request form.
Businesses encounter different kinds of changes, for better or for worst. But one thing is for sure, these changes sometimes create a big impact to the company. That is why it is very important that the company implements planning in a thorough way. And one way is by briefing each and everyone from time to time.
How to Write a Change Order Request
In writing a change order request, the company/organization should secure a change request form in order to specify the necessary information. The use of this form is to avoid miscommunication or misinterpretation of information.
This is also used in order to make it easier to identify what and where changes are applied. The basic information that are needed in filling up the form are:
- the previous information where change is applied to
- the new information after changes are made or the description of changed information (new order and cost/amount if it has been affected)
- the reason for change (specifically written)
- signatures from the requester and the supplier (authorized personnel, not just random people)
Request for Change Order
Sample Request for Change Order
Contract Change Order
Construction Change Order

Change Order Request Form
Guidelines for Change Order Request
For issued purchase order request forms, there are necessary changes that can be made. These include the quantity with the measurement unit, the budget allocated, additional or cancellation of the product/item, etc. Here are the following few guidelines when change order requests are made:
- client or company information should be indicated in case there are any questions brought up for clarifications
- a change request form should be filled up the necessary information basing on the original purchase order
- information that are necessary should be written comprehensively, adequately and specifically
- the changes that are to be made should be planned thoroughly by the company
- change order requests should be finally made with no hesitations to avoid conflict
- changes that are made should be recorded for future references
- change order requests should be submitted to and approved by the authorized manager
For more examples, visit Construction Change Order Forms to see how changes for constructions are made. These forms are used whether to add up, delete or alter work orders that are needed for constructions.
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